Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Gastroenterology by Miranda Lomer (Editor), 2014Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Gastroenterology provides informative and broad-ranging coverage of the relation between nutrition and diet and the gastrointestinal tract. It explores dietary factors involved in causation of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders, as well as the effects on diet and the treatments available. It also provides an overview of anatomy and physiology, measurement and assessment of function, and dietary components relevant to gastrointestinal health. ABOUT THE SERIES Dietary recommendations need to be based on solid evidence, but where can you find this information? The British Dietetic Association and the publishers of the Manual of Dietetic Practice present an essential and authoritative reference series on the evidence base relating to advanced aspects of nutrition and diet in selected clinical specialties. Each book provides a comprehensive and critical review of key literature in its subject. Each covers established areas of understanding, current controversies and areas of future development and investigation, and is oriented around six key themes: *Disease processes, including metabolism, physiology, and genetics *Disease consequences, including morbidity, mortality, nutritional epidemiology and patient perspectives *Nutritional consequences of diseases *Nutritional assessment, drawing on anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, dietary, economic and social approaches *Clinical investigation and management *Nutritional and dietary management *Trustworthy, international in scope, and accessible, Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics is a vital resource for a range of practitioners, researchers and educators in nutrition and dietetics, including dietitians, nutritionists, doctors and specialist nurses.
Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Nutrition Support by Mary Hickson; Sara E. Smith (Editor), 2018Written in conjunction with the British Dietetic Association, Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Nutrition Support provides a thorough and critical review of the fundamental literature in nutrition support. Extensively evidence-based and internationally relevant, it discusses undernutrition, nutritional screening, assessment and interventions, as well as key clinical conditions likely to require nutrition support, and the appropriate care of these. Clinically oriented and written specifically for nutritionists and dietitians, Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Nutrition Support is the ideal reference for all those managing malnutrition and undernutrition in patients.
Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Obesity by Catherine Hankey (Editor); Kevin Whelan (Contribution by), 2018This addition to the British Dietetic Association Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics book series is written for clinicians and researchers who work with any aspect of obesity and its comorbid conditions. Featuring contributions from leading researchers and practitioners from around the globe Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Obesity offers a uniquely international perspective on what has become a worldwide public health crisis. Chapters cover a full range of new ideas and research on the underlying drivers of obesity in populations including discussions on the genetic and clinical aspects of obesity, along with expert recommendations on how to effectively manage and prevent this chronic and persistent disease. Providing a comprehensive overview of the key literature in this field, Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Obesity is an invaluable resource for all those whose work should or does embrace any aspect of obesity.
Diet and Nutrition in Critical Care by Rajkumar Rajendram (Editor); Victor R. Preedy (Editor); Vinood B. Patel (Editor), 2015Finding all the information necessary to treat or meet the nutritional requirements of patients who are severely ill or establish new protocols has historically been problematic. This is addressed in Diet and Nutrition in Critical Care. This major reference work encapsulates the latest treatments and procedures to meet the dietary and nutritional needs of the critically ill. Where evidence is available this is presented. However, where evidence is absent, the authors highlight this and provide guidance based on their analysis of other available data and their clinical experience. Diet and Nutrition in Critical Care is a two volume set which addresses the needs of all those concerned with diet and nutrition in the critically ill and covers General Aspects, Enteral Aspects, and Parenteral Aspects. Each volume is stand alone and is further divided into separate sections. The Sections in the General Aspects are: General conditions in the severely ill General metabolic effects and treatments Assessment protocols General nutritional aspects Specific nutrients Adverse aspects The next two volumes Enteral Aspects and Parenteral Aspects contain the following sections: General aspects and methods Specific nutrients Specific conditions Adverse aspects and outcomes Comparisons or dual parenteral and enteral support or transitions Preclinical studies The authors recognise the limitations in simplistic divisions and there is always difficulty in categorising treatment regimens. For example, some regimens involve transitions from one feeding protocol to another or the development of co-morbid conditions and in some cases enteral support may be supplemented with parenteral support. This complexity however, is addressed by the excellent indexing system. Contributors are authors of international and national standing, leaders in the field and trendsetters. Emerging fields of science and important discoveries relating to artificial support will also be incorporated into Diet and Nutrition in Critical Care. This volume represents a one stop shop of material related to enteral and parenteral support and is essential reading for those specialising in intensive and critical care, dietitians, nutritionists, gastroenterologists, cardiologists, pharmacologists, health care professionals, research scientists, molecular or cellular biochemists, general practitioners as well as those interested in diet and nutrition in general.
Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy, second ed. by Carol J. Lammi-Keefe (Editor); Sarah C. Couch (Editor); John Kirwan (Editor), 2018​This easy to use text provides practitioners and researchers with a global view of current and emerging issues concerned with successful pregnancy outcomes and approaches that have been successful or show promise in ensuring a successful pregnancy. The fully updated and revised second edition expands its scope with topics not covered in the first edition including pregnancy and military service; sleep disorders during pregnancy; the gut microbiome during pregnancy and the newborn; requirement for vitamin D in pregnancy; the environment--contaminants and pregnancy; preeclampsia and new approaches to treatment; health disparities for whites, blacks, and teen pregnancies; depression in pregnancy--role of yoga; safe food handling for successful pregnancy outcome; relationship of epigenetics and diet in pregnancy; caffeine during pregnancy; polycystic ovary syndrome; US Hispanics and preterm births; celiac disease and pregnancy; cannabis use during pregnancy. The second edition of Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy will be a valuable resource for clinicians and other healthcare professionals who treat and counsel women of child-bearing age and pregnant women.
Nutritional Management of the Surgical Patient by Mary E. Phillips (Editor), 2023Nutritional Management of the Surgical Patient Manage patient diet and nutrition with this comprehensive guide Nutritional Management of the Surgical Patient provides the first comprehensive evidence-based overview of the nutritional and dietary therapies for surgical patients. It takes clinicians through every stage of surgery, from pre-operative and immediate post-operative care, through to long term recovery and survivorship. This book describes the impact of surgical procedures and their complications and the effect these have on nutritional status as well as the nutritional strategies utilised to manage patients in these settings. The result is a valuable survey of this essential aspect of surgery. Nutritional Management of the Surgical Patient features case studies which capture both typical patients and the more unusual cases to help clinicians understand the impact of nutrition in both circumstances. The textbook also details a range of surgical procedures to support underpinning knowledge of the mechanism behind nutritional intervention. Readers will also find: Consideration in each chapter of both short- and long-term nutritional management Discussion of potential long-term complications such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, bile acid diarrhoea, micronutrient deficiencies and osteoporosis Questions to support consolidation of knowledge and promote understanding in clinical context Nutritional Management of the Surgical Patient is a must-have for surgeons, surgical dietitians, trainees and all healthcare professionals involved in the care of surgical patients.
Nutrition and Health: Series by Various Authors, 1997-presentNutrition and Health is a major resource of relevant, clinically based nutrition volumes for the professional that serve as a reliable source of data-driven reviews and practice guidelines. This series contains over 50 volumes.
Nutrition in Clinical Practice, Fourth ed. by David Katz; Ming-Chin Yeh; Joshua Levitt; Kofi D. Essel; Shivam Joshi; Rachel Summer Clair Friedman, 2022Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022! Designed for busy clinicians struggling to fit the critical issue of nutrition into their routine patient encounters, Nutrition in Clinical Practice translates the robust evidence base underlying nutrition in health and disease into actionable, evidence-based clinical guidance on a comprehensive array of nutrition topics. Authoritative, thoroughly referenced, and fully updated, the revised 4th edition covers the full scope of nutrition applications in clinical practice, spanning health promotion, risk factor modification, prevention, chronic disease management, and weight control - with a special emphasis on providing concisely summarized action steps within the clinical workflow. Edited by Dr. David L. Katz (a world-renowned expert in nutrition, preventive medicine, and lifestyle medicine) along with Drs. Kofi D. Essel, Rachel S.C. Friedman, Shivam Joshi, Joshua Levitt, and Ming-Chin Yeh, Nutrition in Clinical Practice is a must-have resource for practicing clinicians who want to provide well-informed, compassionate, and effective nutritional counseling to patients. Features short, easily digestible chapters with updated references. Includes comprehensive updates throughout, as well as a newly expanded section on Contemporary Topics in Nutrition. Covers key topics such as the ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, ultraprocessed food, and strength of evidence assessment in nutrition. Provides data from recent nutritional studies, helpful nutrition data tables, clinically relevant formulas, and patient-specific meal planners. Addresses special topics such as pregnancy and lactation, pediatric nutrition, athletic performance and sports nutrition, health effects of specific foods, plant-based diets, and many more. Features expert contributions from authors with diverse expertise and practical experience in medical education, clinical practice, and preventive medicine. , Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. ,
Nutrition Support for the Critically Ill by David S. Seres (Editor); Charles W. Van Way (Editor), 2016​This text provides a review of the current knowledge in both the mechanics of nourishing the critically ill and the metabolic and immunological roles nutrients play. In-depth chapters discuss disease-related malnutrition as distinct from under-or-over nourishment and the impact of nourishment in either form of malnutrition. The appropriate timing and indications for nutrition support are provided as well as advanced techniques for improving practice. A broad range of issues related to interdisciplinary practice are addressed. Useful for a wide variety of practitioners, including ICU doctors, hospitalists, and nutrition support physicians, Nutrition Support of the Critically Ill provides practical bedside advice and simplified recommendations for practice.
Oncology Nutrition for Clinical Practice, Second ed. by Anne Coble Voss; Valaree Williams; Oncology Nutrition Dietetics Practice Group, 2021Written and reviewed by registered dietitian nutritionists practicing in oncology, this comprehensive resource from the Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group provides both evidence- and experienced-based information for application in clinical practice. This fully updated second edition addresses nutrition through the cancer continuum - from carcinogenesis and prevention to treatment, survivorship, and palliative care. All steps of the Nutrition Care Process are addressed. The second edition of Oncology Nutrition for Clinical Practice includes: Chapters covering nutrition screening, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of nutrition impact symptoms, and intervention and monitoring through medical nutrition therapy. Nutritional effects of cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiation therapy. Thirteen chapters that address medical nutrition therapy for specific cancer sites, including a new chapter covering hematologic malignancies. A new chapter covering medical cannabis for cancer symptom management. Appendixes that summarize evidence-based diets and alternative or unfounded diets for cancer prevention and treatment and select dietary supplements and functional foods.
The Picky Eater's Recovery Book by Jennifer J. Thomas; Kendra R. Becker; Kamryn T. Eddy, 2021Are you a picky eater? Do you worry that food will make you vomit or choke? Do you find eating to be a chore? If yes, this book is for you! Your struggles could be caused by Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID); a disorder characterized by eating a limited variety or volume of food. You may have been told that you eat like a child, but ARFID affects people right across the lifespan, and this book is the first specifically written to support adults. Join Drs. Jennifer Thomas, Kendra Becker, and Kamryn Eddy - three ARFID experts at Harvard Medical School - to learn how to beat your ARFID at home and unlock a healthier relationship with food. Real-life examples show that you are not alone, while practical tips, quizzes, worksheets, and structured activities, take you step-by-step through the latest evidence-based treatment techniques to support your recovery.
Textbook of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition by Stefano Guandalini (Editor); Anil Dhawan (Editor); David Branski (Editor), 2015This textbook provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview of the major issues specific to the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition. The first part of the book, Gastroenterology and Nutrition, presents in a systematic way the overall scope of issues encountered by children (newborn to teenagers) suffering from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and/or presenting nutritional issues. These chapters are structured in logical sections to facilitate consultation and include major topics ranging from congenital disorders to gastrointestinal problems of the newborn, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and approach to nutritional problems in the various pediatric ages. The second part of the book, Hepatology, is articulated in a series of chapters which present a comprehensive review of congenital and acquired disorders of the biliary tract and liver. This section also includes a critical analysis of available diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and future perspectives. Written by experts in the field, Textbook of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition: A Comprehensive Guide to Practice constitutes a much needed, innovative resource combining updated, reliable and comprehensive information with agile consultation for a streamlined approach to the care of children with such disorders.
Databases | Research Tools
AGRICOLA via EBSCOhostThis link opens in a new windowFind journal articles and more on agriculture, animal welfare, food and nutrition.
CINAHL Plus with Full TextThis link opens in a new windowResearch database of nursing and allied health literature. Includes full text.
ClinicalKeyThis link opens in a new windowIncludes clinical overviews, full-text books and journals, drug information, procedure videos, clinical calculators, patient education handouts, practice guidelines, clinical trials, and MEDLINE® citations and abstracts. Physicians can earn and claim CME.
Cochrane LibraryThis link opens in a new windowThe Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Library includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Cochrane Clinical Answers, and a federated search feature that incorporates results from external databases.
EMBASEThis link opens in a new windowResearch database especially useful for systematic reviews. Search in addition to PubMed or MEDLINE.
Lippincott AdvisorThis link opens in a new windowEvidence-based online references at the point of care. Browse by topic or category, scroll through alphabetical lists of documents, or perform a search to identify a particular document. Includes patient education handouts under Patient Teaching.
Natural MedicinesThis link opens in a new windowDatabase of evidence-based info on complementary and alternative therapies, especially drug interactions with foods, herbs, and supplements.
PubMed @ Cleveland Clinic (On & Off Campus)This link opens in a new windowCustomized link to give full text access to Cleveland Clinic employees. PubMed provides access to bibliographic information which includes MEDLINE as well as additional life science journals. Single Citation Matcher can locate specific articles quickly. The Journal Database can help with journal abbreviations.
ScopusThis link opens in a new windowScopus indexes 14,000 journal titles in the scientific, technical, medical and social science literature from the mid-1960's on. Includes selected web sources and 12.7 million patents.
UpToDateThis link opens in a new windowA current clinical reference providing answers on disease management and therapy. How to search UpToDate
USDA Food Data CentralThis link opens in a new windowOnline database providing information on nutrients in foods. Search by food type or by nutrient.
USDA National Agricultural LibraryThis link opens in a new windowProvides one-stop access to more than 8 million records covering all aspects of agriculture and related disciplines. Includes National Agricultural Library catalog, AGRICOLA, PubAg, and the NAL Digital Collections (NALDC).
Web of Science Core CollectionThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Subjects covered: basic, life, and social sciences and arts/humanities. Click EDITIONS ALL on the search screen to select specific indexes
Created by Matt Weaver, Systems Librarian at the Cleveland Clinic Floyd D. Loop Alumni Library, to provide data-driven analysis of journals when seeking publication.