4 free courses: Fluid resuscitation in the critically ill; Mechanical ventilation Part I the Basics; Mechanical ventilation Part II Beyond the Basics; Mechanical Ventilation Part III ARDS
Clinical Videos and Review Material
AccessMedicineMultimedia tab includes Harrison's Podclass, Lectures, Patient Safety Modules and Procedural Videos.
Cases tab connects you to Case Files, Resident Readiness: Internal Medicine, and Vanderbilt IM/Peds
Study Tools tab includes Review Questions and Flashcards.
Bates' Visual Guide to Physical ExaminationBates’ Visual Guide delivers head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques for the (Advanced) Assessment or Introduction to Clinical Medicine course. The site features more than 8 hours of video content.
Students and faculty in medical, nursing, and related programs will appreciate the careful attention to clinical accuracy, as well as the range of patient types profiled in the series. Institutions will benefit from the online delivery of content—available for the first time via IP-authenticated or referring URL access—allowing their users to view the videos from any web-based location or device.
Full-text books, procedures, videos, board review, differential diagnosis in surgery.
Thieme MedOne Neurosurgery CollectionNeurosurgery ebooks, including the newest edition of Greenberg's Handbook of Neurosurgery, case presentations, review question bank, and images.