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Mendeley: Home

About Mendeley

Mendeley is a reference manager, academic collaboration network and crowdsourced database with a unique layer of social information research. Mendeley Desktop is available on Mac, Windows and Linux. Mendeley Web functions on all major browsers. Mobile versions of Mendeley are available for Ipad, Iphone and Android devices.

(plug-ins may be blocked on CCF computers)

Detailed Instructions

Create an account:

  • Visit the Mendeley Login page
  • Enter your email (You may use any email account to create a profile)
  • Select a password
  • Follow prompts to create a personal profile
  • Once your account is created you can use the Web version of Mendeley (For a more robust experience download and install the Mendeley Reference Manager)
  • This account also works with other Elsevier products like Clinical Key and Scopus

Download and install Mendeley Reference Manager @

Open Mendeley Desktop and sign into your Mendeley account

  • Click on Tools tab in Mendeley Reference Manager
  • Click on Install  Mendeley Web Importer - This allows your browser to find citations on the Web and communicate with the Mendeley Desktop. (Chrome is our preferred browser)
  • Click on Install Mendeley Cite for Microsoft Word - This allows Microsoft Word  to communicate with the Mendeley Desktop. (Mendeley Cite is ONLY compatible Microsoft Word versions 2016 and above and with the Microsoft Word app for iPad®Note: If you are installing Mendeley Cite for Microsoft Word on a Cleveland Clinic computer, IT may have to install it for you. Please call 216.444.HELP (4357) or go to MyServiceNow.

You're ready to use Mendeley!

Get Started with Mendeley

Training and Handouts

Technical Support

Citation Management Guides

About Where To Publish

Medical Librarians

 Neil Nero  

  (216) 445-7336

Contact us