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Writing and Publishing: General Resources

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MyLearning Course: How to Write A Biomedical Research Paper

This online course is designed to teach the basics of writing a paper using a quantitative research design. The information applies to most study types, from retrospective chart reviews to clinical trials. Much of the information can also be used for basic science papers.  

The course is open to all Cleveland Clinic caregivers. There are no prerequisites and no previous writing experience is needed.

There are 7 parts: abstract, introduction, materials & methods, results, discussion, and references. The modules are designed to take 15 minutes or less to complete and contain a variety of components including text and audio files, graphic summaries, presentations, interactive activities, quizzes, and resources for further exploration. You can exit the modules and return at any time.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the structure and content of each section of a research paper
  • Identify and locate helpful writing resources
  • Write a rough draft of a research paper using good publication practices

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Shelley Ivary