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Core E-Books
Atlas of Operative Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery by Michael J. Perry (Editor); Simon Holmes (Editor), 2014
The idea behind this book is to produce a fully comprehensive and highly illustrated "how to" technical reference manual, demonstrating surgical procedures in a step by step manner. This book also covers assessment and investigations, but focuses on the surgical and non surgical management of all aspect of maxillofacial trauma. It will include most, if not all, of the surgical approaches and techniques used, for all injuries. This volume includes emergency procedures and the various techniques in repair of fractures and soft tissue injuries, from the simple to the complex. Each step is illustrated photographically or with line diagrams, with explanatory text. This will enable surgical trainees and surgeons with limited trauma experience to understand how and why any particular procedure is undertaken.
Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - 2 Volume SET by Paul Tiwana; Deepak Kademani, 2023
Enhance your surgical skills with Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2nd Edition! Written by respected international contributors and edited by OMS experts Paul Tiwana and Deepak Kademani, the new edition of this practical, comprehensive guide is divided into two volumes with eBook access included with the print purchase. It offers detailed, step-by-step instructions and more than 2,500 full-color illustrations that demonstrate how to plan for and perform oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures safely and efficiently. Comprehensive and expanded coverage addresses the broad scope of the specialty, ranging from the surgical anatomy of the head and neck to oral surgery, implant surgery, orthognathic and craniofacial surgery, cleft lip and palate, craniomaxillofacial trauma, head and neck oncology, reconstructive procedures, TMJ surgery, facial cosmetic surgery, obstructive sleep apnea, and more. Comprehensive, consistent approach to OMS operative procedures offers practical guidance for the management of patients with oral and maxillofacial disorders, with each surgical procedure chapter approximately six to eight pages in length and covering the following topics: armamentarium, history of the procedure, indications for use of the procedure, limitations and contraindications, technique, alternate or modified technique, avoidance and management of intraoperative complications, and postoperative considerations. More than 2,500 images include vibrant, modern medical illustrations and clinical photos that make up the heart of each surgical chapter and bring it to life visually. Detailed, step-by-step approach shows how to perform OMS surgical procedures safely and efficiently. Coverage of alternative and modified techniques addresses options beyond the standard techniques. Expert, international contributors provide authoritative guidance on the OMS procedures they typically perform. NEW! Two-volume extended edition is easier to navigate and includes extensive updates throughout. NEW! More than 30 new chapters expand the coverage of implants, craniofacial surgery, and facial cosmetic surgery - plus an all-new section discusses obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). NEW! An eBook version included only with print purchase allows you to access all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery by Michael S. Block, 2014
Learn to master implant procedures and techniques with ease using this vivid atlas-style guide! Written by leading expert Michael S. Block, DMD, Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery, 4th Edition provides clear, full-color clinical photos and practical instructions covering a wide range of implant challenges. This guide will walk you through treatment planning, pre-surgical guidelines, detailed surgical techniques, and postoperative follow-up. This new fourth edition also includes expansive content updates, realistic case studies, and a new companion website that houses over 60 video clips that clearly demonstrate the nuances and techniques of implant procedures that can't be seen in still photos. With this book, you'll be fully prepared to address any implant-related situation and achieve optimal results! Over 1,500 full-color photographs and drawings depict important concepts and techniques, and show treatment from beginning to end. Clear step-by-step procedures include indications, contraindications, and treatment results for each procedure. Case studies throughout the book explore realistic clinical scenarios, each with a variant. Chapters are organized by oral anatomy and surgical technique, with each chapter presenting a different area of the mouth or a specific surgical technique. NEW! Thoroughly revised and updated content reflects the latest information and advancements in dental implant surgery. NEW! 60+ video clips on a companion website clearly demonstrate the nuances and techniques of implant procedures that can't be seen in still photos. NEW! Information on the placement of implants into single tooth sites with tooth removal looks at three clinical scenarios that can help you decide on the best timing of treatment. NEW! Coverage of the placement of implants immediately into mandibular molar sites addresses criteria for immediate placement, implant selection, and surgical technique. NEW! Exploration of grafting the thin maxilla, with an accompanying case study, looks at how to best handle patients who present with a thin, narrow alveolar bone, which does not allow implant placement. NEW! Section on the use of interpositional osteotomy to restore missing vertical bone in the esthetic zone discusses how to manage vertical bone deficiency in the esthetic zone by moving the vertical bone inferiorly using an interpositional osteotomy. NEW! Section on the crestal approach for sinus elevation addresses implant site preparation and surgical technique.
Netter's Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry by Neil S. Norton; Frank H. Netter (Illustrator), 2017
A concise and visual guide to clinically relevant anatomy for dentistry, Netter's Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry is an effective text for class and exam preparation, as well as a quick review in professional practice. Concise text, high-yield tables, clinical correlations, and review questions combine to make this new edition a perfect choice for learning and remembering the need-to-know structures, relationships, and concepts, while beautiful illustrations created in the Netter tradition enhance your visual mastery of the material. You may also be interested in: A companion set of flash cards, Netter's Advanced Head & Neck Anatomy Flash Cards, 3rd Edition. Over 100 multiple-choice questions complete with explanations help you assess your knowledge of the material and prepare for exams. Identify clinically relevant anatomy with Netter illustrations and new art created in the Netter tradition. Concise text and high-yield tables offer fast access to important facts. Procedures coverage gives context and clinical meaning to the anatomy. Expanded, up-to-date coverage on dental implants, cone beam imaging, and mandible osteology. Beautiful new illustrations by Carlos Machado, MD, of the TMJ, articular disc pathology, infratemporal fossa, pterygopalatine fossa, and maxillary artery. Interactive eBook included with print purchase, which includes access to the full text, interactive images, case studies, additional assessment questions, video clips from cone beam CTs, and a rotatable 3D skull.
Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases, 3rd ed. by George Laskaris, 2020
The complete pictorial guide to oral diseases, a pocket-sized bestseller now in its third edition Laskaris' Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases is a practical interdisciplinary pocket reference for dentists, dermatologists, otolaryngologists, primary care practitioners, and dental and medical students. This popular book provides comprehensive guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of an exhaustive range of oral diseases. The fully revised and updated third edition includes over 40 new conditions. Highlights include: Full coverage of both local and systemic oral diseases Consistently structured texts describe each condition, covering definition, etiology, clinical features, lab tests, differential diagnosis, and treatment 418 high-resolution color photographs, most are new for this edition The Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases is a superb and convenient pocket reference of invaluable practical use to any clinician involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.