Around the Globe for Women's Health by Taraneh Shirazian (Editor); Erin Gertz (Editor), 2013In the increasingly globalized twenty-first century, cross-cultural communication and knowledge of culturally informed health practices are critical skills for women's health providers. Around the Globe for Women's Health is a concise, culturally sensitive, and clinically relevant guide that aims to increase health equity through prevention and improved clinical care for women around the world. Case-based chapters highlight clinical issues (such as obstetric fistula, malaria, and postpartum hemorrhage) and barriers to care (the unmet need for family planning, or limited radiotherapy in low-resource countries, for example). Around the Globe for Women's Health is a must-have resource not just for physicians considering working in another country, but all providers seeking to provide better care for diverse populations of women within the United States.
Changing Landscape of Academic Women's Health Care in the United States by William F. Rayburn (Editor); Jay Schulkin (Editor), 2011Since 2005 a dozen states and more than 15 specialties have reported a physician shortage or anticipate one in the next few years. This anticipated shortage and a worsening of physician distribution are compounded by a projected increased demand for women's healthcare services. Women's healthcare is particularly vulnerable, because the obstetrician-gynecologist workforce is aging and is among the least satisfied medical specialists. Furthermore, fellowship training in women's healthcare in internal medicine and in maternal child health in family and community medicine involves only a small portion of general internists and family physicians. In response to this challenge, the Association of American Medical Colleges called for an expansion of medical schools and graduate medical education enrollments. As we cope with significant and rapid changes in organizations and reimbursement, academic departments of obstetrics and gynecology, family and community medicine, and internal medicine have opportunities to create a unified women's health curriculum for undergraduate students, share preventive health and well-woman expertise in training programs, provide improved continuity of care, instill concepts of lifelong learning to our graduates, and better develop our research programs. This volume's chapters focus on strategic planning on behalf of academic faculty who will train the anticipated additional load of students, residents, and fellows in women's healthcare. -changing demographics of faculty -expanding roles of clinician educators -physician investigators and their future -the hidden value of part-time faculty -faculty salaries -required skillsets of academic leaders -the meaning of tenure and faculty satisfaction and retention. Recommendations presented here from authors with distinguished leadership skills indicate a consensus, but not unanimity. In furthering these goals, we summarize in the final chapter our collective expertise and offer ways to implement recommendations to better prepare for tomorrow's needs in academic women's healthcare.
Color Atlas and Synopsis of Women's Cardiovascular Health by Martha Gulati, 2014A combination color atlas and synoptic text on the unique risk factors and cardiovascular issues specific to women Recent research has demonstrated important sex differences in the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of cardiovascular disease in women. There are important risk factors for cardiovascular disease in women that differ from men, and risk assessment tools that should be routinely incorporated into clinical practice by cardiologists treating women. Color Atlas and Synopsis of Women's Cardiovascular Health covers all of these topics and also provides concise, expert guidance on the diagnosis and management of the female cardiac patient. Enriched by more than 100 photographs (many in full color) and nearly 100 line drawings, Color Atlas and Synopsis of Women's Cardiovascular Health addressesmany important issues related to women's cardiovascular health. With contributions from more than a dozen expert authors, Color Atlas and Synopsis of Women's Cardiovascular Health is destined to become a landmark reference on the issues of cardiac disease in women. TOPICS INCLUDE: Defining patterns of ischemic heart disease Cardiac surgery Noninvasive imaging as a tool for accurate diagnosis of cardiovascular disease in women Sex-specific issues in cardiac surgery Unique cardiac issues related to women with pulmonary hypertension Cardiac issues that can arise during pregnancy
Epilepsy in Women by Torbjorn Tomson (Editor); Cynthia Harden; Sanjeev V. Thomas (Editor), 2013Epilepsy requires careful management and monitoring through a woman s life Epilepsy is a complex disease. The hormonal changes women experience, both day-to-day menstrual fluctuations and the longer waxes and wanings of a reproductive lifetime, make the management of epilepsy even more complicated. At some point, the well-being of a second person, a fetus, might also have to be taken into account. Epilepsy in Women provides a detailed guide to this challenge. The wide-ranging approach encompasses all aspects of a woman s life including: Social and psychological impacts The impact in reproductive life Contraception Pregnancy Fetal health and long term developmental outcomes Lactation Menopause Each practical chapter begins and ends with a case study that demonstrates the more general challenge. The authors develop themes to provide clinical guidance based on evidence and experience. Written and edited by an international cast of experts, Epilepsy in Women provides crucial tips and recommendations for neurologists and gynecologists who need to be aware of the subtle effects of epilepsy on woman s life.
The Female Athlete by Rachel M. Frank, 2022Of all the important factors that must be considered when assessing and treating an athlete, the impact of patient sex is perhaps the most critical, yet historically has often been neglected. The "same injury" in a male patient may present differently, sometimes in subtle ways, than in a female patient and may require a different treatment approach. The Female Athlete, edited by Dr. Rachel Frank, provides concise, expert coverage of the ways in which common sports medicine injuries present in female patients versus male patients, describing recent literature analyzing sex differences in injury patterns and available treatment options. Provides a comprehensive review of key areas of importance related to care for women in sports, including the differences in care and treatment for male and female patients. Covers many of the most common injuries female athletes face, including ACL injuries, shoulder instability, concussion, stress fractures, female overuse injuries, and more. Considers prevention strategies, nutritional recommendations, as well as exercise recommendations for women during pregnancy.
Integrative Biology of Women's Health by Espen Spangenburg (Editor), 2013Defining and understanding cellular and molecular mechanisms that are relevant to women's health has become a critical area of scientific pursuit. Until recently, very little effort has been place on defining or understanding critical differences between women and men that may be critical to the overall health of the woman. In 1990, the National Institutes of Health recognized this gap in knowledge resulting in the creation of the Office of Research on Women's Health. One of the purposes of this office was to advance the understanding of health issues from the women's perspective from both a basic and clinical scientific perspective. From a scientific evolution of understanding, the existence of this office is new and thus there has not been enough time for new information to integrate itself in our current scientific thought process. This book will seek to capture and disseminate our current understanding of scientific advancements relevant to women's health and provide the information to a broad audience. The purpose of this work is to discuss recent advancements in basic science across three areas of concern for women's health. In addition, the book will provide "translational" chapters that attempt to place the basic science work in context within our current understanding of the human. Although it is well acknowledge that gender differences exist across organ function which translates into differences in whole body function, until recently little effort has been made to define basic mechanisms within various tissues within the woman. This work will focus on recent scientific findings that are relevant to women's health and to provide novel and relevant information to interested scientists and clinicians.
Medical Management of Vulnerable and Underserved Patients by Talmadge E. King; Alicia Fernandez; Kevin Grumbach; et al , 2016The leading reference and text on caring for underserved patients and those with highly unique health requirements - updated and expanded in full color Medical Management of Vulnerable and Underserved Patients: Principles, Practice and Populations, Second Edition is designed to clarify current issues and instruct you in best practices and compliance with legislation, such as the Affordable Care Act, when caring for patients living with chronic diseases in poor and minority populations. How do these laws affect you, your practice, and patient care? Medical Management of Vulnerable and Underserved Patients is ideally suited for clinical and educational programs and policy-oriented institutions concerned with addressing health disparities and caring for the underserved and vulnerable patient. Comprehensive in scope and authored by many of the leading names in the field, the book takes complex concepts and issues and helps you understand them, resulting in a "roadmap" to guide real-world applications and compliance with the terms of the law. Each chapter integrates key concepts, core competencies, and common pitfalls and concludes with useful lists of web resources and stimulating discussion questions. Highlights of the Second Edition: Fully revised to reflect passage and impact of the Affordable Care Act on care of underserved patients Expanded with major new chapters, from Health Quality to Rural Healthcare, and additional content relevant to nursing Focused on evidence-based practice with a patient-centered approach Full color presentation Boxed main points and Practical Pearls, such as how to write a disability letter
Menopause by Antonio Cano (Editor), 2017This book provides an evidence-based approach to the universal experience of menopause. Its structured format clearly separates the biological basis from the clinical impact and quality of life, while also examining menopause within the context of healthy ageing in females. Accordingly, the book addresses factors including lifestyle, frailty, sarcopenia, and new ICT technologies. Written by respected experts in the field, the book offers a valuable guide for gynecologists and professionals devoted to women's healthcare and ageing quality of life, while also sharing revealing insights for non-professionals.
Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine by Marianne J. Legato, 2017The announcement that we had decoded the human genome in 2000 ushered in a new and unique era in biomedical research and clinical medicine. This Third Edition of Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine focuses, as in the past two editions, on the essentials of sexual dimorphism in human physiology and pathophysiology, but emphasizes the latest information about molecular biology and genomic science in a variety of disciplines. Thus, this edition is a departure from the previous two; the editor solicited individual manuscripts from innovative scientists in a variety of fields rather than the traditional arrangement of sections devoted to the various subspecialties of medicine edited by section chiefs. Wherever it was available, these authors incorporated the latest information about the impact of the genome and the elements that modify its expression on human physiology and illness. All chapters progress translationally from basic science to the clinical applications of gender-specific therapy and suggest the most important topics for future investigation. This book is essential reading for all biomedical investigators and medical educators involved in gender-specific medicine. It will also be useful for primary care practitioners who need information about the importance of sex and gender in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness. Outlines sex-specific differences in normal human function and explains the impact of age, hormones, and environment on the incidence and outcome of illness Reflects the latest information about the molecular basis of the sexual dimorphism in human physiology and the experience of disease Reviews the implications of our ever-improving ability to describe the genetic basis of vulnerability to disease and our capacity to alter the genome itself Illustrates the importance of new NIH guidelines that urge the inclusion of sex as a variable in research protocols
Studies on Women's Health by Ashok Agarwal (Editor); Nabil Aziz (Editor); Botros Rizk (Editor), 2013This volume covers data describing the role of free radicals and antioxidants that deal with clinical and pre-clinical trials, as well as basic research in the area of women's health. There is increasing evidence that oxidative stress is a causative, or at least a supporting factor in female pathology and infertility. During advancing gestational age, oxidative stress biomakers rise. Oxidative stress plays a regulatory role in transcription, signal transduction, gene expression and membrane trafficking. A search on Pub Med shows 449 papers have been published to date related to women's health disorders and use of antioxidants in a variety of disease that are prevalent in women, such as hypertension and cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, obesity and restless leg syndrome.
Textbook of Female Sexual Function and Dysfunction by Irwin Goldstein (Editor); Anita H. Clayton (Editor); Hollis Herman; et al,2018A comprehensive text on female sexual function and dysfunction that offers a multi-disciplinary, biopsychosocial approach to diagnosis and treatment Textbook of Female Sexual Function and Dysfunction offers a multi-disciplinary, biopsychosocial approach and provides guidance for the safe and effective diagnosis and treatment of various sexual health issues. With contributions from an international panel of experts, the text provides the scientific basis of the clinical recommendations for dealing with problems of sexual, desire, arousal, orgasm and pain. The text is clearly organised around the four major disease states in female sexual dysfunction (FSD) and is officially endorsed by the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH). The authors cover a wealth of topics such as hypoactive sexual desire disorder, psychological management of sexual disorders, anatomy and physiology of sexual dysfunction and pain and information on future developments and research. In addition, the text reviews all FDA approved medications for sexual dysfunction and contains consideration of off-label treatments for FSDs. This important text: * Offers the only textbook to highlight female sexual dysfunction in light of recently approved FDA medications * Contains a unique biopsychosocial approach from a collaborative team of physicians, psychologists, physical therapists as well as other sexual health professionals * Presents a comprehensive text led by one of the foremost global experts in Women's Sexual Health, Irwin Goldstein, founder of ISSWSH, with three other past presidents and one president-elect Written for any professional dealing with women's sexual health, Textbook of Female Sexual Function and Dysfunction offers an invaluable guide to the most safe and effective diagnosis and treatment.
Women's Health in Autoimmune Diseases by Shefali Khanna Sharma (Editor), 2020This book focuses on conveying autoimmune disease expertise to gynecologists and other clinicians, allowing them to approach the treatment of each disease in a pragmatic manner. Each chapter reviews the current literature on treatments for autoimmune diseases, especially under special circumstances like pregnancy; rating disease severity; and providing practical guidelines based on the current state of knowledge. How autoimmune diseases affect fertility, and how to best prepare patients with these diseases for pregnancy, is also addressed. Unfortunately the current literature does not provide effective guidelines. This book addresses that shortcoming, and will help clinicians to implement appropriate treatments, while also outlining possible alternatives in order to provide effective treatment for women living with autoimmune diseases. It also explores important issues concerning autoimmune diseases in women such as: lupus nephritis, vasculitis, Sjogren's syndrome, anti phospholipid syndrome and systemic sclerosis, and their potential effects on unborn children. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable reference guide for Practicing Clinicians, Rheumatologists and Gynecologists, among others.
Core E-Books
Woman's Embodied Self by Joan C. Chrisler; Ingrid Johnston-Robledo, 2018In this compelling book, Joan Chrisler and Ingrid Johnston-Robledo examine how women relate to their bodies and how attitudes toward the body affect women's sense of self. In particular, they document the disturbing, never-ending barrage of standards used to judge women's bodies. For example, women are taught that their bodies should be beautiful (but not as a result of too much effort), sexy (but not slutty), pure (but not prudish), slender (but curvy in the right places), youthful (if they are adults), mature (if they are adolescents), feminine, healthy, and able-bodied. These impossible standards prompt women to pursue life-long body improvement projects - which leads to self-objectification or a negative embodied self. The authors review the research on these phenomena and analyze them through the lens of various psychological theories, including objectification theory, stigma theory, terror management theory, and stereotype embodiment theory. Importantly, they then suggest ways to help women and girls achieve a positive embodied self, which includes challenging and resisting pressures to alter and discipline their bodies in unhealthy ways.
Women's Imaging by Michele A. Brown (Editor); Haydee Ojeda-Fournier (Editor); Dragana Djilas (Editor); Mohamed El-Azzazi (Editor); Richard C. Semelka (Editor), , 2014The first complete reference dedicated to the full spectrum of women's imaging topics "Women's imaging" refers to the use of imaging modalities (X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, and MRI) available for aiding in the diagnosis and care of such female-centric diseases as cancer of the breast, uterus, and ovaries. Currently, there is no single reference source that provides adequate discussions of MRI and its important role in the diagnosis of patients with women's health issues. Thoroughly illustrated with the highest-quality radiographic images available, Women's Imaging: MRI with Multimodality Correlation provides a concise overview of the topic and emphasizes practical image interpretation. It makes clear use of tables and diagrams, and offers careful examination of differential diagnosis with special notes on key learning points. Placing great emphasis on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), while providing correlations to other important imaging modalities, the comprehensive book features the latest guidelines on imaging screening and includes in-depth chapter coverage of: Pelvis MRI: Introduction and Technique Imaging the Vagina and Urethra Pelvic Floor Imaging Imaging the Uterus Imaging the Adnexa Imaging Maternal Conditions in Pregnancy Fetal Imaging Breast MRI: Introduction and Technique ACR Breast MRI Lexicon and Interpretation Preoperative Breast Cancer Evaluation and Advanced Breast Cancer Imaging Postsurgical Breast and Implant Imaging MR-Guided Breast Interventions Providing up-to-date information on many of the health issues that affect women across the globe, Women's Imaging will appeal to all general radiologists - especially those specializing in body imaging, breast imaging, and women's imaging - as well as gynaecologists and obstetricians, breast surgeons, oncologists, radiation oncologists, and MRI technologists.
Women's Mental Health by Nazilla Khanlou (Editor); Beryl Pilkington (Editor), 2015​This book focuses on the social and societal context of women's mental health. Drawing from multidisciplinary perspectives and scholarship, it pays particular attention to how women's mental health is experienced at the personal level, yet it is influenced by their relationships and interacts with the larger societal context (such as prevailing gender equality policies, income distribution, role burden, peace and security). Specific attention is given to the positive aspects of women's mental health (such as agency, resilience) and how women's personal relations across diverse domains (such as family, work, neighbourhoods) are constructed and influenced by, and in turn influence, broader societal structures/ policies/ opportunities. A unique feature of this book is that, at the end of each chapter, there is a Response section written by a non-academic such as a community member, practitioner or policy maker in which the invited authors respond to the chapter texts in the form of narrative, poetry, and/or prose, according to their various backgrounds, interests, and experiences.​
For more Women's Health resources, search BOTH links below:
ClinicalKeyThis link opens in a new windowIncludes clinical overviews, full-text books and journals, drug information, procedure videos, clinical calculators, patient education handouts, practice guidelines, clinical trials, and MEDLINE® citations and abstracts. Physicians can earn and claim CME.
Cochrane LibraryThis link opens in a new windowThe Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Library includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Cochrane Clinical Answers, and a federated search feature that incorporates results from external databases.
EMBASEThis link opens in a new windowResearch database especially useful for systematic reviews. Search in addition to PubMed or MEDLINE.
PubMed @ Cleveland Clinic (On & Off Campus)This link opens in a new windowCustomized link to give full text access to Cleveland Clinic employees. PubMed provides access to bibliographic information which includes MEDLINE as well as additional life science journals. Single Citation Matcher can locate specific articles quickly. The Journal Database can help with journal abbreviations.
ScopusThis link opens in a new windowScopus indexes 14,000 journal titles in the scientific, technical, medical and social science literature from the mid-1960's on. Includes selected web sources and 12.7 million patents.
UpToDateThis link opens in a new windowA current clinical reference providing answers on disease management and therapy. How to search UpToDate
Web of Science Core CollectionThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Subjects covered: basic, life, and social sciences and arts/humanities. Click EDITIONS ALL on the search screen to select specific indexes
Created by Matt Weaver, Systems Librarian at the Cleveland Clinic Floyd D. Loop Alumni Library, to provide data-driven analysis of journals when seeking publication.
Women's Health Policy in the United States, 2018 | American College of PhysiciansIn this position paper, the American College of Physicians (ACP)
examines the challenges women face in the U.S. health care system
across their lifespans, including access to care; sex- and
gender-specific health issues; variation in health outcomes compared
with men; underrepresentation in research studies; and
public policies that affect women, their families, and society. ACP
puts forward several recommendations focused on policies that
will improve the health outcomes of women and ensure a health
care system that supports the needs of women and their families
over the course of their lifespans.