Biologics in Orthopaedic Surgery by Augustus D. Mazzocca; Adam Lindsay, 2019Designed with the practicing clinician in mind, Biologics in Orthopaedic Surgery provides a succinct, easy-to-digest overview of the integration of biologics (platelet-rich-plasma [PRP], bone marrow aspirate [BMA], and stem cells) into today's orthopaedic practice. Covering relevant basic science as well as clinical applications, this concise reference takes a head-to-toe approach to the emerging role of orthobiologics for specific conditions and procedures, in addition to future directions for implementation. Bridges the gap between research and the clinical setting, providing guidance on using recent transformative discoveries in real-world practice. Covers applications in sports medicine, general orthopaedics, and musculoskeletal oncology. Addresses specific key topics such as FDA regulations and impact, rotator cuff augmentation, osteoarthritis, meniscal transplantation, regenerative engineering, and much more. Consolidates today's available information on this timely topic into one convenient resource.
Campbell's Core Orthopaedic Procedures by S. Terry Canale; James H. Beaty; Frederick M. Azar, 2016Ideal for orthopaedic surgeons who need a practical resource covering the top procedures in the field, Campbell's Core Orthopaedic Procedures utilizes a succinct format that focuses solely on the surgical techniques critical in helping achieve optimal patient outcomes. Featuring step-by-step procedures used at the Campbell Clinic, this new resource offers practical, concise solutions for every patient scenario. Trusted techniques follow the format outlined in Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, 12th edition, accompanied by detailed illustrations, intraoperative photographs, and additional online video clips. Easily find information in the moment of need with a practical, portable, easily accessible volume featuring the most relevant procedures used at the Campbell Clinic. Covers procedures from all body regions presented in a concise atlas-style format that includes an Expert Consult eBook with image enhancements. Procedural steps lead with artwork and are followed by bulleted information so that techniques can be quickly reviewed. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, references, and videos from the book on a variety of devices.
Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, 14th ed. by Azar, Canale & Beaty, 2021Still the most widely used comprehensive resource in orthopaedic surgery, Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics is an essential reference for trainees, a trusted clinical tool for practitioners, and the gold standard for worldwide orthopaedic practice. Unparalleled in scope and depth, this 14th Edition contains updated diagnostic images, practical guidance on when and how to perform every procedure, and rapid access to data in preparation for surgical cases or patient evaluation. Drs. Frederick M. Azar and James H. Beaty, along with other expert contributors from the world-renowned Campbell Clinic, have collaborated diligently to ensure that this 4-volume text remains a valuable resource in your practice, helping you achieve optimal outcomes with every patient.
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Orthopedics, Sixth Edition by Patrick J. McMahon; Harry Skinner, 2021Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Fully updated and enhanced, this popular Lange book provides the most current, high-yield information available on orthopedic disorders and diseases Packed with 500 images and meticulously organized for high-impact learning, CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Orthopedics, Sixth Edition emphasizes the major diagnostic features of musculoskeletal disease states, the nature of the diseases, the workup required for diagnosis, and all treatment options. It includes pathophysiology, epidemiology, and laboratory and imaging studies to help readers accurate diagnose patients and fully understand treatments. Chapters cover general considerations and imaging in surgery; musculoskeletal trauma, adult reconstructive, hand, foot, ankle, and pediatric surgery; sports medicine; spinal disorders, diseases, and injuries; musculoskeletal oncology; amputations; and rehabilitation and geriatric medicine. Perfect for surgical and emergency medicine residents, orthopedic surgery fellows, internal medicine and family practitioners, medical students, PAs, and nurse practitioner students, CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Orthopedics, Sixth Edition provides the knowledge and insights you need to deliver safe, effective treatment to every patient. Features a new chapter on imaging in orthopedics.
Essential Orthopaedics by Mark D. Miller; Jennifer Hart; John M. MacKnight, 2020The vast majority of orthopaedic care takes place not in the orthopaedic surgeon's office or operating room but in various primary care settings. Essential Orthopaedics, 2nd Edition, provides concise, practical guidance from noted authority Dr. Mark D. Miller, along with a stellar editorial team and numerous contributors from both orthopaedics and primary care. Using a templated, bulleted format, it delivers the information you need on diagnosis, management, and appropriate referrals for adult and pediatric patients. It's the perfect, everyday orthopaedic reference for primary care physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, and athletic trainers in the clinic or training room. Offers expert insight to help you confidently diagnose and treat sprains, fractures, arthritis and bursitis pain, and other musculoskeletal problems, or refer them when appropriate. Covers topics of high importance in orthopaedic care: anatomy and terminology, radiologic evaluation of orthopaedic conditions, principles of fracture management, and special considerations for the obese, the elderly, athletes, those with comorbidities, and other patient populations. Features 40 videos covering injections, physical examinations, common procedures, and more. Includes 12 new chapters with current information on physical exam of the hip and pelvis, femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), athletic pubalgia, state-of-the-art surgical techniques, and new imaging information, particularly in the area of musculoskeletal ultrasound. Provides new ICD-10 codes for common orthopaedic conditions. Features diagnostic algorithms, specific steps for treatment, and full-color illustrations throughout. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
Foot and Ankle by Justin Greisberg; J. Turner Vosseller, 2019The latest techniques and advances in the field, cutting-edge clinical and surgical knowledge and a clear, bulleted format are featured in this fully revised 2nd Edition of Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics: Foot and Ankle. Perfect for exam review or in preparation for rotations or a challenging clinical case, this easy-to-use resource is designed for busy orthopaedic residents and fellows as well as practitioners who want a quick review of the foot and ankle. Brings you fully up to date with current techniques and advances in the area of foot and ankle, including new developments in orthotics, ankle fractures, Achilles injuries, and more. Features a new, full-color design throughout, plus new chapters on Hallux Rigidus and Sesamoid Pathology and Osteochondral Lesions of Talus. Presents new and fully revised information in a bulleted, templated format, with summary tables that help you find and retain key information. Includes key facts for quick review and selected references for further reading in every chapter. Shares the knowledge and experience of two experts in the field, Drs. Justin K. Greisberg and J. Turner Vosseller. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Foot and Ankle Surgery by Glenn B. Pfeffer; Mark E. Easley; Beat Hintermann; Andrew K. Sands; Alastair S. E. Younger, 2018Part of the practical, highly illustrated Operative Techniques series, this fully revised title by Drs. Glenn B. Pfeffer, Mark Easley, Beat Hintermann, Andrew Sands, and Alastair Younger brings you up to speed with must-know surgical techniques in today's foot and ankle surgery. Step-by-step, evidence-based guidance, including numerous videos online, walks you through new procedures and modifications to existing procedures, as well as tips for improving patient outcomes and much more. Provides expert coverage of total ankle arthroplasty, revision surgery, and post-operative care and expected outcomes. Focuses on quick access to essential information, using an up-to-date, clean layout; a bulleted, highly templated format; and large, full-color intraoperative photos and illustrations. Presents essential information often overlooked in other procedural guides, such as positioning, exposures, instrumentation, and implants. Discusses pearls and pitfalls with an emphasis on optimizing outcomes to refine your technique and learn the experts' approach to getting the best results. Covers more than 25 new procedures, including Revision Hallux Valgus Surgery, Arthroscopic Fusion of the Great Toe, and Peroneal Tendinopathy with Allograft. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Gartsman's Shoulder Arthroscopy by Hussein Elkousy; T. Bradley Edwards, 2019Covering the entire spectrum of operative shoulder arthroscopy, including both routine and complex shoulder procedures, Gartsman's Shoulder Arthroscopy, 3rd Edition, provides a straightforward, "classroom" approach that walks you through each step of these challenging surgeries. Two master surgeons in the field, Drs. Hussein Elkousy and T. Bradley Edwards, present clear explanations of the standard approach to each procedure, plus variations and complications that frequently arise. Focused, concise coverage includes review of anatomy, indications and contraindications, non-operative options, pre-operative assessment and imaging, and more. Provides a uniform, consistent approach to all aspects of shoulder arthroscopy, including "pearls" from the expert author team of Hussein Elkousy and T. Bradley Edwards. Includes new and revised content on bicep lesions and acromioclavicular joint pathology, arthroscopic diagnostic and management tools, rehabilitation and new non-metallic implants and knotless techniques. Contains more videos, techniques and images on how to address rotator cuff and labral pathology. Features superb intraoperative photographs and line drawings, as well as accompanying videos for dynamic clarification - all updated to offer the latest visual guidance in the field. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Green's Operative Hand Surgery by Scott W. Wolfe; William C. Pederson; Scott H. Kozin; Mark S. Cohen, 2021Widely recognized as the gold standard reference in the field, Green's Operative Hand Surgery, 8th Edition, provides complete coverage of the surgical and nonsurgical management of the full range of upper extremity conditions. In a clearly written and well-illustrated format, it contains both foundational content for residents and fellows as well as new approaches, case-based controversies, and outcomes-based solutions for practitioners. Drs. Scott W. Wolfe, William C. Pederson, Scott H. Kozin, and Mark S Cohen, along with new, international contributing authors, provide expert perspectives and preferred methods for all aspects of today's hand, wrist, and elbow surgery. Contains thoroughly revised and updated indications and techniques to treat the full spectrum of upper extremity disorders. Highlights the latest advances and approaches, such as wide-awake local anesthesia no tourniquet (WALANT) hand surgery, nerve transfer techniques, tendon transfer and tendon avulsion repairs, skin grafting techniques, and more. Offers nearly 140 innovative and high-resolution videos (99 are NEW) that provide real-life, step-by-step guidance on key procedures. Provides state-of-the-art information on wrist arthritis, hand trauma, new arthroplasties, targeted muscle reinnervation, wrist instability surgeries, fracture management, rehabilitation, congenital disorders, orthotic interventions, and more. Includes newly updated, high-resolution illustrations, images, and photos throughout. Presents case-based controversies and unique solutions, plus current views on what works and what does not, based on recent science and outcome measures. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Insall and Scott Surgery of the Knee by W. Norman Scott; David R. Diduch; William J. Long, 2018Now offered in 2 full volumes - both in print and online - Insall & Scott Surgery of the Knee by Dr. W. Norman Scott remains the definitive choice for guidance on the most effective approaches for the diagnosis and management of the entire scope of knee disorders. This edition reflects a complete content overhaul, with more than 50 new chapters and over 400 contributors from around the world. The video program includes 70 new video clips, while new and expanded material covers a range of hot topics, including same-day surgery and hospital management of knee arthroplasty patients and anesthesia specific for knee surgery. Extensive visual elements and video program include nearly 70 new videos -- over 230 in total - as well as a Glossary of Implants featuring 160 demonstrative pictures. Over 50 new chapters and brand-new sections on Same Day Surgery and Hospital Management of Knee Arthroplasty Patients; Quality and Payment Paradigms for TKA; Anesthesia Specific for Knee Surgery; and Preoperative Assessment, Perioperative Management, and Postoperative Pain Control. An expanded Adult Reconstruction Section informs readers about Enhanced Primary Revision and the treatment of Peri-prosthetic fractures in TKA. Includes enhanced worldwide approaches for all aspects of disorders of the knee from nearly 400 contributors worldwide. Boasts updated pediatric knee considerations and updated tumor surgery principles for the treatment of tumors about the knee. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, images, videos (including video updates), glossary, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Lumbar Interbody Fusions by Sunil V. Manjila; Thomas Mroz; Michael P. Steinmetz, 2019Authored by experienced surgeons and key innovators in the fast-moving field of LIF surgery, Lumbar Interbody Fusions provides an in-depth, focused approach to recent advances in surgical techniques and technology. Covering both minimally invasive and open procedures, this comprehensive reference provides step-by-step details for proven techniques, including extreme lateral, oblique lateral, and direct lateral approaches; intertransverse approaches; axial approaches; and endoscopic approaches. Focuses on the technical nuances, pearls and pitfalls of each procedure, as well as complication avoidance and management. Features high-quality radiographs and intraoperative images for superb visual guidance throughout. Covers topics that have as-yet unsettled surgical management, such as thoracolumbar and lumbosacral overlap diseases. Includes a concise review of evidence-based spine literature at the end of each procedural chapter. Features chapters on adjunct instrumentation such as pedicle screw and facet fixation, as well as graft selection and revision surgeries. Provides real-time guidance in video: Open Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion, MIDLIF Operative Technique, L5-S1 OLIF, Aspen Surgical Technique, and many more. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Manual of Orthopaedics, 8th ed. by Swiontkowski, Marc F. 2022Now in vibrant full color, Manual of Orthopaedics, Eighth Edition, provides the must-know information you need to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal injuries and diseases with confidence. This quick-reference manual has been completely updated and revised to include content particularly valuable for orthopaedic physician assistants, while retaining key information for orthopaedic residents and nurse practitioners, primary care physicians, and orthopaedic providers in all practice environments.
Morrey's the Elbow and Its Disorders by Bernard F. Morrey; Joaquin Sanchez Sotelo; Mark E. Morrey, 2018Revised to include the most up-to-date surgical techniques and their outcomes, Morrey's The Elbow and Its Disorders, 5th Edition, is an essential reference for today's orthopaedic surgeons, appealing both to those in general practice and those with a subspecialty interest in elbow surgery. This edition by Drs. Bernard Morrey, Mark Morrey, and Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, provides a practical focus on technique - both in the text and on dozens of high-quality instructional videos produced at the Mayo Clinic. Authoritative guidance from leading experts enables you to provide optimal care to your patients - even those with the most challenging elbow problems. Covers all major areas of elbow surgery, including arthroscopy, trauma, sports, pediatrics, arthroplasty, and salvage procedures. Supplements the text with full-color-photos, illustrations, and diagrams for a more instructive and visually appealing approach. Provides expanded coverage of key topics in trauma, soft tissue procedures, joint replacement techniques, and innovative techniques for addressing cartilage lesions and restoring joint motion. Includes over 2 hours of exam and procedural videos - such as arthroscopic procedures, fracture fixation, arthroplasty, and other reconstructive techniques - performed by the experts online for step-by-step guidance. Features a new section on arthroscopic surgical procedures, now with expanded indications and evolving techniques. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices. Your purchase entitles you to access the web site until the next edition is published, or until the current edition is no longer offered for sale by Elsevier, whichever occurs first. If the next edition is published less than one year after your purchase, you will be entitled to online access for one year from your date of purchase. Elsevier reserves the right to offer a suitable replacement product (such as a downloadable or CD-ROM-based electronic version) should online access to the web site be discontinued.
Netter's Orthopaedic Clinical Examination, 4th ed. by Joshua Cleland; Shane Koppenhaver; Jonathan Su, 2022Offering a thorough, highly illustrated review of the musculoskeletal physical exam, this practical guide covers relevant anatomy, pathoanatomy, and special tests using the well-known art of Dr. Frank H. Netter as well as clinical photographs. Netter's Orthopaedic Clinical Examination: An Evidence-Based Approach, 4th Edition, provides the information you need to assess the reliability and diagnostic utility of musculoskeletal physical exams and incorporate evidence into your clinical decision making. Summary tables and carefully selected references highlight best available evidence, providing a practical resource for the busy student and clinician. Provides up-to-date, actionable summaries of available evidence so you can quickly evaluate the effectiveness of clinical tests, review recent studies, and determine which test will best predict a specific diagnosis. Includes more than 25 videos showing movement for select tests, helping you get the most clinically significant information from the orthopaedic examination. Presents classic Netter artwork and anatomy/biomechanics tables that enhance your understanding of the orthopedic anatomy and pathology of each joint. Uses a practical, tabular format that provides quick access to test reliability and diagnostic utility, study quality, anatomy and biomechanics, and summary recommendations for applying evidence in practice. Features an assessment of study quality (QUADAS) appendix and color-coded icons identifying study quality that draw your attention to top-quality studies and help you understand why some studies were included and others omitted. Adds a scale to reliability tables, making it easy to focus on approaches and tests with the highest reliability, and includes QAREL (Quality Appraisal for Reliability Studies) checklists for each reliability study.
Orthogeriatrics by Paolo Falaschi (Editor); David R. Marsh (Editor), 2020Open access publication has been possible through an unconditional educational grant from UCB. This new open access edition supported by the Fragility Fracture Network aims at giving the widest possible dissemination on fragility fracture (especially hip fracture) management and notably in countries where this expertise is sorely needed. It has been extensively revised and updated by the experts of this network to provide a unique and reliable content in one single volume. Throughout the book, attention is given to the difficult question of how to provide best practice in countries where the discipline of geriatric medicine is not well established and resources for secondary prevention are scarce. The revised and updated chapters on the epidemiology of hip fractures, osteoporosis, sarcopenia, surgery, anaesthesia, medical management of frailty, peri-operative complications, rehabilitation and nursing are supplemented by six new chapters. These include an overview of the multidisciplinary approach to fragility fractures and new contributions on pre-hospital care, treatment in the emergency room, falls prevention, nutrition and systems for audit. The reader will have an exhaustive overview and will gain essential, practical knowledge on how best to manage fractures in elderly patients and how to develop clinical systems that do so reliably.
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine by Mark D. Miller; Stephen R. Thompson, 2020Indispensable for both surgeons and sports medicine physicians, DeLee, Drez, & Miller's Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: Principles and Practice, 5th Edition, remains your go-to reference for all surgical, medical, rehabilitation and injury prevention aspects related to athletic injuries and chronic conditions. Authored by Mark D. Miller, MD and Stephen R. Thompson, MD, this 2-volume core resource provides detailed, up-to-date coverage of medical disorders that routinely interfere with athletic performance and return to play, providing the clinically focused information you need when managing athletes at any level. Provides a unique balance of every relevant surgical technique along with extensive guidance on nonsurgical issues-making it an ideal reference for surgeons, sports medicine physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers, and others who provide care to athletes. Offers expanded coverage of revision surgery, including revision ACL and revision rotator cuff surgery. Features additional coverage of cartilage restoration procedures and meniscal transplantation. Provides significant content on rehabilitation after injury, along with injury prevention protocols. Includes access to a comprehensive video collection, with more than 100 videos new to this edition. Retains key features such as coverage of both pediatric and aging athletes; a streamlined organization for quick reference; in-depth coverage of arthroscopic techniques; extensive references; levels of evidence at the end of each chapter; and "Author's Preferred Technique" sections. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery by Emil Schemitsch; Michael D. McKee, 2020Part of the practical, highly illustrated Operative Techniques series, this fully revised book from Drs. Emil H. Schemitsch and Michael D. McKee brings you up to speed with must-know surgical techniques in today's technically demanding orthopaedic trauma surgery. Step-by-step, evidence-based guidance walks you through both common and unique cases you're likely to see in your practice, including upper extremity, lower extremity, spine, pelvis, and acetabulum trauma. Practical features such as pearls of wisdom, key points, and potential pitfalls detailed by the authors in order to successfully manage patients with complex fracture patterns have all been reinforced in this new edition. Includes all-new chapters on Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries, Sternoclavicular Joint Open Reduction and Internal Fixation, Intramedullary Fixation of Clavicle Shaft Fractures, Use of the Reamer Irrigator Aspirator (RIA) for Bone Graft Harvesting, Fractures of the Posterior Tibial Plateau, Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Proximal Humerus Fractures, and many more. Features high-quality line drawings, diagnostic and intraoperative images, and radiographs alongside expert technical guidance on instrumentation, placement, step-by-step instructions and more - all supported by best evidence. Includes practical videos online to support visual understanding and implementation into practice. A bulleted, highly templated format allows for quick understanding of surgical techniques. Outlines positioning, exposures, instrumentation, and implants to equip you to be more thoroughly prepared for every procedure. Offers post-operative management guidelines and discussions of expected outcomes to help you avoid mistakes and offer quality, patient-focused care. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Reconstructive Foot and Ankle Surgery: Management of Complications by Mark S. Myerson; Anish R. Kadakia, 2019Packed with superb illustrations, pearls, and pitfalls, Reconstructive Foot and Ankle Surgery: Management of Complications, 3rd Edition, delivers step-by-step guidance on essential elements of complex foot and ankle surgery. World-renowned surgeon Dr. Mark S. Myerson, along with expert co-author Dr. Anish R. Kadakia, provides detailed instruction on how to select the correct treatment for challenging disorders and manage complications after surgery. A highly templated, consistent format, abundant illustrations, and decades of real-life experience make this an easy-to-use resource for everyday practice as well as an authoritative reference for in-depth study. Includes "Complications Considered" boxes that help you avoid and manage commonly seen complications, as well as techniques, tips, and pitfalls boxes in every chapter. Features hundreds of high-quality x-ray images and full-color intraoperative photos throughout. Indicates corresponding surgical videos with clear and easy-to-spot call-outs within the text. Covers the most up-to-date techniques, new procedures, innovative approaches, and technological advances. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Rockwood and Matsen's the Shoulder, Sixth ed. by Frederick A. Matsen (Editor); Frank A. Cordasco (Editor); John W. Sperling (Editor); Steven B. Lippitt (Editor), 2022For 30 years, Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder has been the definitive leading reference for the evaluation and management of shoulder disorders. The 6th Edition continues the tradition of excellence with close oversight by world-renowned shoulder surgeon senior editor Frederick A. Matsen III along with co-editors Frank A. Cordasco, John W. Sperling and expert contributing authors from around the world. This comprehensive volume reflects current knowledge and pioneering techniques in its extensively revised and updated text, illustrations, and procedural videos, and features new Opinion Editorials and a new, easy-to-follow organization and layout. Shoulder surgeons of all levels, as well as residents, students, therapists, and basic scientists, will benefit from this must-have reference on all aspects of the shoulder. Provides how-to guidance on the full range of both tried-and-true and recent surgical techniques, including both current arthroscopic methods and the latest approaches in arthroplasty. Presents content in a new, easy-to-digest format with a restructured table of contents and an updated chapter layout for faster, more intuitive navigation. Features 17 new Opinion Editorial chapters authored by key international thought leaders in shoulder and upper limb orthopaedics who were given free rein to discuss a topic of great personal importance. Sample topics include Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty: Tips to Facilitate Component Removal and Reconstruction and Use and Abuse of the Latarjet Procedure. Contains new and updated content on instability repair, cuff repair, fracture management, and infection and outcome assessment, as well as greatly expanded coverage of arthroscopy. Includes more than 60 updated video clips that provide step-by-step guidance on key procedures, as well as 2,200 full-color illustrations, x-rays, scans, and intraoperative photographs. Offers scientifically based coverage of shoulder function and dysfunction to aid in the decision-making process. Extends viewpoints on different procedures with expert opinions from international authorities, including dissenting and alternative views. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in Athletes by Robert A. Arciero; Frank A. Cordasco; Matthew T. Provencher, 2018Thorough and concise, this practical reference provides a unique, on-field management approach to all athletic injuries to the shoulder and elbow, as well as nonoperative and operative treatment options, including arthroscopy and open surgery. Focusing on high-performance athletes, leading authorities in the field demonstrate how to provide pain relief, restore function, and return the athlete to sport and to prior level of performance in a safe and timely fashion. Showcases the knowledge and expertise of an international group of editors and authors who have served as president of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons and the Arthroscopy Association of North America, are physicians or consultants for professional and collegiate sports teams, have won awards for research in the field of shoulder surgery, are editors and reviewers for peer-reviewed journals, and much more. Features video clips that clearly depict how to complete an on-field physical exam and various surgical procedures, and contains rehabilitation guidelines and critical return-to-sport protocols - essential information for nonsurgical healthcare providers Contains a section in each chapter covering "On-the-Field Management and Early Post-Injury Assessment and Treatment" - a must-read for immediate care of the injured athlete and ensuring the safe return to play. Covers the most recent advances in the management of tendon tears in elite and overhead athletes, including prevention in youth sports, early sports specialization, and changing standards of care regarding shoulder and elbow instability. Provides a thorough review of current ulnar collateral ligament injury diagnosis, imaging, non-operative management, and surgery, as well as acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joint injuries, clavicle and olecranon fractures, and OCD of the capitellum. Focuses primarily on athletes under the age of 40, with some consideration of the older athlete (professional golf, for example). Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Shoulder and Elbow Surgery by Donald Lee; Robert J. Neviaser, 2019Part of the practical, highly illustrated Operative Techniques series, this fully revised title by Drs. Donald H. Lee and Robert J. Neviaser brings you up to speed with must-know surgical techniques in today's technically demanding shoulder and elbow surgery. Step-by-step, evidence-based guidance walks you through both common and unique cases you're likely to see in your practice, while tips, pearls, and pitfalls help you optimize outcomes. Features full-color intraoperative photos and detailed illustrations alongside expert technical guidance on instrumentation, placement, step-by-step instructions and more. A bulleted, highly templated format allows for quick understanding of surgical techniques. Retains the clear organization of the first edition with each chapter covering case history/indications, physical exam, imaging, surgical technique, tips, pearls and pitfalls, post-operative management and references for further reading. Includes new and comprehensive coverage of nerve transfers for shoulder and elbow restoration after upper trunk brachial plexus injuries, thoracic outlet syndrome, suprascapular nerve neuropathy, closed treatment of shoulder dislocations, and more. Provides access to nearly 70 videos online, including new videos on the surgical treatment of scapular fractures, arthroscopic distal clavicle resection, radiocapitellar replacement, endoscopic cubital tunnel release, and much more. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Skeletal Trauma by Bruce D. Browner; Jesse B. Jupiter; Christian Krettek; et al, 2020Offering expert, comprehensive guidance on the basic science, diagnosis, and treatment of acute musculoskeletal injuries and post-traumatic reconstructive problems, Skeletal Trauma, 6th Edition, brings you fully up to date with current approaches in this challenging specialty. This revised edition is designed to meet the needs of orthopaedic surgeons, residents, fellows, and traumatologists, as well as emergency physicians who treat patients with musculoskeletal trauma. International thought leaders incorporate the latest peer-reviewed literature, technological advances, and practical advice with the goal of optimizing patient outcomes for the full range of traumatic musculoskeletal injuries. Offers complete coverage of relevant anatomy and biomechanics, mechanisms of injury, diagnostic approaches, treatment options, and associated complications. Includes eight new chapters dedicated to advances in technology and addressing key problems and procedures, such as Initial Evaluation of the Spine in Trauma Patients, Management of Perioperative Pain Associated with Trauma and Surgery, Chronic Pain Management (fully addressing the opioid epidemic), Understanding and Treating Chronic Osteomyelitis, and more. Features a complimentary one-year subscription to OrthoEvidence, a global online platform that provides high-quality, peer-reviewed and timely orthopaedic evidence-based summaries of the latest and most relevant literature. Contains unique, critical information on mass casualty incidents and war injuries, with contributions from active duty military surgeons and physicians in collaboration with civilian authors to address injuries caused by road traffic, armed conflict, civil wars, and insurgencies throughout the world. Features important call out boxes summarizing key points, pearls and pitfalls, and outcomes. Provides access to nearly 130 instructional videos that demonstrate principles of care and outline detailed surgical procedures. Contains a wealth of high-quality illustrations, full-color photographs, and diagnostic images. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
The Transgender Athlete by Amy M. West (Editor), 2023The Transgender Athlete: A Guide for Sports Medicine Providers presents sports medicine practitioners insights into the unique issues and concerns of transgender athletes in order to help them understand rules regarding transgender athlete participation and learn how to better provide competent care to transgender athletes. There are over 1.4 million transgender adults in the United States. Transgender individuals undergo gender-affirming treatments including sex hormone therapy and gender-affirming surgery. An increasing number of transgender people are participating in sports and presenting to sports medicine clinics with injuries, yet there is little research about this athlete population. It is important that sports medicine providers understand the types of hormone treatments and surgeries and how these changes affect the musculoskeletal health of transgender people. Additionally, transgender people may require specific considerations when interacting with medical providers. Furthermore, sports medicine providers are often consulted to formulate transgender athlete inclusion policy. These policies are continuously changing, as new evidence becomes available, which may be difficult to understand without knowledge of the gender transition process.
Databases | Research Tools
ClinicalKeyThis link opens in a new windowIncludes clinical overviews, full-text books and journals, drug information, procedure videos, clinical calculators, patient education handouts, practice guidelines, clinical trials, and MEDLINE® citations and abstracts. Physicians can earn and claim CME.
Cochrane LibraryThis link opens in a new windowThe Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Library includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Cochrane Clinical Answers, and a federated search feature that incorporates results from external databases.
EMBASEThis link opens in a new windowResearch database especially useful for systematic reviews. Search in addition to PubMed or MEDLINE.
PubMed @ Cleveland Clinic (On & Off Campus)This link opens in a new windowCustomized link to give full text access to Cleveland Clinic employees. PubMed provides access to bibliographic information which includes MEDLINE as well as additional life science journals. Single Citation Matcher can locate specific articles quickly. The Journal Database can help with journal abbreviations.
ScopusThis link opens in a new windowScopus indexes 14,000 journal titles in the scientific, technical, medical and social science literature from the mid-1960's on. Includes selected web sources and 12.7 million patents.
SPORTDiscus with full-textThis link opens in a new windowA comprehensive database covering sport, physical fitness, exercise, sports medicine, sports science, kinesiology, disabled persons, health education, biomechanics, movement science, injury prevention rehabilitation, physical therapy, nutrition, exercise physiology, sport & exercise psychology, allied health, occupational health & therapy, public health and more.
UpToDateThis link opens in a new windowA current clinical reference providing answers on disease management and therapy. How to search UpToDate
Web of Science Core CollectionThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Subjects covered: basic, life, and social sciences and arts/humanities. Click EDITIONS ALL on the search screen to select specific indexes
Education | Procedures | Videos
Open-i (Open Access Biomedical Image Search Engine) Orthopedics | National Library of MedicineOpen-i service of the National Library of Medicine enables search and retrieval of abstracts and images (including charts, graphs, clinical images, etc.) from the open source literature, and biomedical image collections. Searching may be done using text queries as well as query images. Open-i provides access to over 3.7 million images from about 1.2 million PubMed Central® articles; 7,470 chest x-rays with 3,955 radiology reports; 67,517 images from NLM History of Medicine collection; and 2,064 orthopedic illustrations.
Orthopaedics | Procedures | ClinicalKeyEvery patient is different, but most patient education handouts are one size fits all. Choose any of ClinicalKey’s handouts, and you can automatically tailor it to your patient. Choose the patient’s preferred language and text size, add special instructions and include your institution’s branding. Then press print. It’s that easy.
Case Files: Orthopaedic Surgery by Eugene C. Toy; Andrew J. Rosenbaum; Joshua S. Dines; Timothy Roberts, 2013SHARPEN YOUR CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS AND PREPARE FOR REAL-WORLD PRACTICE WITH ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY CASES Experience with clinical cases is key to excelling in your rotations and post-graduate training. Case Files: Orthopaedic Surgery gives you 45 true-to-life cases that illustrate concepts critical to managing commonmusculoskeletal injuries and conditions. Each case includes a concise and accurate patient presentation, key exam findings, and clear radiologic images where applicable. Additionally, cases include in-depth discussions of the injury or condition represented, replete with evidence-based practice recommendations, basic procedural tips and techniques, and discussion ofpotential complications, pitfalls, and ultimate patient outcomes. Review questions and clinical pearls reinforce learning. Learn from 45 high-yield cases, each with review questions Master key concepts with clinical pearls Polish your approach to clinical problems and think like a surgeon Perfect for students, orthopaedic interns, and residents who encounter orthopaedic conditions in daily practice
Orthopedic Surgery Clerkship by Adam E. M. Eltorai (Editor); Craig P. Eberson (Editor); Alan H. Daniels (Editor), 2017This quick-reference guide is the first book written specifically for the many third- and fourth-year medical students rotating on an orthopedic surgery service. Organized anatomically, it focuses on the diagnosis and management of the most common pathologic entities. Each chapter covers history, physical examination, imaging, and common diagnoses. For each diagnosis, the book sets out the typical presentation, options for non-operative and operative management, and expected outcomes. Chapters include key illustrations, quick-reference charts, tables, diagrams, and bulleted lists. Each chapter is co-authored by a senior resident or fellow and an established academic physician and is concise enough to be read in two or three hours. Students can read the text from cover to cover to gain a general foundation of knowledge that can be built upon when they begin their rotation, then use specific chapters to review a sub-specialty before starting a new rotation or seeing a patient with a sub-specialty attending. Practical and user-friendly, Orthopedic Surgery Clerkship is the ideal, on-the-spot resource for medical students and practitioners seeking fast facts on diagnosis and management. Its bullet-pointed outline format makes it a perfect quick-reference, and its content breadth covers the most commonly encountered orthopedic problems in practice.
Orthopedic Surgery Rotation by Adam E. M. Eltorai (Editor); Craig P. Eberson (Editor); Alan H. Daniels (Editor), 2017The 4th year of medical school represents an important transition with new goals and expectations. Matching into orthopedic surgery residency is increasingly competitive. Performing well on orthopedic surgery rotations during the 4th year of medical school is critical for match success. The goal of this guide book is to help students ace their orthopedic rotations. Orthopedic Surgery Rotation focuses on practical tips for success from optimal study resources, key technical skills, and strategies for being a standout orthopedic team player. Each chapter is written by current orthopedic residents, who not only know from personal experience on how to excel but also are actively involved in evaluating the performance of 4th year medical students.
Created by Matt Weaver, Systems Librarian at the Cleveland Clinic Floyd D. Loop Alumni Library, to provide data-driven analysis of journals when seeking publication.