Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology by Howard M. Fillit; Kenneth Rockwood; John B. Young, 2016The leading reference in the field of geriatric care, Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 8th Edition, by Drs. Howard M. Fillit, Kenneth Rockwood, and John B. Young, provides a contemporary, global perspective on topics of importance to today's gerontologists, internal medicine physicians, and family doctors. An increased focus on frailty, along with coverage of key issues in gerontology, disease-specific geriatrics, and complex syndromes specific to the elderly, makes this 8th Edition the reference you'll turn to in order to meet the unique challenges posed by this growing patient population. Consistent discussions of clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and more make reference quick and easy. More than 250 figures, including algorithms, photographs, and tables, complement the text and help you find what you need on a given condition. Clinical relevance of the latest scientific findings helps you easily apply the material to everyday practice. A new chapter on frailty, plus an emphasis on frailty throughout the book, addresses the complex medical and social issues that affect care, and the specific knowledge and skills essential for meeting your patients' complex needs. New content brings you up to date with information on gerontechnology, emergency and pre-hospital care, HIV and aging, intensive treatment of older adults, telemedicine, the built environment, and transcultural geriatrics. New editor Professor John Young brings a fresh perspective and unique expertise to this edition.
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment by Alberto Pilotto (Editor); Finbarr C. Martin (Editor), 2018This book offers an up-to-date review on the principles and practice of multidimensional assessment and management of the older individual, which represents the cornerstone of modern clinical practice in the elderly. The early chapters cover the main elements and scope of the comprehensive geriatric approach and explain the pathways of care from screening and case finding through to in-depth assessment and treatment planning. Subsequent chapters review the evidence of how best to apply the multidimensional assessment and management approach in defined healthcare settings and within specific clinical areas, such as cancer and surgery. Finally, the education and training challenges are reviewed and the prospects for future clinical service and research in this important field are examined. The book is very timely given the recent advances in application of this approach, which reflect the growing international realization that older people are "core business" in many clinical areas where the role of specialist geriatric medicine has hitherto been limited. Accordingly, the book will be relevant to a wide range of clinicians. The authorship comprises many of the best known and widely published experts in their respective fields.
Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Geriatrics, 3/e by Louise Walter; Anna Chang, 2020Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The definitive guide to safe, effective care of older adults--updated with important new content and streamlined for quick access Covers the complete range of topics in geriatric care, including theory and fundamentals, assessment, conditions, diseases, symptoms, policies, and societal issues that affect older patients Provides a framework for using the functional and cognitive status, prognosis, and social context of patients to guide diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions Delivers essential information on important topics such as delirium, cognitive impairment, dementia, falls and mobility disorders, Parkinson disease and other movement disorders, sleep disorders, and arthritis Includes guidance on care in all settings - clinic, home, hospital, and long-term care, as well as pre- and post-operative settings New content on technology to enhance geriatric care, caregiving support, the unique needs of older immigrants, Medicare and Medicaid, legal issues and conservatorship, aid in dying, assisted living care, short-stay rehabilitation, prostate cancer, marijuana use, syncope, and driving safety
Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics, Eighth Edition by Robert L. Kane; Joseph G. Ouslander; Barbara Resnick; Michael L. Malone, 2017Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The leading introductory textbook on geriatrics - completely updated and revised A Doody's Core Title for 2019! Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics is an engagingly written, up-to-date introductory guide to the core topics in geriatric medicine. Since 1984, its goal has remained unchanged: to help clinicians do a better job of caring for their older patients. You will find thorough and authoritative coverage of all the important issues in geriatrics, along with concise, practical guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases and disorders most commonly encountered in an elderly patient. Presented in full-color, this classic features a strong focus on the field's must-know concepts, from the nature of clinical aging to differential diagnosis of important geriatric syndromes to drug therapy and health services. The Eighth Edition has been completely revised to provide the most current updates on the assessment and management of geriatric care. FEATURES: * Numerous tables and figures that summarize conditions, values, mechanisms, therapeutics, and more * Thorough coverage of preventive services and disease screening * Eight chapters devoted to general management strategies * Important chapters on ethical issues and palliative care * Appendix of Internet resources on geriatrics Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics, Eighth Edition is the best resource available to help healthcare professionals provide the innovative, cost-effective, and person-centered care that older people and their caregivers deserve.
Evidence-Based Geriatric Medicine by Jayna Holroyd-Leduc (Editor); Madhuri Reddy (Editor), 2012The latest addition to the Evidence-Based Book series, Evidence-Based Geriatric Medicine provides non-geriatrician clinicians an overview of key topics central to the care of the older patient. This guide focuses on the management of common problems in the elderly taking into account their life situations as well as treatment of specific conditions. Leading geriatricians with expertise in evidence-based medicine utilize the best available evidence and present this information in a concise, easy-to-use, question-based format. Evidence-Based Geriatric Medicine is a unique guide to the optimum management of older patients.
Ham's Primary Care Geriatrics by Gregg A. Warshaw (Editor); Jane F. Potter (Editor); Ellen Flaherty (Editor); Matthew K. McNabney (Editor); Mitchell T. Heflin (Editor); Richard J. Ham (Editor), 2021Written with first-line primary care providers in mind, Ham's Primary Care Geriatrics: A Case-Based Approach, 7th Edition, is a comprehensive, easy-to-read source of practical clinical guidance for this rapidly growing population. Using a unique, case-based approach, it covers the patient presentations you're most likely to encounter, offering key clinical information, expert advice, and evidence-based medical guidelines throughout. This highly regarded text uses a consistent format and an enjoyable writing style to keep you informed, engaged, and up to date in this increasingly important field. Uses a case study format that is ideal for learning, retention, and rapid recall. All case studies are thoroughly up to date with current references. Features an interdisciplinary perspective to provide team-oriented knowledge on the best diagnosis, treatment, and management strategies available to address the complex needs of older adults. Contains a new chapter on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Medicine in Older Adults, as well as completely revised or rewritten chapters on rehabilitation, infectious disease, and urinary incontinence. Provides up-to-date information on key topics such as opioid management and polypharmacy, the "geriatric emergency room," cultural humility in the care of older adults, and the five signs of problematic substance abuse. Includes key learning objectives and USMLE-style questions in every chapter. Online extras include dizziness, gait, and balance video resources, a dermatology quiz, and a Cognitive Status Assessment with tests and patient teaching guides. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Eighth Edition by Jeffrey B. Halter; Joseph G. Ouslander; Stephanie Studenski; Kevin P. High; Sanjay Asthana; Mark A. Supiano; Christine S. Ritchie; Kenneth Schmader; 2022The undisputed leader on the subject of geriatrics--updated to reflect the most recent advances in the field The leading text on the subject of geriatrics, this comprehensive guide combines gerontology principles with clinical geriatrics, offering unmatched coverage of this area of medicine. Anchored in evidence-based medicine and patient-centered practice, Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology presents the most up-to-date, medical information available. This updated eighth edition reflects the continued growth and increasing sophistication of geriatrics as a defined medical discipline. The book focuses on the implementation of key concepts and covers the foundation for geriatrics, as well as frequently encountered syndromes found in older adults. In addition, it provides valuable insights into the simultaneous management of multiple conditions, including psychological and social issues and their interactions, an intrinsic aspect of geriatric patient care. Features: A greater emphasize on the growing knowledge base for key topics in the field, including gerontology, geriatrics, geriatric conditions, and palliative medicine NEW chapters on: Social Determinants of Health, Health Disparities and Health Equity Age Friendly Care Geriatrics Around the World The Patient Perspective Substance Use and Disorders Applied Clinical Geroscience Managing the Care of Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions UPDATED contributions from a respected and diverse team of geriatricians and subspecialists to reflect clinical breakthroughs and advances NEW: Extensive coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on vulnerable older adults Updated Learning Objectives and Key Clinical Points Hundreds of full-color images A Doody's Core Title for 2022!
Orthogeriatrics by Paolo Falaschi (Editor); David R. Marsh (Editor), 2020Open access publication has been possible through an unconditional educational grant from UCB. This new open access edition supported by the Fragility Fracture Network aims at giving the widest possible dissemination on fragility fracture (especially hip fracture) management and notably in countries where this expertise is sorely needed. It has been extensively revised and updated by the experts of this network to provide a unique and reliable content in one single volume. Throughout the book, attention is given to the difficult question of how to provide best practice in countries where the discipline of geriatric medicine is not well established and resources for secondary prevention are scarce. The revised and updated chapters on the epidemiology of hip fractures, osteoporosis, sarcopenia, surgery, anaesthesia, medical management of frailty, peri-operative complications, rehabilitation and nursing are supplemented by six new chapters. These include an overview of the multidisciplinary approach to fragility fractures and new contributions on pre-hospital care, treatment in the emergency room, falls prevention, nutrition and systems for audit. The reader will have an exhaustive overview and will gain essential, practical knowledge on how best to manage fractures in elderly patients and how to develop clinical systems that do so reliably.
Primary Care Geriatrics by Richard J. Ham; Philip D. Sloane; Gregg A. Warshaw (Editor); Jane F. Potter (Editor); Ellen Flaherty (Editor), 2014Employing a unique case-based approach, Ham's Primary Care Geriatrics continues to be your comprehensive source of clinical solutions for this challenging population. This gerontology medical reference book features an interdisciplinary perspective that empowers you with team-oriented knowledge on the best diagnosis, treatment, and management strategies available to address the complex needs of older adults. "Overall this is a useful, well written, practical elderly medicine book, ideal for use in primary care. It is reasonable priced and an excellent addition to the bookshelf, virtual or real". Reviewed by: Dr Harry Brown, July 2014 Effectively treat your geriatric patients, and provide helpful guidance to their families, through engaging geriatric case studies that illustrate the principles and key clinical information you need. Form a definitive diagnosis and create the best treatment plans possible using the evidence-based medicine guidelines throughout. Find the information you need quickly and efficiently with a 2-color layout and consistent format, and test your knowledge with USMLE-style questions in every chapter. Offer your geriatric patients the most up-to-date treatment options available with six new chapters addressing Principles of Primary Care of Older Adults, Interprofessional Team Care, Billing and Coding, Frailty, Pressure Ulcers, and Anemia. Access the complete geriatric text online anytime, anywhere at Expert Consult, along with an online Cognitive Status Assessment with four tests and patient teaching guides, a dermatology quiz, and informative videos on Gait and Balance and Dizziness.
Principles and Practice of Geriatric Surgery by Ronnie A. Rosenthal (Editor); Michael E. Zenilman (Editor); Mark R. Katlic (Editor), 2020This new edition builds upon the foundation of the first and second editions of the handbook, volumes separated by a decade of experience in the field, in a format that is both comprehensive and fluid. The combination of print and electronic versions will promote more rapid up-dating of chapters as new information appears. The Third Edition opens with general principles. The broad body of the volume encompasses diseases of the elderly and physiologic changes by system, as well as geriatric syndromes, perioperative management, and transitions of care into post-acute settings. The large concluding section is comprised of specialty-specific results of surgery in the elderly and suggested modifications recommended by experienced surgeons. Principles and Practice of Geriatric Surgery provides a comprehensive account that will allow all providers of healthcare to the elderly understand the issues involved in choosing surgery as a treatment option for their patients.
Principles of Geriatric Critical Care by Shamsuddin Akhtar (Editor); Stanley Rosenbaum (Editor), 2018The proportion of the population of octogenarians and elderly patients presenting for intensive care is rapidly increasing thus exacerbating the need to modify our critical care management to cater for this patient group. This book will provide practical guidance on all issues related to the critical care of elderly patients, incorporating physiological and epidemiological information, clinical guidance, ethical and end-of-life issues and advice about optimal use of drugs and new technologies. Complications of polypharmacy, high-risk surgery and increased recovery times are also discussed. Chapters are concise, each including a list of key points and summary of available data, making this a quick reference for experienced consultants, as well as a useful resource for trainees preparing for exams.
Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination by Jane W. Ball; Joyce E. Dains; John A. Flynn; Barry S. Solomon; Rosalyn W. Stewart, 2022Learn how to conduct a patient-centered health history and physical examination! Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination: An Interprofessional Approach, 10th Edition takes a uniquely interprofessional collaborative approach to health assessment, with a strong emphasis on lifespan considerations and differential diagnosis of unexpected findings. Each core chapter is organized into four sections - Anatomy and Physiology, Review of Related History, Examination and Findings, and Abnormalities - with lifespan content integrated into each area. Written by a team of nurse practitioners and physicians, this one-of-a-kind textbook uses evidence-based guidelines to help you master hands-on exam techniques as well as communication skills that build rapport and trust with the patient. UNIQUE! Interprofessional collaborative approach is written by two advanced practice nurses and three physicians, providing balanced expertise in both pediatric and adult-geriatric health. UNIQUE! Integrated lifespan content provides separate sections in each chapter for Infants and Children, Adolescents, Pregnant Patients, and Older Adults. UNIQUE! Compassionate, patient-centered approach emphasizes developing good communication skills, use of effective hands-on examination techniques, and reliance on clinical reasoning and clinical decision-making skills. UNIQUE! Strong emphasis on social inclusiveness and patient-centeredness incorporates LGBTQ+ patients and providers, with special emphasis on cultural competency, history taking, and special considerations for examination of the breasts, female and male genitalia, reproductive health, thyroid, and the anus/rectum/prostate. UNIQUE! Cross-references to Dains' Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care help you take the next step in clinical reasoning and also develop diagnostic reasoning skills. Differential Diagnosis tables are provided throughout the text. Clinical Pearls offer insights and practical, real-world expertise. Evolve website includes assessment video clips, animations, review questions, performance checklists, and more. NEW! 60 new illustrations and new videos include 30 drawings and 30 photos in the textbook, along with 15 new health assessment videos (including The Head-to-Toe Exam and Navigating the EMR) provided free on the Evolve website with every new copy of the textbook. NEW! Updated content includes human trafficking screening, genetics and genomics, Healthy People 2030 guidelines, and a new mnemonics quick reference inside the back cover. NEW! Thoroughly revised The Patient Record chapter is refocused to reflect the EMR's benefits (such as order entry, clinical decision support, and linkages to lab results) and how to overcome challenges (such as poor patient experience and the need to be careful about what is written in the record). NEW! Updated LGBTQ+ considerations (e.g., health screening considerations) and cultural content throughout reflect a current understanding of and greater sensitivity to these often underserved patient populations. NEW Think About. boxes direct you to next steps when you see particular clusters of findings. NEW Unexpected Findings icon helps beginning practitioners differentiate common normal variations from abnormalities that might warrant follow-up.
Databases| Research Tools
Access MedicineThis link opens in a new windowFull-text books, procedures, videos, and images in the basic sciences and medicine.
ClinicalKeyThis link opens in a new windowIncludes clinical overviews, full-text books and journals, drug information, procedure videos, clinical calculators, patient education handouts, practice guidelines, clinical trials, and MEDLINE® citations and abstracts. Physicians can earn and claim CME.
Cochrane LibraryThis link opens in a new windowThe Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Library includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Cochrane Clinical Answers, and a federated search feature that incorporates results from external databases.
EMBASEThis link opens in a new windowResearch database especially useful for systematic reviews. Search in addition to PubMed or MEDLINE.
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ScopusThis link opens in a new windowScopus indexes 14,000 journal titles in the scientific, technical, medical and social science literature from the mid-1960's on. Includes selected web sources and 12.7 million patents.
UpToDateThis link opens in a new windowA current clinical reference providing answers on disease management and therapy. How to search UpToDate
Web of Science Core CollectionThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Subjects covered: basic, life, and social sciences and arts/humanities. Click EDITIONS ALL on the search screen to select specific indexes
Education | Procedures | Videos
Case Files Geriatrics by Eugene C. Toy; Andrew Dentino; Monique Williams; Lowell Johnson, 2014Sharpen your critical thinking skills and IMPROVE PATIENT CARE A Doody's Core Title for 2017! Experience with clinical cases is key to mastering the art and science of medicine and ultimately to providing patients with competent clinical care. Case Files: Geriatrics provides 40 true-to-life cases that illustrate essential concepts in geriatric care. Each case includes an easy-tounderstand discussion correlated to key concepts, definitions of key terms, clinical pearls, and board-style review questions to reinforce your learning.With Case Files, you'll learn instead of memorize. Learn from 40 high-yield cases, each with board-style questions: Master key concepts with clinical pearls Polish your approach to clinical problem-solving and to patient care Perfect for residents, medical students, PAs, and NPs working with geriatric patients
Created by Matt Weaver, Systems Librarian at the Cleveland Clinic Floyd D. Loop Alumni Library, to provide data-driven analysis of journals when seeking publication.