Danforth's Obstetrics and Gynecology by Ronald S. Gibbs (Editor); David N. Danforth; Beth Y. Karlan (Editor); Arthur F. Haney (Editor); Ingrid E. Nygaard (Editor), 2008A core reference for residents and practitioners for over 40 years, Danforth's Obstetrics and Gynecology is now in its Tenth Edition%thoroughly revised and reorganized to provide complete, authoritative coverage of the modern clinical practice of obstetrics and gynecology. This edition has a new co-editor, Ingrid Nygaard, MD, a urogynecologist. A new urogynecology section includes chapters on urinary and fecal incontinence and overactive bladder. Other new chapters cover stillbirth and psychological disorders of pregnancy and the postpartum. This edition also features a modern two-color design, problem cases, boxed pearls and pitfalls, key points at the beginning of each chapter, and more algorithms, tables, and bulleted lists. A companion Website offers the fully searchable text and an image bank which now allows any clinician, either in training or practice, to have in one place what they need to know.
Williams Obstetrics 26e by F. Gary Cunningham; Kenneth J. Leveno; Jodi S. Dashe; Barbara L. Hoffman; Catherine Y. Spong; Brian M. Casey, 2022The landmark text that has served generations of obstetrician-gynecologists--fully updated with the most current perspectives of the field Williams Obstetrics has defined the discipline for generations of obstetrician-gynecologists. Written by authors from the nationally renowned University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Parkland Hospital, the new edition of this authoritative, evidence-based work maintains its trademark comprehensive coverage and applicability at the bedside, while offering the most current information and insights. The culmination of a century of clinical thought, Williams Obstetrics, 26th Edition delivers expert coverage of obstetrical complications, such as preterm labor, pregnancy-related hypertension, infection, and hemorrhage. It additionally offers foundational content on reproductive anatomy, physiology, and prenatal care. The authors have enhanced this edition with 1,000+ full-color illustrations, plus an increased emphasis on the fast-growing subspecialty of Maternal-Fetal Medicine. No other text matches the long-established scientific rigor and accessibility of Williams Obstetrics. With its state-of-the-art design and review of the newest advances and protocols, this not-be-missed clinical companion brings positive outcomes within reach. New and updated content includes: Increased focus on Maternal-Fetal Medicine Greater coverage of hypertension and hemorrhage Deeper insights into in-utero complications Expanded fetal t section includes cutting-edge fetal imaging, genetics, prenatal diagnosis, and fetal disorders and therapy Basic science, physiology of labor, preterm labor updated with contemporaneous publications in the literature More obstetrical sonography figures Eye-catching illustrations, including updated graphs, sonograms, MRIs, photographs, and photomicrographs A Doody's Core Title for 2022!
For more Obstetrics resources, search BOTH links below:
Breastfeeding: a guide for the medical profession by Ruth A. Lawrence; Robert M. Lawrence, 2021Written and edited by leading physicians, Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession, 9th Edition, offers comprehensive, dependable information and guidance in this multifaceted field. Award-winning author and co-founder of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, Dr. Ruth Lawrence, and her son, Dr. Rob Lawrence, ensure that you're brought fully up to date on everything from basic data on the anatomical, physiological, biochemical, nutritional, immunological, and psychological aspects of human lactation, to the problems of clinical management of breastfeeding-all in a highly readable, easily accessible desk reference. Helps you make appropriate drug recommendations, treat conditions associated with breastfeeding, and provide thoughtful guidance to the breastfeeding mother according to her circumstances, problems, and lifestyle. Includes numerous charts and tables throughout, with an emphasis on the scientific, chemical, and physiological underpinnings of breastfeeding. Appendices contain additional charts and tables, including the complete collection of clinical protocols on breastfeeding and human milk from the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. Features new chapters on breast conditions and their management in the breastfeeding mother, breastfeeding and chest-feeding for LGBTQ+ families, breastfeeding during disasters, and establishing a breastfeeding practice or academic department. Provides significant updates on physiology and biochemistry of lactation; medications and herbal preparations in breast milk; transmission of infectious disease through breast milk; allergy and its relationship with breastfeeding, exposure, and avoidance; premature infants and breastfeeding; and practical management of the mother-infant nursing couple. Offers authoritative and fresh perspectives from new associate editors: neonatologist Dr. Larry Noble, obstetrician Dr. Alison Stuebe, and pediatrician and lactation specialist Dr. Casey Rosen-Carole. Covers patient-centered counseling, the cellular composition of human breast milk, microbiota of the breast and human milk, and the multifunctional roles of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Fifth ed. by Elizabeth A. Layden (Editor); Andrew Thomson (Editor); Philip Owen (Editor); Mayank Madhra (Editor); Brian A. Magowan (Editor), 2022Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology provides a thorough overview of the essential topics that healthcare practitioners in the field need to know, with a focus on clinical practice. This highly regarded textbook provides comprehensive coverage of gynaecology, reproductive health, obstetrics and on-call for O&G. It has been thoroughly updated to incorporate significant developments in clinical care, including in prenatal diagnosis and screening, COVID-19 management, antenatal and postnatal care, and telemedicine abortion practices. With full colour illustrations, self-assessment questions and additional online material to reinforce learning, this is a valuable resource for medical students, junior doctors, midwives, nurses and for healthcare practitioners from other specialties seeking a broad-based grounding in O&G. Clear and concise to enhance learning Summary boxes, key points boxes, and high-quality anatomical illustrations make navigation easy Aligns with current guidelines and practice New OSCE practice cases and SBA questions Additional chapters online
Creasy and Resnik's Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Principles and Practice, 9th ed. by Robert Resnik; Charles J. Lockwood; Thomas Moore; Michael F. Greene, 2022Long recognized as the authoritative leader in the field, Creasy and Resnik's Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 8th Edition, continues to provide the latest evidence-based guidelines for obstetric and neonatal management, helping you minimize complications and offer patients the best possible care. Written by renowned experts in obstetrics, gynecology, and perinatology, this comprehensive resource has been thoroughly updated and reflects new information in every area, including recent tremendous advances in genetics, imaging, and more. Focuses on complicated obstetric issues, highlighting the most commonly encountered anomalies and providing clear guidelines for obstetric and neonatal management. Offers comprehensive updates on rapidly changing topics, including a completely revised section on genetics and genetic technology for prenatal diagnoses, as well as an expanded imaging section accompanied by new videos on abdominal, urogenital, and skeletal imaging. Includes four new chapters: Molecular Genetic Technology, MRI in Obstetrical Imaging, Obesity in Pregnancy, and Pregnancy as a Window to Future Health. Features numerous flow charts for quick access to diagnosis and treatment protocols and to clarify complex material. Presents the knowledge and expertise of new editors Dr. Joshua Copel, an expert in the field of fetal therapy who has pioneered new diagnostic techniques for unborn patients and their mothers, and Dr. Robert Silver, a leader in the maternal-fetal medicine community. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Current Diagnosis & Treatment : Obstetrics and Gynecology by Alan H. DeCherney; Lauren Nathan; Ner Laufer; et al, 2019An up-to-date clinically focused text written to answer even the most difficult obstetrics and gynecology question *The single-source OB/GYN resource acclaimed for its currency, comprehensiveness, and strong focus on the practical aspects of clinical diagnosis and patient management *Expanded and extensively updated to reflect the latest research and advances - including the concepts of precision medicine *Of value to medical students, residents, and practicing physicians who will find this an outstanding guide to the management of common and uncommon conditions *Ready-to-apply coverage of more than 1,000 diseases and disorders *Strikes the perfect balance between brevity and clinical necessity, delivering exactly the amount of information needed for quick diagnosis, effective treatment, and improved outcomes *Strong emphasis on disease prevention and evidence-based medicine *Hundreds anatomic drawings, image studies, diagrams, charts, and graphs *NEW CHAPTER on Benign Disorders of the Uterine Corpus; Cardiac Disorders in Pregnancy and Pulmonary Disorders in Pregnancy are now two separate chapters for more detailed, focused coverage of these important topics *Quick-access design facilities use at the point of care
Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Keith Edmonds (Editor-In-Chief); Tom Bourne (Editor); Christoph Lees (Editor), 2018This classic textbook continues to provide the basic knowledge relevant to the practice of obstetrics and gynaecology. Comprehensive in scope, Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics & Gynaecology offers contributions from a noted panel of experts and contains an integrated approach that is designed to help deliver the highest possible care to patients. Since the publication of the previous edition, there have been a number of obstetric breakthroughs that are addressed in this new edition.. Written for both students and professionals, Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics & Gynaecology is a straightforward, authoritative and practice-based guide to women's reproductive health.
Drugs for Pregnant and Lactating Women by Carl P. Weiner; Clifford Mason, 2019Comprehensive and easy to use, Drugs for Pregnant and Lactating Women, 3rd Edition, remains your #1 resource for reliable information on virtually all of today's drugs and herbal supplements and how they interact with pregnancy and lactation. This logically organized reference has been frequently emulated, but not duplicated. The 3rd Edition has been thoroughly updated to keep you current with new drugs, changes in FDA labeling, and more in-depth information on interactions. Designed for ease of use in the clinical setting, it provides the key drug information needed by physicians, nurses, physician assistants, and others involved in the care of pregnant and lactating women. Covers nearly 2,000 substances (more than 30 are new), arranged alphabetically by both trade and generic name, all updated and rewritten for this edition. Includes over-the-counter drugs and alternative medications as well as prescription drugs. Includes extensive updates to information for breastfeeding mothers and enhanced drug interactions throughout. Helps you make prescribing decisions with current information on whether each drug is FDA-approved for use by expecting or nursing mothers, is known to be safe for use, or is known to pose a danger. Describes each substance's mechanism of action, side effects, drug-drug interactions, dosage, cost of therapy, and degree of safety during pregnancy or lactation. Features an easy-to-read, efficient design with consistent headings, highly templated drug listings, and succinct text that presents only the key facts you need. Contains a special index listing drugs by category. Points out conflicts in FDA class with existing knowledge throughout the book. Indicates not only whether the FDA has approved a drug based on clinical trials, but also whether the drug is generally considered to be safe in the absence of FDA approval. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices Features new letter thumb tabs for easier navigation. Includes dozens of new drugs and thorough updates throughout. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, images, videos (including video updates), glossary, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Evidence-based Obstetrics and Gynecology by Errol R. Norwitz (Editor); Stephen Kennedy (Editor); David A. Miller (Editor); David L. Keefe (Editor); Carolyn M. Zelop (Editor), 2019The most comprehensive evidence-based guide to both obstetrics and gynecology Aimed at practicing obstetricians, gynecologists, and trainees in the specialty, Evidence-based Obstetrics and Gynecology concentrates on the clinical practice areas of diagnosis, investigation and management. The first section of the book discusses evidence-based medicine methodology in the context of the two specialties. The second and third sections cover all the major conditions in obstetrics and gynecology, with each chapter reviewing the best available evidence for management of the particular condition. The chapters are structured in line with EBM methodology, meaning the cases generate the relevant clinical questions. Evidence-based Obstetrics and Gynecology provides in-depth chapter coverage of abnormal vaginal bleeding; ectopic pregnancy; pelvic pain; lower genital tract infections; contraception and sterilization; breast diseases; urogynecology; endocrinology and infertility; puberty and precocious puberty; cervical dysplasia and HPV; cervical, vaginal, vulvar, uterine, and ovarian cancer; preconception care; prenatal care and diagnosis; drugs and medications in pregnancy; maternal complications; chronic hypertension; diabetes mellitus; thyroid disease; neurologic disease; psychiatric disease; postterm pregnancy; fetal complications; preeclampsia; and more. First book to address evidence-based practice for obstetrics and gynecology combined EBM is a highly relevant approach for this high risk specialty Edited by leading US specialist involved in the evidence-based medicine movement Evidence-Based Obstetrics and Gynecology is an important text for obstetricians and gynecologists in practice and in training, as well as for specialist nurses.
Fetal Medicine by Pranav P. Pandya; Ronald Wapner; Dick Oepkes; Neil Sebire, 2020Covering pertinent basic science and offering today's most authoritative guidance on clinical management, Fetal Medicine, 3rd Edition, is a must-have resource for obstetricians and other healthcare professionals involved in care of the fetus. An international team of expert contributors delivers the knowledge and background you need to effectively diagnose and treat fetal disorders - everything from prenatal screening and diagnostic tests to common and rare prenatal conditions, early pregnancy loss, ethical issues, and much more. Focuses on fetal medicine throughout, bringing you today's most reliable information in both basic science and clinical topics. Offers updated information from cover to cover, including new coverage of genetics, embryology, and clinical management. Features new self-assessment questions, new video clips, and new images throughout - for a total of nearly 1,000 photographs and line drawings, as well as more than 150 quick-reference tables. Details fast-changing developments in fetal medicine, including advances in ultrasound imaging, cytogenetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry. Helps you learn and retrieve complex information quickly thanks to succinct, highly structured text; key points at the beginning of each chapter; and concise chapter summaries. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Gabbe's Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies, Eighth ed. by Mark B. Landon; Henry L. Galan; Eric R. M. Jauniaux; Deborah A. Driscoll; Vincenzo Berghella; William A. Grobman; Sarah J. Kilpatrick; Alison G. Cahill, 2020Highly readable, well-illustrated, and easy to understand, Gabbe's Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies is an ideal day-to-day reference or study tool for residents and clinicians. This 8th Edition of this bestselling text offers fast access to evidence-based, comprehensive information, now fully revised with substantial content updates, new and improved illustrations, and a new, international editorial team that continues the tradition of excellence established by Dr. Steven Gabbe. Puts the latest knowledge in this complex specialty at your fingertips, allowing you to quickly access the information you need to treat patients, participate knowledgably on rounds, and perform well on exams. Contains at-a-glance features such as key points boxes, bolded text, chapter summaries and conclusions, key abbreviations boxes, and quick-reference tables, management and treatment algorithms, and bulleted lists throughout. Features detailed illustrations from cover to cover-many new and improved-including more than 100 ultrasound images that provide an important resource for normal and abnormal fetal anatomy. Covers key topics such as prevention of maternal mortality, diabetes in pregnancy, obesity in pregnancy, vaginal birth after cesarean section, and antepartum fetal evaluation. Provides access to 11 videos that enhance learning in areas such as cesarean delivery and operative vaginal delivery. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
Gynecologic and Obstetric Surgery by Arri Coomarasamy; Mahmood Shafi; G. Willy Davila; K. K. Chan, 2016Gynecologic and obstetric surgery is a craft that requires sound knowledge and skills. The specifics of each individual case must be understood to enable the best surgical management approach and to minimize complications. This resource book offers insightful management options to many of the challenges a gynecologic or obstetric surgeon may face before, during and after an operation. Divided into two sections, the book first covers general preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative challenges and, second, specific surgical procedures. It provides advice on both general gynecologic and obstetric operations, as well as subspecialist areas such as reproductive surgery, urogynecology and gynecologic oncology. The chapters are concise, beginning with illustrative case histories followed by background, management options, and any preventative approaches. Designed to guide the surgeon to safe practice throughout all stages, they offer practical and step-by-step help.
Hale's Medications & Mothers' Milk 2023, 20th ed. by Thomas W. Hale; Kaytlin Krutsch, 2023 The worldwide gold standard for lactation support professionals. Developed by world leaders in lactational pharmacology, this essential reference contains the most current, complete, and evidence-based information available on the transmission of maternal drugs into human milk. It thoroughly addresses one of the most commonly asked questions by breastfeeding mothers-which drugs are safe, and which are hazardous for the infant? The new twentieth edition adds 72 new drugs, updates 356 medications with new data, and adds new information to 927 drugs. The resource relies upon the most current evidence-based studies to evaluate the relative risk of commonly used drugs including Dr. Hales highly renowned Lactation Risk Categories (LRC). Considered indispensable by hundreds of clinicians worldwide, the book lists safe alternatives for drugs one is currently taking or might need to take in the future. For ease of access to information, it includes key points and savvy tips in information boxes, common abbreviations, illustrative diagrams, concise information on evaluating the infant, and more. New to the 2023 Edition: 72 new drugs 356 medications updated with new data 3 drugs with FDA updates 927 medications updated with new information 74 existing drugs with updated LRC New tables on monoclonal antibodies and migraines New information on cannabis Key Features: Delivers current, evidence-based information on over 1300 drugs, diseases, vaccines, syndromes. Incorporates recent updates to Dr. Hales world-renowned LRC. Includes key points and savvy tips about breastfeeding and medications for quick reference. Lists common abbreviations and drugs in easily-accessible alphabetical order. Discusses adult concerns, adult dose, pediatric concerns, infant monitoring, and alternatives. Includes succinct information on evaluation of the infant.
High Risk and Critical Care Obstetrics by Patricia M. Witcher; Suzanne Mcmurtry Baird; Nan H. Troiano, 2019Develop top-level guidelines for high-risk and critically ill pregnancy women with AWHONN High-Risk & Critical Care Obstetrics, 4th Edition, an official publication of the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric & Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). This comprehensive analysis of critical care obstetrics concepts offers summary of research findings and top-notch clinical expertise. This is the expert guidance you need to navigate complex patient conditions and promote safe, effective perinatal care.
Netter's Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fourth Ed. by Roger P. Smith, 2023For medical students, generalists, and specialists alike, Netter's Obstetrics & Gynecology, 4th Edition, provides superbly illustrated, up-to-date information on the conditions and problems most often encountered in OB/GYN practice. Classic Netter images are paired with concise, evidence-based descriptions of common diseases, conditions, diagnostics, treatments, and protocols. Large, clear illustrations and short, to-the-point text provide quick, authoritative access to expert medical thinking--perfect for gaining knowledge of this complex field, for everyday clinical practice, or for staff and patient education.
Obstetric Imaging: Fetal Diagnosis and Care by Joshua Copel; Mary E. D'Alton (Editor); Helen Feltovich (Editor); et al, 2018Richly illustrated and comprehensive in scope, Obstetric Imaging, 2nd Edition, provides up-to-date, authoritative guidelines for more than 200 obstetric conditions and procedures, keeping you at the forefront of this fast-changing field. This highly regarded reference covers the extensive and ongoing advances in maternal and fetal imaging in a concise, newly streamlined format for quicker access to common and uncommon findings. Detailed, expert guidance, accompanied by superb, high-quality images, helps you make the most of new technologies and advances in obstetric imaging. Features more than 1,350 high-quality images, including 400 in color, and over 85 videos online. Helps you select the best imaging approaches and effectively interpret your findings with a highly templated, bulleted, at-a-glance organization. Reflects all the latest developments in the field, including genetics, open fetal surgery, fetal echocardiography, Zika virus, and 3D imaging, so you can provide the safest and most responsive care to both mother and fetus. Includes new chapters on Limbs and Bones Overview; Open Fetal Surgery; Biophysical Profile; Ultrasound Physics; Elastography; Doppler; MRI; Echogenic Bowel; Pregnancy of Unknown Location (PUL), Failed Pregnancy and Ectopic Pregnancy, Cesarean Scar Pregnancy; Cytomegalovirus (CMG), Rubella, Toxoplasmosis, Herpes, Varicella; and Congenital Syphilis; plus a new chapter on Zika Virus written by imaging experts from the "hot zone." Keeps you up to date with the latest developments in multimodality imaging and optimizing diagnostic accuracy from ultrasound, 3D ultrasound, Doppler, MRI, elastography, image-guided interventions, and much more. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
A Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy, Second ed. by David McCance (Editor); Michael Maresh (Editor); David A. Sacks (Editor), 2018The revised and updated second edition of a multidisciplinary, evidence-based clinical guide for the care of pregnant women with diabetes The second edition of A Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy offers a wealth of new evidence, new material, new technologies, and the most current approaches to care. With contributions from a team of international experts, the manual is highly accessible and comprehensive in scope. It covers topics ranging from preconception to postnatal care, details the risks associated with diabetic pregnancy, and the long-term implications for the mother and baby. The text also explores recent controversies and examines thorny political pressures. The manual's treatment recommendations are based on the latest research to ensure pregnant women with diabetes receive the best possible care. The text takes a multi-disciplinary approach that reflects best practice in the treatment of diabetes in pregnancy. The revised second edition includes: New chapters on the very latest topics of interest Contributions from an international team of noted experts Practical, state-of-the-art text that has been fully revised with the latest in clinical guidance Easy-to-read, accessible format in two-color text design Illustrative case histories, practice points, and summary boxes, future directions, as well as pitfalls and what to avoid boxes Multiple choice questions with answers in each chapter Comprehensive and practical, the text is ideal for use in clinical settings for reference by all members of the multi-disciplinary team who care for pregnant women with diabetes. The manual is also designed for learning and review purposes by trainees in endocrinology, diabetes, and obstetrics.
Prenatal Genetic Counseling by Sam Riedijk (Editor); Karin E. M. Diderich (Editor), 2021**Selected for Doody's Core Titles® 2024 in Clinical Genetics** Prenatal Genetic Counseling: Practical Support for Prenatal Diagnostics, Decision-Making, and Dealing with Uncertainty provides a foundation for new research and a one-stop source for physicians, genetic counselors, psychologists, social workers, general practitioners, grief workers, translational researchers, and administrators seeking to work in the field of clinical genomics ethically and in full consideration of patients' psychological well-being. Here, an international team of experienced counselors and clinician-scientists lay out the range of methods and technologies applied in prenatal decision-making, including NIPT; invasive testing with microarray analysis or whole genome sequencing; ultrasound screening; and prenatal diagnosis for known hereditary conditions, among others. From here, they examine specific challenges in the clinical translation. In a field where decisions about life or death of a child are made, professionals are bound to encounter uncertainty. This book was co-created by health care practitioners, scientists, patients and students to provide insights and direction for offering support straight from the heart to couples faced with fetal anomalies. To make this possible for all couples, diversity in prenatal genetic counseling is also addressed. Finally, next steps in prenatal genetic counseling research and clinical implementation are discussed. As we are challenged by the rapid advances in prenatal genomics, so are our patients. Learning from our patients with every encounter, this book aims to offer access to the insights we gathered as well as to stimulate lifelong learning.
Databases | Research Tools
Access MedicineThis link opens in a new windowFull-text books, procedures, videos, and images in the basic sciences and medicine.
ClinicalKeyThis link opens in a new windowIncludes clinical overviews, full-text books and journals, drug information, procedure videos, clinical calculators, patient education handouts, practice guidelines, clinical trials, and MEDLINE® citations and abstracts. Physicians can earn and claim CME.
Cochrane LibraryThis link opens in a new windowThe Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Library includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Cochrane Clinical Answers, and a federated search feature that incorporates results from external databases.
EMBASEThis link opens in a new windowResearch database especially useful for systematic reviews. Search in addition to PubMed or MEDLINE.
LactMedThis link opens in a new windowDrug information for breastfeeding, mothers and infants. Includes drug levels, toxicity information, and more.
PubMed @ Cleveland Clinic (On & Off Campus)This link opens in a new windowCustomized link to give full text access to Cleveland Clinic employees. PubMed provides access to bibliographic information which includes MEDLINE as well as additional life science journals. Single Citation Matcher can locate specific articles quickly. The Journal Database can help with journal abbreviations.
ScopusThis link opens in a new windowScopus indexes 14,000 journal titles in the scientific, technical, medical and social science literature from the mid-1960's on. Includes selected web sources and 12.7 million patents.
UpToDateThis link opens in a new windowA current clinical reference providing answers on disease management and therapy. How to search UpToDate
Web of Science Core CollectionThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Subjects covered: basic, life, and social sciences and arts/humanities. Click EDITIONS ALL on the search screen to select specific indexes
Education | Procedures | Videos
Case Files: High-Risk Obstetrics by Eugene C. Toy; Evan Yale Snyder; Josh Neman; Rahul Jandial, 2015Real patients, real cases teach you high-risk obstetrics "This is an excellent handbook on high risk obstetrics. The ideal audience is medical students or residents in the field who like real life scenarios to accentuate their learning. It is best suited for those in a time crunch, and residents and students certainly qualify. 3 Stars."--Doody's Review Service Case Files: High-Risk Obstetrics uses fifty clinical cases to illustrate evidence-based practice in high-risk obstetrics patients. Each case includes open-ended questions, extended discussion, Practice Pearls, a "Controversy" discussion, comprehension questions, and references to the most current literature with a brief critique of each article. This unique learning system teaches you to be a better clinician by learning in the context of real patients and reinforcing the latest evidence-based medicine. Features Clear and easy-to-follow case-based format helps residents and fellows develop clinical thinking skills Based on current journal articles and landmark studies, with an accompanying brief critique "Practical Pearls" give evidence-based recommendations for patient management "Controversy" feature discusses current controversies and different views related to each case Multiple-choice comprehension questions accompany each case Original line drawings and clinical images Proven learning system improves exam scores
Case Files Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sixth Edition by Eugene C. Toy; Patti Jayne Ross; Benton Baker; John Jennings, 2022Realistic patient cases to help sharpen clinical decision-making skills The 60 cases in Case Files: Obstetrics & Gynecology feature realistic clinical scenarios designed to help you enhance and hone your clinical decision-making skills. Each case includes an easy-to-understand discussion correlated to key concepts, definitions of key terms, clinical pearls, and Board-style review questions to reinforce learning. The format allows you to review a patient vignette and then explore/examine the case in a contextual, application-based manner. The book is ideal for both quick-access and slow and careful study.
The Infographic Guide to Medicine: Obstetrics/GynecologyThe Infographic Guide on ACM is a collection of 600+ one-page medical infographics are high-yield summaries that span 16 specialty areas. They also serve as a point of entry into the core foundational content found all across the AccessMedicine platform.
Open-i (Open Access Biomedical Image Search Engine) Gynecology & Obstetrics | National Library of MedicineOpen-i service of the National Library of Medicine enables search and retrieval of abstracts and images (including charts, graphs, clinical images, etc.) from the open source literature, and biomedical image collections. Searching may be done using text queries as well as query images. Open-i provides access to over 3.7 million images from about 1.2 million PubMed Central® articles; 7,470 chest x-rays with 3,955 radiology reports; 67,517 images from NLM History of Medicine collection; and 2,064 orthopedic illustrations.
Created by Matt Weaver, Systems Librarian weaverm2@ccf.org at the Cleveland Clinic Floyd D. Loop Alumni Library, to provide data-driven analysis of journals when seeking publication.
Obstetric Clinical Algorithms by Errol R. Norwitz; Christina M. Davidson; Hugh Miller; George R. Saade, 2017Clinical management algorithms for common and unusual obstetric problems have been developed to help guide practitioners to the best treatment options for patients. In this quick-reference guide, clear diagrams and concise notes show treatment options and evidence for over 80 high-risk obstetric complications, presented in two-page full color spreads to promote quick decision making in time-pressed situations. This new edition includes sections on obesity, late-preterm and early term delivery, and pregnancy termination. As a clinical manual, the book provides guidance to many common and less common obstetric situations in which either the mother or her fetus is at risk. An algorithm for each situation provides obstetric care providers with a step-by-step guide of necessary actions for any given clinical case. Written by internationally renowned experts, Clinical Obstetric Algorithms enables all obstetrics care providers to ensure delivery of a healthy mother and a healthy baby.
Neonatal Care: a Compendium of AAP Clinical Practice Guidelines and Policies by American Academy of Pediatrics, 2019This new compendium gives you a single place to look for the most recent recommendations on quality care of pregnant women and their newborn infants. This manual contains American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) policy statements, clinical and technical reports and an AAP clinical practice guideline related to neonatal care. Within this compendium, you will find the collected results of the AAP Committee on Fetus and Newborn's efforts for the past several years. A wide range of perinatal topics, from antenatal counseling for periviable gestations, to hospital discharge of the high-risk infant, to post-discharge follow-up of infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, is captured in these pages. More than 40 different topics, organized into 9 sections for easy reference, are included. Each statement or report contains an abstract overview, a concise presentation and critique of the available data, and a summary of the findings and/or recommendations, along with a current and comprehensive bibliography. Section topics include Delivery/Discharge Newborn Screening High risk Newborn/Prematurity Respiratory Support Infections/Vaccinations Complications/Issues Safe sleep Sudden Infant Death Syndrome/Infant death