Anderson's Pediatric Cardiology, 4th ed. by Gil Wernovsky (Editor-In-Chief); Robert H. Anderson (Editor); Kumar Krishna (Editor); Andrew Redington (Editor); James S. Tweddell (Editor); Justin Tretter (Editor), 2020As a leading reference on pediatric cardiology and congenital heart disease, Anderson's Pediatric Cardiology provides exhaustive coverage of potential pediatric cardiovascular anomalies, potential sequelae related to these anomalies, comorbidities and neurodevelopmental problems, and current methods for management and treatment. The fully revised 4th Edition addresses significant and ongoing changes in practice, including recent developments in fetal, neonatal, and adult congenital heart conditions as well as expanded content on intensive care, nursing issues, and societal implications. The outstanding illustration program provides superb visual guidance, and is now supplemented with a remarkable collection of more than 200 professionally curated, author-narrated videos. Offers authoritative, long-term coverage of a broad spectrum of cardiology conditions, including congenital heart disease, adult congenital heart disease (ACHD), acquired heart disease, cardiomyopathies, and rhythm disturbances. Features exquisite specimen images by Dr. Robert Anderson and Diane Spicer dissected in easily recognizable analogous imaging planes. These are included in the over 850 anatomic, photographic, imaging, and algorithmic figures, and incorporate new images using virtual dissections of 3D datasets obtained in living patients. An extensive new section describing the non-cardiac consequences of congenital cardiac disease and other related issues Outside the Heart, including new chapters on quality improvement in congenital cardiac disease, models of care delivery, neurocognitive assessment and outcomes, psychosocial issues for patients and families, ethics, nursing implications, acute and chronic renal complications, and telemedicine. Three entirely new, expanded sections on the Functionally Univentricular Heart, Fetal Congenital Cardiac Disease, and Heart Failure and Transplantation. Provides a new focus on patient and family-centered care with expert advice on how to communicate difficult diagnoses to patients and families. Features new integration of nursing content into all disease-specific chapters, as well as updated content on genetics, congenital heart disease and follow-up, and new imaging modalities. Contains chapters on new and emerging topics such as MRI and Quantifying the Fetal Circulation in Congenital Cardiac Disease; Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary Arteries; and The Global Burden of Pediatric Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiac Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Shares the experience and knowledge of an international team of multidisciplinary experts in medicine and advanced practice nursing. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, tables and figures from the book on a variety of devices.
Cardiac Emergencies in Children by Ashok P. Sarnaik (Editor); Robert D. Ross (Editor); Steven E. Lipshultz (Editor); Henry L. Walters III (Editor). 2018This book is primarily for pediatric and adult emergency room physicians, primary care providers, hospitalists, and nurses. It will also be useful for critical care specialists, cardiologists and trainees at all levels. Cardiac Emergencies in Children describes the pathophysiology of a diverse group of congenital and acquired heart conditions and presents a therapeutic rationale for treating children presenting with these conditions under life-threatening conditions. The book discusses the effects of surgery on hemodynamics and how to manage these effects. Also described are the daily challenges faced by physicians, including identifying a child with heart disease, interpreting chest radiographs, ECGs, and laboratory findings, and beginning appropriate therapies.
Cardiac Pacing and Defibrillation in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease by Maully Shah (Editor); Larry Rhodes (Editor); Jonathan Kaltman (Editor), 2017With a growing population of young patients with congenital heart disease reaching adulthood, this unique new book offers an in-depth guide to managing the challenges and issues related to device therapy in this patient group. The only book resource dedicated to pacing, cardiac resynchronization therapy and ICD therapy for the pediatric and congenital heart disease patient� Contains practical advice for pacemaker and ICD implantation, programming, trouble-shooting, managing complications and follow up� Up-to-date with the latest in device technology Contains multiple graphics, device electrogram tracings, and radiographic images for clarity� Includes video clips and over 150 multiple choice questions with extended answers on companion website, ideal for self test An invaluable resource for both the specialist pediatric cardiologist and the general cardiologist responsible for children with heart disease and pacing devices
Critical Heart Disease in Infants and Children by Ross M. Ungerleider; Kristen Nelson; David S. Cooper; Jon Meliones; Jeffrey Jacobs, 2019Pediatric intensivists, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and anesthesiologists from the leading centers around the world present the collaborative perspectives, concepts, and state-of-the-art knowledge required to care for children with congenital and acquired heart disease in the ICU. Their multidisciplinary approach encompasses every aspect of the relevant basic scientific principles, medical and pharmacologic treatments, and surgical techniques and equipment. From the extracardiac Fontan procedure, and the Ross procedure through new pharmacologic agents and the treatment of pulmonary hypertension to mechanical assist devices, heart and lung transplantation, and interventional cardiac catheterization-all of the developments that are affecting this rapidly advancing field are covered in depth. Features comprehensive updates throughout the text, including indications, techniques, potential complications in perioperative management of patients, and surgical techniques for congenital heart disease. Covers recent advances in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension, developments in mechanical assist devices, heart and lung transplantation, and interventional cardiac catheterization. Features an all-new, full-color format that speeds navigation and helps clarify complex concepts. Contains 27 new chapters with an emphasis on the team approach to patient care in the ICU including creating multidisciplinary teams, quality and performance improvement, training , and challenges and solutions to developing a cohesive team environment. Includes a detailed chapter on bedside ultrasound, walking you through the techniques you're most likely to encounter in the ICU. Employs well-documented tables, text boxes, and algorithms to make clinical information easy to access, and more than two dozen video clips provide a more complete understanding of echocardiography, imaging modalities, pulmonary hypertension, and more. Describes the basic pharmacology and clinical applications of new pharmacologic agents. Examines issues affecting adults with congenital heart disease. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. Offers four completely new chapters: Cardiac Trauma, Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult, Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries, and Outcome Evaluation. Describes the basic pharmacology and clinical applications of all of the new pharmacologic agents. Details important refinements and developments in surgical techniques, including the Ross pulmonary autograft replacement of the aortic valve, video-assisted fluoroscopy, and the extracardiac Fontan connection, and discusses their indications and potential complications. Explores the latest advances in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension, new developments in mechanical assist devices, heart and lung transplantation, and interventional cardiac catheterization. Examines issues affecting adults with congenital heart disease.
Moller's Essentials of Pediatric Cardiology, Fourth ed. by Walter H. Johnson; Camden L. Hebson, 2023Highly useful guide for all members of a multidisciplinary team managing children suffering from heart disease Built on the success of previous editions and brought to you by a stellar author team, Moller's Essentials of Pediatric Cardiology, 4th Edition provides a unique, concise, and extremely practical overview of heart disease in children. From history-taking, physical examination, ECG, and chest X-ray--the basics that enable clinicians to uncover possible problems and eliminate areas of false concern--this work goes on to examine the range of more complex topics in the diagnosis and treatment/management of childhood cardiovascular disease. Every chapter is fully updated with the very latest clinical guidelines and management options from the AHA, ACC, and ESC. Recent updates also include an enhanced section on imaging, including recent advances in cardiac MRI and fetal echocardiography, new techniques in genetic testing for heart disease in special populations, and much more emphasis on the importance of echocardiography in understanding the pathophysiology of congenital cardiac malformations. This work also includes an expanded section on cardiac conditions in the neonate, specifically on prenatal diagnosis and management, and neonatal screening for congenital heart disease. Moller's Essentials of Pediatric Cardiology, 4th Edition also provides: Tools to diagnose cardiac conditions in children and environmental and genetic conditions associated with heart disease in children Anomalies with a left-to-right shunt in children, conditions obstructing blood flow in children, and congenital heart disease with a right-to-left shunt in children Unusual forms of congenital heart disease in children, unique cardiac conditions in newborn infants, and the cardiac conditions acquired during childhood Abnormalities of heart rate and conduction in children and congestive heart failure in infants and children Moller's Essentials of Pediatric Cardiology, 4th Edition is a succinct and accessible yet highly detailed and informative resource for treating children suffering from heart disease. It is an invaluable reference for anyone working on a multidisciplinary team treating patients with these attributes.
Moss and Adams' Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents: including the Fetus and Young Adult, 10th ed. by Robert E. Shaddy, et al (Eds.), 2022Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2021! Widely recognized as the definitive text in pediatric cardiology, Moss and Adams' Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents provides the authoritative, state-of-the-art information you need when caring for young patients with heart disease. The editorial team, led by Dr. Robert Shaddy, from Children's Hospital Los Angeles and the University of Southern California, ensures that you are kept fully up to date with recent advances in this complex and fast-changing field. This award-winning title, now in its Tenth Edition, continues to be the reference of choice for today's cardiology fellows, pediatric cardiologists, and cardiology practitioners worldwide. Offers updated and revised content from cover to cover, ensuring that this classic text remains the gold standard reference in the field.
Neonatal Cardiology, Third Edition by Mahony Artman; Lynn Mahony; David F. Teitel, 2017A full-color guide to understanding, evaluating, and treating heart disease in fetuses and newborns Neonatal Cardiologyis the trusted go-to guide for pediatricians and neonatologists needing concise, practical guidance on the evaluation and management of newborns with heart disease and other cardiac functional abnormalities. Focusing on physiology, mechanics, and presentation of congenital heart disease, this full-color resource provides a succinct, yet complete overview of neonatal cardiology. Neonatal Cardiologyopens with discussions of basic aspects of embryology of the heart and a review of normal and abnormal muscle function. From there, you are led through the clinical assessment of patients with an array of cardiac abnormalities. Management and treatment follow, beginning with a basic chapter on the principles of medical management, followed by drug therapy and post-operative care. The book concludes with a chapter on Epidemiology, Etiology, and Genetics of Congenital Heart Disease. · Full-color presentation with radiographic images and explanatory illustrations of normal and abnormal anatomy, blood flow patterns, and the effects of various treatment options · Suggested readings appear at the end of each chapter for more in-depth study · Includes coverage of: Excessive pulmonary blood flow, cyanosis, inadequate systemic perfusion, cardiomyopathies, and arrhythmias, Cardiovascular drug therapy, Neurology of congenital heart disease, and Perinatal Cardiovascular Physiology
Park's Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners, seventh ed. by Myung K. Park; Mehrdad Salamat, 2021Providing authoritative, everyday guidance in the diagnosis and management of children with congenital and acquired heart disease, Park's Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners is the go-to reference of choice for pediatricians, family practitioners, NPs, and PAs-as well as medical students, residents, and fellows. The 7th Edition of this core text comprehensively covers every aspect of pediatric cardiology in an easy-to-read, practical manner for the non-specialist, bringing you completely up to date with all that's new in this fast-changing field. Covers everything from history and physical examination through preventative treatment and the management of special problems. Incorporates all of the latest concepts and most recent developments in pediatric cardiology. Offers highly accessible content through the extensive use of numbered lists, easy-to-use tables, and explanatory graphs and diagrams. Features new chapter outlines, as well as a new larger size and two-color format for greater readability. Provides fresh perspectives and expertise from new author Dr. Mehrdad Salamat, who joins Dr. Park for this 7th Edition. Synthesizes the most important references for generalists in a Suggested Readings section, ideal for additional reading in greater depth. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Park's the Pediatric Cardiology Handbook, Sixth ed. by Myung K. Park; Mehrdad Salamat, 2021Through five successful editions, Park's The Pediatric Cardiology Handbook has been the go-to portable reference for fundamental and practical information on the diagnosis and management of children with congenital and acquired heart disease. In the fully updated 6th Edition, Dr. Myung K. Park is joined by new co-author Dr. Mehrdad Salamat in providing concise, authoritative guidance for pediatricians, cardiology fellows, family practitioners, medical students, and more. Designed as a companion to Dr. Park's larger text, Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners, this pocket-sized resource features useful diagrams, summary tables, helpful images, and clear descriptions of disorders-perfect for healthcare professionals in practice or in training. Provides extensive updates on congenital heart defects, infective endocarditis, cardiomyopathies, cardiac arrhythmias, long QT syndrome, blood pressure,systemic hypertension, dyslipidemia and Kawasaki disease Includes new recommendations on lipid screening for children, preventive cardiology including childhood obesity, sport participation using new 14-point evalaution as well as the normative blood pressure standards for auscillometric and oscillometric methods obtained in the San Antonio Children's Blood Pressure Study. Offers an expanded section on two-dimensional echocardiography, along with detailed normative values of echocardiography in the appendix. Covers the newest approaches in the area of cardiac surgery, such as hybrid procedures as well as non-surgical, percutaneous management of certain heart defects. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Care: Outcome Analysis by Paul R. Barach (Editor); Jeffery P. Jacobs (Editor); Steven E. Lipshultz (Editor); Peter C. Laussen (Editor), 2015There are growing questions regarding the safety, quality, risk management, and costs of PCC teams, their training and preparedness, and their implications on the welfare of patients and families. This innovative book, authored by an international authorship, will highlight the best practices in improving survival while paving a roadmap for the expected changes in the next 10 years as healthcare undergoes major transformation and reform. An invited group of experts in the field will participate in this project to provide the timeliest and informative approaches to how to deal with this global health challenge. The book will be indispensable to all who treat pediatric cardiac disease and will provide important information about managing the risk of patients with pediatric and congenital cardiac disease in the three domains of: the analysis of outcomes, the improvement of quality, and the safety of patients.
Pediatric and Congenital Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Care by Eduardo M. da Cruz (Editor); D. Dundar Ivy (Editor); Viktor Hraska (Editor); James Jaggers (Editor), 2013Pediatric and Congenital Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Carenbsp;provides a consistent and comprehensive approach to multiple congenital and acquired cardiac pathologies pre, peri and postoperatively,nbsp;withnbsp;the use of algorhythms,nbsp;guidelines andnbsp;currentnbsp;research issues. Included with the e-referencenbsp;arenbsp;interactive videos with the most common interventions, online access tonbsp;practical learning activities, and tonbsp;the comprehensive Aristotle score and database. This referencenbsp;work satisfies the need for a universal and practical review of management of critically ill children and adults with congenital heart disease, based upon taskforce decisions and the cumulative experience of the world leaders in the field.
Pediatric Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Care by Eduardo M. da Cruz (Editor); D. Dunbar Ivy (Editor); Viktor Hraska (Editor); James Jaggers (Editor), 2013An innovative book that covers the fields of pediatric cardiology, cardiac surgery and intensive care, also providing the availability of a specific website that will facilitate comprehensive data on surgical and medical management of congenital or acquired cardiac disease in pediatric patients and in adult patients with congenital heart disease. The aim of the textbook is to teach the bedside physicians, pediatricians, pediatric cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, anesthesiologists, intensivists, nurses and all other professionals involved with such patients, basic and advanced concepts of anatomy, pathophysiology, pre, peri and postoperative management of critically ill children and adults with congenital heart disease allowing these professionals to anticipate, prevent and efficiently treat such pathologies. The chapters in the book will include detailed description of the anatomy, pathophysiology, current preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative assessment and management of the most common cardiac anomalies; it will also provide guidelines for the management of medical and surgical complications. This includes not only cardiovascular issues but also guidelines for the integral management of cardiac patients, with extensive description of general principles of protection and treatment of complications affecting multiorganic performance, nutrition, skin protection to mention some. In addition, the book will have chapters dedicated to the management of cardiac patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, uni and biventricular assistance, continuous veno-venous and arterio-venous hemofiltration and plasma exchange. Practical guidelines for cardiovascular nursing, research and physiotherapy care will be also included in the book. It will include chapters focused on cardiac database & risk factor assessment, cardiac transport, cardiac transplantation, acute and chronic pulmonary hypertension, management of cardiac failure, hybrid approach to complex cardiac defects, discontinuation of life and management of cardiac anomalies in underdeveloped countries, to mention some. Last but not least, the project includes a specific website allowing caregivers to review medical and surgical procedures and to estimate their patients risk scores by the Aristotle score system. For this, a contract would have to be established with the Aristotle Society and we do not anticipate any inconvenient with this procedure, Dr Lacour-Gayet being one of the mentors of this score. "
Pediatric Cardiovascular Medicine by Julien I. E. Hoffman (Editor); James H. Moller, 2012The first edition of this text, edited by two of the world s most respected pediatric cardiologists, set the standard for a single-volume, clinically focused textbook on this subject. This new edition, revised and updated by contributors representing today s global thought leaders, offers increased coverage of the most important current topics, such as pediatric electrophysiology, congenital heart disease, cardiovascular genetics/genomics, and the identification and management of risk factors in children, while maintaining the clinical focus. Published with a companion website that features additional images for download, self-assessment questions designed to aid readers who are preparing for examinations, and other features, Pediatric Cardiovascular Medicine, Second Edition, is the perfect reference for residents, fellows, pediatricians, as well as specialists in pediatric cardiology.
Pediatric Heart Disease by Piers Daubeney; Steven Webber; Koichiro Niwa (Editor); Michael Gatzoulis (Editor); Michael Rigby (Editor), 2012A companion book to Adult Congenital Heart Disease that will concentrate on the practical management of children with heart conditions. This is aimed at general paediatricians and physicians who are responsible for ongoing management, rather than specialists concerned with acute or rare presentations. The book will be illustrated with relevant radiology scans, demonstrating which investigations are appropriate, and will provide the relevant information for the generalist on patient management for different lesions. A section on emergency management is also included. Authorship is international, with contributions from both sides of the Atlantic and from Japan.
Core E-Books Cardiology
Pediatric Practice Cardiology by Robert Shaddy; Robert E. Shaddy; Marie M. Gleason; Jack Rychik, 2012Hands-on guidance for managing pediatric patients with congenital and acquired heart disease FULL-COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS A Doody's Core Title for 2017! Part of the Pediatric Practice series, Pediatric Practice: Cardiology is filled with practical, clinically relevant guidance for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac conditions in children. The care of the patient forms the core of this text, which provides perspectives on epidemiology, pathophysiology, and diagnosis that every pediatrician, cardiologist, family physician, and pediatric nurse needs to know. Pediatric Practice: Cardiology includes concise yet detailed overviews of pediatric cardiac conditions, along with proven diagnostic and management strategies you can incorporate into your practice immediately. It familiarizes primary care providers with the tools used in the care of pediatric cardiology patients and explains the different types of congenital heart defects. Additional coverage includes the risk factors for acquired adult heart disease and the different forms of inflammatory heart disease. Features of the Pediatric Practice Series The Pediatric Practice series simplifies the care of pediatric patients by delivering: Tips that tell you what you must know--and what you must do--at every stage of care Diagnostic and treatment algorithms Signs/Symptoms and Differential Diagnosis boxes "When to Refer" boxes, which examine all the relevant clinical considerations Diagnostic Tests--with a realistic emphasis on the right tests to order Medical Treatment coverage that includes drugs, dosages, and administration in an easy-to-read tabular format Convenient icons and a consistent chapter design Numerous clinical color photos and didactic diagrams
Practical Pediatric Cardiology by Alan Magee (Editor); Jan Till (Editor); Anna Seale (Editor), 2016Heart disease in children has a number of diagnostic traps for the unwary, and all of us involved in the specialty have been caught at one time or another. For example, it is sometimes very difficult to differentiate between respiratory and cardiac disease in infants and between neurological and cardiac conditions in older children, and the consequences of taking the wrong path can be significant. This book is a collection of cases highlighting situations which can ensnare even the best cardiologist. Although they illustrate the importance of taking a good history and performing a thorough examination, the most important lesson is learning to keep an open mind and develop the ability to think laterally. As clinicians we need to have the confidence to make a decision for our patients but also the humility to be able to acknowledge that we don't always get it right first time, and it is imperative that we learn from the experience. We hope the reader will find these short chapters interesting and while they are not evidence-based medicine in the true sense, they do represent a wide range of clinical experience from which we can all learn. ​
Visual Guide to Neonatal Cardiology by Ernerio T. Alboliras (Editor); Donald J. Hagler (Editor); Ziyad M. Hijazi (Editor); Cecilio Lopez, 2018The Visual Guide to Neonatal Cardiology is a comprehensive, highly illustrated, reference covering the evaluation, diagnosis and management of cardiac disease in the newborn. Contains over X color illustrations, including patient photographs, chest roentgenograms, electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, angiocardiograms, 3D computed tomogramphy, magnetic resonance imaging, pathologic specimens, and other relevant visual aids Discusses the natural history of fetal heart disease and the rationale, indications, technique, and impact of fetal cardiac intervention Reviews the anatomy and physiology of the neonatal cardiovascular system, including differences within the fetal, transitional, neonatal, child and adult circulatory system Highlights key steps for taking a patient history, including detailed discussion of the cardiac examination (inspection, palpation and auscultation of heart sounds and murmurs) Presents over 35 morphologic conditions with sections covering introduction, epidemiology, etiology with accepted or postulated embryogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, physical examination findings, diagnostic evaluation, management, and prognosis Includes a neonatal formulary reviewing selected medications currently used for treatment of perioperative low cardiac output, congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, sedation, pain and anticoagulation in neonates
Core E-Books Cardiovascular Surgery
Atlas of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery by Constantine Mavroudis (Editor); Carl Backer (Editor); Rachid F. Idriss (Illustrator), 2015The raison d'etre for a new atlas of congenital heart surgery is based on the reality that the specialty has undergone numerous changes in the last few years resulting in improved techniques and new operations. The sheer number of new procedures and the required attendant technical skills to successfully complete an operation has become a challenge to master, especially for residents who are pursuing a career in congenital heart surgery. While the techniques that we are espousing are mostly our own, there is a great deal of similarity amongst international centers owing to the influence of video presentations, manuscript publications, and chapter reviews. We therefore believe that the techniques that are illustrated in this atlas are likely to be similar to the techniques that are taught worldwide to residents and fellows. The atlas is organized generally by diseases and procedures pertaining thereto. Two general sections involve cannulation techniques and palliative procedures, respectively. A special section depicts difficult problems in the form of clinical vignettes that may arise during cardiopulmonary bypass such as: decreased venous return, undiagnosed patent ductus arteriosus, and technical errors leading to hemodynamic complications. The reader is instructed to apply measures that will lead to resolution of these problems. We have chosen procedures, which cover the breadth of congenital heart surgery. While perhaps not totally inclusive, the reader will find the greater majority of congenital heart procedures illustrated and explained in this text.​
Cardiac Surgery : Operations on the Heart and Great Vessels in Adults and Children by Gerhard Ziemer (Editor); Axel Haverich (Editor), 2017This text describes and illustrates with some 700 detailed anatomic and surgical drawings the whole spectrum of surgical procedures employed to treat acquired and congenital diseases of the heart and great vessels in adults and children. A rather traditional chapter on history of cardiac surgery precedes chapters dedicated to quality improvement, followed by ICU management in adult and pediatric cardiac surgery, and techniques of extracorporeal circulation in both age groups. Further special topics are cardiovascular tissue engineering, minimally invasive cardiac surgery, endovascular treatment of aortic diseases, and cardiac assist devices, including total artificial heart. Written by 71 internationally recognized experts from 40 cardiac units in Central Europe and North America, this book will be invaluable not only for both novice and experienced surgeons, but also for all physicians, nurses, and technicians caring for patients with heart disease of any type, at any age.
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery by Carl L. Backer (Editor); Constantine Mavroudis (Editor), 2023PEDIATRIC CARDIAC SURGERY Explore the leading textbook of pediatric cardiac surgery in this easy-to-read and beautifully illustrated volume The field of pediatric cardiovascular surgery includes not only heart surgery for infants and children, but also adult heart surgery to correct congenital heart defects which have been present since birth. As infant mortality from heart defects declines and patients with congenital heart defects live increasingly long and healthy lives, new challenges emerge and as such, the need for introductions to this life-saving field has never been greater. For more than thirty years, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery has met this need with an accessible, comprehensive textbook used by professionals at every level of the field. Featuring full color illustrations, this book offers an introduction to the science of cardiovascular development before moving to detailed analysis of defects in different areas of the heart and their corrective procedures. This updated fifth edition incorporates the latest science to remain the indispensable work on this subject. In Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, 5th edition readers will also find: Contributions from over 75 national and international experts in the field Stunning anatomical illustrations by Rachid Idriss New chapters reflecting cutting-edge research, as well as new material throughout pertaining to cardiac imaging and medical education Pediatric Cardiac Surgery is essential for pediatric and adult cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, and all medical professionals working with pediatric or adult cardiovascular patients.
Pediatric Thoracic Surgery by Mario Lima (Editor), 2013The recent widespread application of minimally invasive techniques has had a profound impact on the diagnosis and therapy of thoracic disorders, including in the pediatric age group. This book is intended as a practical guide to the current approaches in pediatric thoracic surgery. Up-to-date information is provided on the surgical techniques employed for diagnosis and therapy in a wide range of congenital and acquired thoracic pathologies from the prenatal age to adolescence. Among the disorders considered in detail are cystic malformations of the lung, chest wall deformities, diaphragmatic hernias, esophageal anomalies, mediastinal tumors, laryngeal anomalies, and thoracic infections. The authors are distinguished experts in the field from across the world. Pediatric Thoracic Surgery will be of value not only for pediatric thoracic surgeons but also for adult thoracic surgeons, pediatric anesthetists, and pediatric respiratory physicians.
Education | Procedures | Videos
Pediatric Cardiology and Pulmonology" a Practically Painless Review by Christine M. Houser, 2014Often, information in review books can raise as many questions as it answers. This interferes with the study process, because the learner must either look up additional information or skip ahead without truly comprehending what he or she has read. As an alternative, Pediatric Cardiology and Pulmonology: A Practically Painless Review presents bite-size chunks of information that can be read and processed rapidly, helping learners to stay active while studying and to pick up new information the first time they read it. This book's question and answer format allows for self-testing or study with a partner or a group. The format also facilitates dipping into the book during a few minutes of downtime at the hospital or office. Pediatric Cardiology and Pulmonology: A Practically Painless Review is a quick and easy way to master these tricky topics and is suitable for those studying for the pediatric board exam, practicing physicians brushing up their skills, and any busy clinician who wants to learn more about these topics while on the go.
Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation, eighth ed. by American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); American Heart Association; Gary M. Weiner (Editor); Jeanette Zaichkin (Associate Editor), 2021New 8th Edition! Innovative resource for interactive, simulation-based teaching and learning The Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) is an educational program jointly sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Heart Association (AHA). The course is designed to teach an evidence-based approach to resuscitation of the newborn to health care professionals who care for newborns at the time of delivery. NRP Essentials and NRP Advanced The NRP, 8th edition, introduces a new educational methodology to better meet the needs of health care professionals who manage the newly born baby. New in the 8th edition Key Points at the beginning of each lesson. Quick Response (QR) codes that enable the reader to view short videos about the topics on their mobile device. Lesson Review Questions grouped together at the end of each lesson. Quality Improvement Opportunities and Frequently Asked Questions in each lesson. New sections in Lesson 10 (Special Considerations) about resuscitation of the newborn with a myelomeningocele or an abdominal wall defect. Three Supplemental Lessons (Improving Resuscitation Team Performance, Resuscitation Outside the Delivery Room, and Bringing Quality Improvement to Your Resuscitation Team) that allow NRP users to enhance their resuscitation knowledge and performance.