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Core E-Books
Arthritis in Black and White by Anne C. Brower; Donald J. Flemming, 2012
Arthritis in Black and White, by Anne C. Brower, MD and Donald J. Flemming, MD, provides you with a concise, practical introduction to the radiographic diagnosis of arthritic disorders. Completely revised, this popular, easy-to-read resource contains high-quality digital radiographs with correlating MRIs throughout and a practical organization that aids in your recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of common arthritides. It is perfect for residents in training and experienced radiologists wishing to refresh their knowledge. Easily reference diagnostic guidance by presenting symptom, see what to look for, and understand how to effectively diagnose the patient. Reference key information quickly and easily thanks to a consistent, user-friendly format and a unique two-part organization (radiologic approaches to specific joints and full description of the individual common arthritides) that facilitates finding the exact information you need for any joint in the body. Improve the accuracy of your diagnoses by interpreting radiographs and comparing them with correlating MRI images. Benefit from the latest advancements and techniques found in completely revised and rewritten chapters. Understand the nuances and subtleties of how arthritides present through over 350 high-quality digital images.
Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound by Jon A. Jacobson, 2018
Effectively perform and interpret musculoskeletal ultrasound with this concise, highly illustrated resource by Jon A. Jacobson, MD. Fully revised, this bestselling title covers all the essential details of musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging, providing a solid understanding of the technique and how to make accurate diagnoses. It takes a concise, clear, and step-by-step approach to all of the most common musculoskeletal ultrasound applications, with specific details on anatomy, patient positioning, scanning techniques, normal and abnormal findings, tips, and pitfalls. A succinct, highly accessible writing style makes information easy to understand. Over 200 narrated video clips of real-time dynamic ultrasound imaging provide instruction in a succinct, didactic format, highlighting key findings. Common percutaneous ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal procedures are demonstrated, including transducer and needle positioning. Nearly 400 new ultrasound images show scanning technique, anatomy, and essential pathology. Over 200 narrated video clips of real-time dynamic ultrasound imaging provide instruction in a succinct, didactic format, highlighting key findings. Newly revised information throughout helps you grasp essential concepts in diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound, ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal procedures, and much more. Chapter 1, Introduction and Chapter 2, Basic Pathology Concepts now included in both print and electronic versions. Thoroughly revised text, references, and images keep you up to date. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Fundamentals of Skeletal Radiology by Clyde A. Helms, 2020
Trusted by thousands of radiology residents, students, and clinicians, the "pink book" continues to be the perfect first book for essential, easily accessible information in skeletal imaging. Fundamentals of Skeletal Radiology, 5th Edition, provides an authoritative introduction to x-rays, MR, and other skeletal imaging modalities, offering a quick, effective review of musculoskeletal imaging in a concise, easy-to-read style. Depicts musculoskeletal imaging concepts and techniques through hundreds of high-quality digital radiographs, MRIs, bone scans, and CT images. Uses a succinct, highly accessible writing style for easy, straightforward understanding of complex material. Updates include numerous new, high-quality MR images and extensive coverage of MRI of the spine and joints, including imaging protocols, common pathologies, and detailed specifics on reading and interpretation. Presents full-color imaging examples to help you discern subtleties and nuances for efficient and accurate interpretation. Discusses radiation dosage concerns, early detection, avoiding unnecessary exams, and common skeletal conditions, including a chapter on trauma. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Imaging Musculoskeletal Trauma by Andrea Donovan (Editor); Mark E. Schweitzer (Editor), 2012
Offers a well-designed approach to imaging musculoskeletal trauma Medical imaging plays an important role in identifying fractures and helping the patient return to regular activities as soon as possible. But in order to identify the fracture, and describe all the relevant associated injuries, the radiologist first needs to understand normal anatomy and the mechanisms of fractures. Imaging Musculoskeletal Trauma reviews common fracture and dislocation mechanisms and provides up-to-date guidelines on the use and interpretation of imaging tests. Designed for use by professionals in radiology, orthopedics, emergency medicine, and sports medicine, this book offers a concise, systematic approach to imaging musculoskeletal trauma. Replete with easily accessible information, including well-designed tables and lists, the book features radiology report checklists for each anatomic site, numerous radiographs and CT and MRI images, simple illustrations for common fracture classification schemes, examples of common and serious injuries in the musculoskeletal system, and a chapter devoted to fracture complications--including complications relating to the use of hardware in treating injuries. This well-designed guide teaches professional and student users to: Identify normal anatomy relevant to interpretation in musculoskeletal studies Describe common fracture and dislocation mechanisms Describe fractures using appropriate terminology Recommend appropriate imaging studies for various clinical situations Use a systematic approach to interpret imaging studies Provide a clear and relevant radiology report Recognize complications associated with fractures and fracture treatment Complete with on-call issues, common traumas, and specially highlighted "do-not-miss" fractures, this is an invaluable resource for everyone involved with the imaging of musculoskeletal trauma.
Core E-Books
Imaging of the Spine by Thomas P. Naidich; Mauricio Castillo; Charles Raybaud; James G. Smirniotopoulos; Soonmee Cha; S, 2011pyros S. Kollias
Imaging of the Spine-an exhaustive, full-color reference-combines the ease of use of an atlas with the comprehensive coverage of a definitive reference work, in print and online. Renowned experts Drs. Thomas P. Naidich, Mauricio Castillo, Charles Raybaud, James G. Smirniotopoulos, Soonmee Cha, and Spyros Kollias cover every aspect of spine imaging, including the latest diagnostic modalities, interventional techniques, and image-guided procedures through over 1300 digital quality illustrations. Access the fully searchable text online at, with downloadable images. View 1300 digital quality images of both radiographic images and cutting edge modalities-MR, multislice CT, ultrasonography, and nuclear medicine. Consult the expertise of a diverse group of experts from around the globe on the imaging of the spine. Tap into comprehensive coverage that includes diagnostic and therapeutic options, with an emphasis on cost-effective imaging. Find information quickly and easily thanks to consistent and tightly focused chapters, a full color design, and key points boxes.
Imaging Skeletal Trauma by Lee F. Rogers; O. C. West, 2014
Last published over a decade ago, this classic radiology text has been exhaustively updated by leading experts to provide the latest techniques and advances available in radiology today. Exceptional in scope and lavishly illustrated throughout, Imaging of Skeletal Trauma continues to offer a comprehensive view of diagnostic imaging in the evaluation of skeletal trauma, now in one consolidated single volume. ".. the change in focus from an authoritative reference to primer has been a good one.." Reviewed by RAD Magazine, June 2015 Master imaging techniques for the patient with multiple injuries, and understand the epidemiology and classification of various fractures, including chondral, osteochondral, stress, and pathologic. Explore the effects of various traumatic childhood injuries on the growing skeleton. Address the diagnostic pitfalls for a complete range of common, rare, and acute injuries. Access up-to-date information on the role of helical CT and MR imaging in the evaluation of acute skeletal trauma. View nearly 3,000 radiographs, CTs, and MR images, along with a wealth of line drawings that richly depict the principal features of all common fractures and dislocations. Access the most important, need-to-know information regarding all aspects of imaging skeletal trauma with this consolidated single-volume edition. Quickly reference critical material with an organization based on anatomical region. Efficiently read and understand images while in an emergency setting with an expanded presentation of CT and MRI. Take advantage of global expertise from brand-new contributing authors, including diagnostic radiologist Dr. O. Clark West. View the fully searchable contents online at Expert Consult.
Musculoskeletal Imaging by M. Reiser; Andrea Baur-Melnyk; Christian Glase, 2008r
Dx-Direct is a series of eleven Thieme books covering the main subspecialties in radiology. It includes all the cases you are most likely to see in your typical working day as a radiologist. For each condition or disease you will find the information you need -- with just the right level of detail. Dx-Direct gets to the point: Definitions, Epidemiology, Etiology, and Imaging Signs Typical Presentation, Treatment Options, Course and Prognosis Differential Diagnosis, Tips and Pitfalls, and Key References ...all combined with high-quality diagnostic images. Whether you are a resident or a trainee, preparing for board examinations or just looking for a superbly organized reference: Dx-Direct is the high-yield choice for you! The series covers the full spectrum of radiology subspecialties including: Brain Gastrointestinal Cardiac Breast Urogenital Spinal, Head and Neck Musculoskeletal Pediatric Thoracic Vascular
Musculoskeletal Imaging by Thomas Pope; Hans L. Bloem; Javier Beltran; et al, 2015
In its fully revised and updated second edition, Musculoskeletal Imaging covers every aspect of musculoskeletal radiology. This medical reference book incorporates the latest diagnostic modalities and interventional techniques, as well as must-read topics such as hip, groin and cartilage imaging; newly described impingements; and new concepts in the hip including teres ligament pathology. Accessibility in print, online and across portable devices makes Musculoskeletal Imaging a fully searchable and dependable source for both reading and reference. This publication is a key title in the popular Expert Radiology Series, which delivers evidence-based expert guidance from around the globe. "This is an excellent benchbook and accompanying electronic resource which will be of value to trainee radiologists and established consultants." Reviewed by: Dr Steve Amerasekara, Consultant Radiologist on behalf of journal RAD Magazine, July 2015 "This outstanding text is now an acclaimed primary resource and therefore belongs in the libraries and at the work stations of all general and orthopedic hospital departments of radiology and, indeed, at any and all imaging facilities involved in musculoskeletal imaging." Foreword by: Lee F. Rogers, June 2015 Fully understand each topic with a format that delivers essential background information. Streamline the decision-making process with integrated protocols, classic signs, and ACR guidelines, as well as a design that structures every chapter consistently to include pathophysiology, imaging techniques, imaging findings, differential diagnosis, and treatment options. Write the most comprehensive reports possible with help from boxes highlighting what the referring physician needs to know, as well as suggestions for treatment and future imaging studies. Access in-depth case studies, valuable appendices, and additional chapters covering all of the most important musculoskeletal procedures performed today. Quickly locate important information with a full-color design that includes color-coded tables and bulleted lists highlighting key concepts, as well as color artwork that lets you easily find critical anatomic views of diseases and injuries. Engage with more than 40 brand-new videos, including arthroscopic videos. Easily comprehend complicated material with over 5,000 images and new animations. Explore integrated clinical perspectives on the newest modalities such as PET-CT in cancer, diffusion MR, as well as ultrasonography, fusion imaging, multi-slice CT and nuclear medicine. Learn from team of international experts provides a variety of evidence-based guidance, including the pros and cons of each modality, to help you overcome difficult challenges. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, references, and videos from the book on a variety of devices.
Core E-Books
Oncologic Imaging: Bone Tumors by Heung Sik Kang; Joong Mo Ahn; Yusuhn Kang, 2017
This book aims to provide readers with a sound understanding of the spectrum of radiologic appearances of bone tumors, which reflect histopathology, and the pattern analysis of imaging findings.The first part of the book explains basic concepts and diagnostic parameters, including demographics, lesion location, biological activity, matrix mineralization, and endosteal and periosteal reactions. In the second part, typical and atypical radiologic features of bone tumors are reviewed in detail, with emphasis on the characteristic radiographic and MR imaging findings and reference to schematic drawings and pathologic or operative images when appropriate.The third part focuses on problem solving in cases encountered in real radiology practice and identifies categorical patterns on the basis of radiographic and MR variables and lesion location. Informative cases are illustrated and compared to enhance understanding of differential diagnosis using pattern analysis. The final part of the book helps readers to consolidate what they have learned and to hone their diagnostic reasoning skills by presenting about 30 typical bone tumor cases with questions, answers, and commentary.
Ultrasound Guided Musculoskeletal Injections by Gina M. Allen; David John Wilson, 2018
An ideal "how-to" guide for those who perform musculoskeletal injections, this unique multimedia resource by Drs. Gina M. Allen and David John Wilson demonstrates how to make the most out of the clear visualization provided by ultrasound-guided techniques. High-quality line drawings, clinical photographs, and ultrasound images clearly depict patient presentation, relevant anatomy, and sonoanatomy, and each technique is accompanied by a video showing exactly how to perform the procedure. Clear, concise text and numerous illustrations and videos make this reference your go-to source on today's ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injections. Bulleted text follows a quick-reference template throughout: clinical/ultrasound findings, equipment, anatomy, technique, aftercare, and comments. Each chapter covers the entire injection process with text on the left-hand page and corresponding images on the right. Every technique is supported with a video available online. Useful for clinicians in radiology, sports medicine, rheumatology, orthopaedics, pain medicine, and physical therapy - anyone who needs a clear, current guide to this minimally invasive treatment option for pain relief. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Vascular and Interventional Radiology by John A. Kaufman; Michael J. Lee, 2013
Get the essential tools you need to make an accurate diagnosis with Vascular and Interventional Radiology: The Requisites! This bestselling volume delivers the conceptual, factual, and interpretive information you need for effective clinical practice in vascular and interventional radiology, as well certification and recertification review. Master core knowledge the easy and affordable way with clear, concise text enhanced by at-a-glance illustrations, boxes, and tables - all completely rewritten to bring you up to date with today's state of the art in vascular and interventional radiology. "... a volume that should retain its utility for several years to come, both as a primer for radiology trainees and fellows at the start of their IR training and as a reference for more experienced interventionalists." Reviewed by Dr Simon Padley and Dr Narayanan Thulasidasan on behalf of RAD Magazine, April 2015 Understand the basics with a comprehensive yet manageable review of the principles and practice of vascular and interventional radiology. Whether you're a resident preparing for exams or a practitioner needing a quick-consult source of information, Vascular and Interventional Radiology is your guide to the field. Master the latest techniques for liver-directed cancer interventions; arterial and venous interventions including stroke therapy; thoracic duct embolization; peripheral arterial interventions; venous interventions for thrombosis and reflux; percutaneous ablation procedures; and much more. Prepare for the written board exam and for clinical practice with critical information on interventional techniques and procedures. Clearly visualize the findings you're likely to see in practice and on exams with vibrant full-color images and new vascular chapter images. Access the complete, fully searchable text and downloadable images online with Expert Consult.