Breast Cancer by Adnan Aydiner (Editor); Abdullah İgci (Editor); Atilla Soran (Editor), 2019This book is a practical guide to the management of patients with breast malignancies. It serves as a quick reference book that gives the most up-to-date routine practical management strategies of breast cancer. Written and edited by leading experts, this handbook focuses on the application of conventional and novel treatment strategies to the care of patients with malignant breast disease and all stages of breast cancer. The chapters provide evidence-based treatment strategies for all patient subsets. Surgical, radiation, and medical treatment options are all discussed for each stage of breast cancer. It also includes the definitions of statistical terminologies and their usage in clinical practice and research. This is a comprehensive yet concise resource for residents, fellows, and early-career practitioners.
Breast Cancer: Multidisciplinary Pathways for Cancer Care in the Community by James L. Weese, 2023"Because most cancer care is delivered in the community setting, Breast Cancer, edited by Dr. James L. Weese, looks at the management of breast cancer through the lens of multidisciplinary pathways focused on evidence-based, real-world care of breast cancer patients in the community. A multidisciplinary team of expert authors provides state-of-the-art guidance from the perspective of community practitioners using an evidence-based model, clearly showing the thought processes used to make treatment decisions in today's breast cancer management"-- publisher's description.
Breast Cancer and Gynecologic Cancer Rehabilitation by Adrian Cristian (Editor), 2020Breast Cancer and Gynecological Cancer Rehabilitation, edited by Adrian Cristian, MD, MHCM, provides today's clinicians with a concise, accessible resource covering the holistic rehabilitation of breast cancer patients. Beginning with a review of epidemiology, genetics, and pathophysiology of breast cancer, it then covers clinical assessment and treatment options before providing comprehensive coverage of rehabilitation. Containing practical information, best practices, and the latest advances and research, this book is a valuable reference for physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians and residents, as well as occupational and physical therapists. Provides a clear understanding of the current medical, surgical, and radiation treatments for breast cancer. Covers the whole spectrum of breast cancer rehabilitation, including the role of physical and occupational therapy, treatment of anxiety and depression, pain syndromes, integrative care, nutritional rehabilitation, palliative care, and more. Offers a timely and convenient resource written by leading experts in breast cancer and rehabilitation.
Breast Cancer Management for Surgeons by Lynda Wyld (Editor); Marjut Leidenius (Editor); Christos Markopoulos (Editor); Elżbieta Senkus-Konefka (Editor), 2018This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the art knowledge of breast cancer management for the modern breast surgeon. It covers all aspects of multidisciplinary care including primary breast and axillary surgery, reconstruction and oncoplastic techniques, external beam radiotherapy and newer techniques such as tomotherapy, intraoperative radiotherapy and brachytherapy. In addition, systemic therapies including chemotherapy, the latest biological targeted therapies and endocrine therapies are covered. Readers can find out about other important aspects of breast cancer such as genetics, screening, imaging and long-term health among others. Chapters take the reader through the basics up to the highest levels of knowledge in an easy to understand format with management algorithms to aid clinical care, generous referencing of the best literature and figures and photographs to illustrate each section. Published with the official approval of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO) and the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA), the book is written by a panel of recognised leaders in the field and is an indispensable guide for the practicing breast specialist and senior specialists in training, wishing to update their knowledge with the latest trends or polish off their training before accreditation.
Breast Pathology by David J. Dabbs, 2023Written with useful practicality in mind, Breast Pathology, 3rd Edition, provides surgical pathologists with authoritative guidance on the selection and best use of proper diagnostic techniques when reporting on breast specimens. Dr. David J. Dabbs and a team of internationally acclaimed pathologists incorporate genomic and molecular information, gross and microscopic findings, radiologic and laboratory diagnosis, theranostics, and immunohistochemistry to cover every aspect of benign and malignant lesions of the breast, helping you minimize diagnostic variation and error in the sign-out room-- Provided by publisher.
Breast Reconstruction by Horacio F. Mayer (Editor), 2020This book examines distinct innovative and modern techniques for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy necessitated by breast cancer. It serves as not only an entry point in learning about the most modern and promising surgical techniques available, but as a pragmatic guide as well. Beginning with an introduction to the history of the subject, the opening chapter offers a lesson in the evolution of the development and improvement of breast reconstruction techniques. Following this, chapters examine anatomic landmarks, including vascular anatomy, design and markings and best indications depending on the type of breast to be reconstructed. Subsequent chapters then present a multitude of surgery methods, including the progression from large open surgical procedures, to endoscopic approaches, and robotic assisted minimally invasive surgery. Finally, scaffold-based tissue engineering that offers a promising future for breast reconstruction surgeries without donor site morbidity is also reviewed. Additionally, the book's expertly written text is supplemented by high-quality illustrations and videos that provide vital surgical guidance for improved surgical outcomes. Comprised of contributions from world-renowned plastic surgeons, Breast Reconstruction: Modern and Promising Surgical Techniques is an invaluable reference for residents, fellows, practicing and highly experienced plastic surgeons, breast surgeons, and those in surgical sub-specialties.
Breast Surgery by J. Michael Dixon (Editor); Matthew D. Barber (Editor), 2019Breast Surgery meets the needs of surgeons in higher training and practising consultants for a contemporary and evidence-based account of this sub-specialty that is relevant to their general surgical practice. It is a practical reference source incorporating the most current information on recent developments, management issues and operative procedures. The text is thoroughly referenced and supported by evidence-based recommendations wherever possible, distinguishing between strong evidence to support a conclusion, and evidence suggesting that a recommendation can be reached on the balance of probabilities. For this Sixth Edition the authorship team across the series has been expanded to include additional European and World experts, with an increased emphasis on global practice. Throughout all six volumes the contents have been extensively revised in line with recently published evidence. Detailed supportive key references are provided and are also included within the comprehensive list of references in the accompanying ebook. Links to recommended online videos have been added where appropriate. The Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice series provides a current and concise summary of the key topics within the major sub-specialties of general surgery. Each volume highlights evidence-based practice both in the text and within the extensive list of references at the end of every chapter. This new edition of Breast Surgery has a revised structure that better reflects the patient pathway through the breast service. New authors have brought new insights into rapidly evolving areas including more sophisticated breast assessment, the increasing options for breast conservation using oncoplastic techniques, and primary medical therapy. An emphasis on patient assessment and surgical techniques are the cornerstone of this revised edition.
Common Issues in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Practical Guide to Evaluation and Management by Gretchen G. Kimmick (Editor); Rebecca A. Shelby (Editor); Linda M. Sutton (Editor), 2021This book provides a clinically useful resource for evaluation and management of the symptoms and issues that burden survivors of breast cancer. Improvements to breast cancer screening and treatment have resulted in more patients than ever before having been cured after local definitive and systemic therapies. Primary care providers and specialists must be increasingly familiar with the issues that breast cancer survivors routinely face. This is the first book to provide a single resource for common issues faced by breast cancer survivors from a truly multidisciplinary perspective; each chapter of this text is coauthored by at least one oncologist and one specialist outside the field of oncology in order to include the perspectives of relevant disciplines. User-friendly and clinically applicable to all specialties, individual chapters also include tables and figures that describe how best to conduct initial evaluation of the given symptom as well as an algorithm, where applicable,outlining the optimal management approach. Common Issues in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Practical Guide to Evaluation and Management empowers non-cancer specialists and practitioners who care for breast cancer survivors to address common issues that impact patient quality of life.
Diagnosis and Management of Breast Tumors by Michael Ola Idowu (Editor); Priti Anilkumar Shah (Editor); Mary Helen Hackney (Editor); et al), 2018This text is designed to present a practical and concise handbook on the diagnosis and management of breast diseases for quick reference by trainees and practitioners. It emphasizes the approach to diagnosis and management of breast tumors written from the perspectives of each member of the multidisciplinary management team (pathologist, radiologist, medical oncologist, surgical oncologist and radiation oncologist). The text is divided into two sections. The first section is written by each subspecialty with focus on the overview and management of breast tumors, current controversies, position statement when necessary, and quality assurance. The radiology overview addresses questions such as when to perform breast imaging, the difference between screening and diagnostic mammograms, when to perform Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and ultrasound, the meaning of radiological descriptors, and lastly the cost effectiveness and quality assurance of radiologic assessment of breast tumors. The pathology overview addresses approaches to evaluation of breast biopsies and excision for calcifications, densities, distortion, asymmetry and masses, pitfalls to histologic interpretations, the utility of immunohistochemical stains, quality assurance and cost effectiveness, and current controversies and position statements. Surgical, medical and radiation oncology overviews address when to treat and when to refrain, current treatment options or modalities and the factors informing choice, utility of genomics or molecular diagnostics in management, quality assurance, controversies and position statements. The second section discusses common breast tumors (focusing on radiologic-pathologic diagnosis and correlation) using the practical approach highlighted in the first section. The entities discussed include but are not limited to fibroepithelial tumors, papillary lesions, spindle cell lesions, in-situ and invasive carcinomas. The uniqueness of this book is the focus on the integrated subspecialty approaches with perspectives directly from subspecialty experts and emphasis on how each member of the multidisciplinary team can contribute to the optimal care of the breast cancer patient. The text aims to bridge the gap of the "what next" question and foster a comprehensive, team approach for trainees and practicing physicians by providing information about specific entities from diagnosis to treatment. Generous illustrations and tables in the text enhance appreciation of the entities being discussed.
Plastic Surgery: Volume 5: Breast by Maurice Nahabedian; Peter C. Neligan, 2024Volume 1: Principles / volume editors, Geoffrey C. Gurtner, Andrea L. Pusic -- Volume 2: Aesthetic surgery / volume editors, J. Peter Rubin, Alan Matarasso -- Volume 3: Craniofacial, head and neck surgery and pediatric plastic surgery / volume editors, Joseph E. Losee, Richard A. Hopper -- Volume 4: Lower extremity, trunk, and burns / volume editors, David H. Song, Joon Pio Hong -- Volume 5: Breast / volume editor, Maurice Y. Nahabedian -- Volume 6: Hand and upper extremity / volume editor, James Chang.
"Comprehensive and fully up to date, the six-volume Plastic Surgery remains the gold standard text in this complex area of surgery. Completely revised to meet the demands of both the trainee and experienced surgeon, Breast, Volume 5 of Plastic Surgery, 5th Edition, features new, full-color clinical photos, procedural videos, lectures, and authoritative coverage of hot topics in the field. Editor-narrated video presentations offer a step-by-step audio-visual walkthrough of techniques and procedures"-- publisher's description.
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ClinicalKeyThis link opens in a new windowIncludes clinical overviews, full-text books and journals, drug information, procedure videos, clinical calculators, patient education handouts, practice guidelines, clinical trials, and MEDLINE® citations and abstracts. Physicians can earn and claim CME.
Cochrane LibraryThis link opens in a new windowThe Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Library includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Cochrane Clinical Answers, and a federated search feature that incorporates results from external databases.
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ScopusThis link opens in a new windowScopus indexes 14,000 journal titles in the scientific, technical, medical and social science literature from the mid-1960's on. Includes selected web sources and 12.7 million patents.
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