This includes information about impact factors (IF), journal rankings, h-index, and how to find who has cited an article. Use this guide to help you better illustrate the impact of your published research and to make more informed decisions on which journals to publish.
Please note: These tools primarily work only with journal articles. There are no established methods for measuring the impact of a book or book chapter.
Citation analysis is the study of the impact and assumed quality of an article, an author, or an institution based on the number of times other authors cite, or mention it in their work. Click on the citation analysis tab to learn more.
The journal impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. Click on the impact factor tab to learn more about it and normalized impact factors.
The h-index is an index to quantify an individual's scientific research output. It attempts to measure both the scientific productivity and apparent scientific impact of a researcher/author. Click the h-index tab to learn more about it and g-index.
Altmetrics is the quantitative measure of the quality and quantity of attention that a scholarly work is receiving in social media, citations, and article downloads. Click the altmetrics tab to learn more about it, and tools for obtaining altmetric data.
If you have more questions about metrics and assessment contact:
Charlotte Bhasin or Mario Scarcipino
If you have questions about databases or where to publish contact:
The Cleveland Clinic Library recommends publishing in journals with an impact factor or journals indexed in MEDLINE to ensure your article is published in a quality publication and has the best opportunity to make an impact in your discipline.