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Writing and Publishing: Read and Publish/Open Access Agreements

Read and Publish / Open Access Agreements

The Cleveland Clinic Floyd D. Loop Alumni Library has agreements with the publishers listed here to let CCF authors publish their articles at little or no cost.  The library's subscriptions cover all or part of the Article Processing Charge (APC).  Read and Publish or Transformative Agreements allow libraries and publishers to move towards open access publishing.

IMPORTANT: Corresponding author MUST be a current employee or student and MUST use their Cleveland Clinic email address ( to qualify to publish it as an Open Access (OA) article. Failure could result in the author paying the OA fees.

Using gmail, personal email, or any other email address besides your Clinic email will prevent the article to be published as an open access article under our agreements.

What is Open Access

What is an Open Access (OA) article?

An open access (OA) is an article that is published in a journal and that article free to read by anyone in the world.

There are two types of journal articles:

1. Traditional articles - Articles that are published in journals and can only be read by people with a subscription to the journal. 

2. Open access (OA) articles - Articles that are published in journals and can be read by anyone regardless if they have a subscription

Journals often indicate articles are open access (OA) with an image of an open lock.  

Please note: Unless you have a federal grant that requires you to publish your research as an open access (OA) article, you do NOT need to publish your article as an open access (OA article). You can publish it as a traditional article, which will be read by people with a subscription to the journal.

BOTH open access articles and traditional articles are published in journals in PubMed. The quality of the journal is not related to whether it is an open access journal or not. 

Journals for Which Open Access Fees are Currently Covered by Cleveland Clinic Library for Cleveland Clinic Authors Listed Below

BMJ Case Reports

BMJ Case Reports 

Requires all authors to use the library's subscriber ID to submit a manuscript, whether it is open access or not. Contact the library to request subscriber ID.

  • Main campus and Florida caregivers only
  • If publishing open access author MUST pay the APC, the library does not have an open access deal with BMJ.

Cambridge Journals

Cambridge Journals

  • No Charge publishing to all 400+ journals and open access (OA) journal articles at Cambridge University Press journals.
  • Eligibility: Corresponding author of the article must be a student, faculty or staff member of a Cleveland Clinic Health System facility in the United States.
  • Corresponding authors identify their institutional affiliation at the time of submission and must use email.
  • More information on corresponding authors and their roles and responsibilities when publishing an article with Cambridge here.

Cambridge University Press also can help with questions about how publishing open access with them works:

Company of Biologists

Company of Biologists

Eligibility: No charge to publish for any US-based CCHS corresponding authors in the following journals:

  • Development
  • Journal of Cell Science
  • Journal of Experimental Biology
  • Disease Models & Mechanisms
  • Biology Open

Elsevier Hybrid OA Journals

Elsevier Hybrid OA Journals

  • Eligibility: Corresponding author of the article must be a student, faculty or staff member of a Cleveland Clinic Health System in the United States
  • Only Elsevier hybrid open access journals are eligible.
  • Search for eligible titles here


  • There is an annual limit to the number of OA articles allowed.
    • Once the limit is reached, no charge publishing ends for the remainder of the year and authors will only be given two choices to publish their article.
    1. They can choose to publish as open access on their own and pay the Article Publication Charge (APC),
    2. They can choose to publish the article under the traditional subscription access model, which requires no APC because it is not an open access article.

Institute of Physics

  • No charge to publish for any Main Campus Cleveland Clinic affiliate
  • Participating journals include but not limited to:
    • Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express
    • Journal of Breath Research
    • Journal of Neural Engineering
    • Journal of Radiological Protection
    • Physics in Medicine & Biology
    • Plasma Research Express

Karger Journals

Karger Journals

No Charge, unlimited publishing to 100+ Karger journals.

  • Eligibility: Corresponding author of the article must be a student, faculty or staff member of a Cleveland Clinic Health System facility in the United States.
  • Corresponding authors identify their institutional affiliation at the time of submission and must use email.

Microbiology Society Journals

  • No charge to publish for any author within the U.S. Cleveland Clinic Health System 
  • Participating journals include:
    • Journal of General Virology
    • Journal of Medical Microbiology
    • International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
    • Microbiology
    • Access Microbiology
    • Microbial Genomics

Portland Press

Portland Press eJournals

  • No APC to publish in the journals listed below.  
  • Agreement renews annually.
  • Eligibility: Corresponding author of the article must be a student, faculty or staff member of a Cleveland Clinic in the United States.
  • Authors must validate their affiliation with Cleveland Clinic during the submission process

Journal titles in this agreement

  • Biochemical Journal
  • Biochemical Society Transactions
  • Bioscience Reports
  • Clinical Science
  • Emerging Topics in Life Sciences
  • Essays in Biochemistry
  • Neuronal Signaling

Rockefeller University Press

  • No charge to publish in any of their journals for any US Cleveland Clinic Health System affiliate
  • Participating journals include:
    • Journal of Cell Biology
    • Journal of Experimental Medicine
    • Journal of General Physiology
    • Life Science Alliance

Find more information for authors available at the RUP website.

Springer Hybrid OA Journals

Springer OA Hybrid Journals

  • Eligibility: Corresponding author of the article must be a student, faculty or staff member of a Cleveland Clinic Health System in the United States
  • Only Springer hybrid open access journals are eligible.
  • The preliminary list of eligible hybrid journals for OA publishing from the contract is available here.
    (Scroll down to: Publishing open access in a hybrid journal, and click Eligible Journals to download the list)


  • There is an annual limit to the number of OA articles allowed.
    • Once the limit is reached, no charge publishing ends for the remainder of the year and authors will only be given two choices to publish their article.
    1. They can choose to publish as open access on their own and pay the Article Publication Charge (APC),
    2. They can choose to publish the article under the traditional subscription access model, which requires no APC because it is not an open access article.

Wiley Journals


  • There is an annual limit to the number of OA articles allowed.
    • Once the limit is reached, no charge publishing ends for the remainder of the year and authors will only be given two choices to publish their article.
    1. They can choose to publish as open access on their own and pay the Article Publication Charge (APC) at a 10% discount,
    2. IF publishing in a hybrid journal they can choose to publish the article under the traditional subscription access model, which requires no APC because it is not an open access article. (Note: this only applies to Wiley hybrid journals NOT Wiley's fully OA journals.)

Find more information on the Wiley hybrid OA deal at the OhioLINK website