Brook's Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology by Mehul Dattani; Charles G. D. Brook, 2019The seventh edition of Brook's Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology has been compiled by an experienced editorial team and internationally renowned contributors; it presents basic science and clinical management of endocrine disorders for all involved in the care of children and adolescents. It provides treatments for a variety of hormonal diseases, including diabetes and hypoglycaemia, growth problems, thyroid disease and disorders of puberty, sexual differentiation, calcium metabolism, steroid metabolism and hypopituitarism.
DeGroot's Endocrinology, 8th ed. by R. Paul Robertson (Editor), 2023Thoroughly updated to reflect today's recent advances in adult and pediatric endocrinology, DeGroot's Endocrinology, 8th Edition, remains the comprehensive, international reference of choice for today's endocrinologists and fellows. A full peer review of the previous edition, conducted by a largely new group of renowned editors, was used to update this trusted, two-volume resource. In-depth coverage of both basic and clinical aspects of endocrinology and up-to-date information on the treatment and management of endocrine disorders are provided by a diverse group of expert contributors from six continents. A full-color format and helpful algorithms summarize clinical decision-making and practical approaches to patient management. Organizes content by all the glands that regulate the endocrine system while integrating basic science and clinical presentations of disease. Includes new chapters: Anatomy and Physiology of the Hypothalmus and Pituitary, Differentiated Thyroid Cancer, Medullary Thyroid Cancer, Drugs that Affect Thyroid Function, Genetic Disorders of the Adrenal Cortex, Adrenal Pathology, Primary Aldosteronism, Transgender Healthcare, Erectile Dysfunction, Prevalence and Causes of Male Infertility, Sexual Dysfunction in the Female, Glucose Toxicity and Oxidative Stress. Emphasizes basic science and evidence-based practice throughout. Features extensive updates to content on thyroid and adrenal disfunction, endocrine-disrupting chemicals and human disease, clinical management of diabetes, and advances in genetics. Includes algorithms to outline effective treatment protocols. Contains new emphasis boxes that highlight key points in each chapter. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Pediatric Endocrinology: A Clinical Handbook by Dennis M. Styne, 2016This text provides a concise, straightforward and clearly written approach for the evaluation of common topics in pediatric endocrinology. Pediatricians, family physicians, residents, fellows and medical students will benefit from the discussion of endocrine physiology and its application to common clinical practice. The text presents the major signs and symptoms and the diagnosis and management of pediatric endocrine disorders. The information presented can prepare a provider for communication with parents of a child with an endocrine condition and may allow the practitioner to avoid an unnecessary consultation. The concepts covered in the text are designed to address the first 10 headings in the content outline of the Sub-board of Pediatric Endocrinology of The American Board of Pediatrics with varying degrees of specificity. The Suggested Reading sections at the conclusion of each chapter direct the reader to outstanding larger and more detailed texts, manuscripts and websites which offer increased detail.
Pediatric Endocrinology: A Practical Clinical Guide by Sally Radovick (Editor); Madhusmita Misra (Editor), 2018A state-of-the-art and concise resource presenting the clinical management of pediatric endocrine diseases and disorders, this third edition of the highly regarded textbook covers the most common and challenging conditions seen by practicing endocrinologists and primary care physicians, including growth, hypothalamic, pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, calcium and bone, and reproductive disorders, as well as metabolic syndromes. This expanded third edition includes new topics such as conditions of overgrowth, low bone density and its management, endocrine issues related to sexual identity, mineralocorticoid disorders and endocrine hypertension, and endocrine emergencies. Some existing chapters are expanded to take into account recent advances in the field. Each chapter contains key points, an introductory discussion of the problem, a review of the clinical features that characterize it, the criteria needed to establish a diagnosis, and a comprehensive therapy section delineating the risks and benefits of the best therapeutic options available. New to this edition are concluding sections in each chapter containing relevant case material and multiple choice review questions. Pediatric Endocrinology: A Practical Clinical Guide, Third Edition is a comprehensive resource for all clinicians concerned with the myriad endocrinologic disorders seen in children and adolescents.
Pediatric Endocrinology; Principles and Practice, 3rd. by David B. Allen, Kristen Nadeau, Michael S. Kappy, Mitchell E. Geffner, 2021The go-to guide for managing endocrine problems in children - completely updated for today's practice Part of the Pediatric Practice series, Pediatric Practice: Endocrinology is an outstanding clinical analysis and decision-making tool for those treating endocrine problems in children. Featuring an innovative problem-oriented approach, this well-illustrated, full-color guide skillfully integrates pathophysiology with clinical management. Numerous figures illustrate the principles of normal and abnormal physiology and treatment rationale and effects. Since an understanding of the clinical manifestations and treatments of endocrine disorders begins with knowledge of concepts of hormone action and principles of feedback control, the first chapter, "General Concepts and Physiology," links genetics, cell biology, and physiology with pathophysiology to provide a clear and approachable overview of endocrine systems. Subsequent chapters discuss disorders of growth, puberty, thyroid and adrenal glands, sex development, calcium and bone metabolism, water homeostasis, and carbohydrate metabolism and its comorbidities. In this second edition, contributing authors have updated all chapters. Important additions include sections on genetics for the endocrinologist in the general concepts chapter, an overview of the physiology and treatment of metabolic syndrome and dyslipidemia in the obesity chapter, and the addition of a new chapter on enteric hormones. Features of the Pediatric Practice Series The Pediatric Practice series simplifies the care of pediatric patients by delivering: Tips that tell you what you must know--and what you must do--at every stage of care Diagnostic and treatment algorithms Signs/Symptoms and Differential Diagnosis boxes When to Refer boxes, which examine all the relevant clinical considerations Diagnostic Tests--with a realistic emphasis on the right tests to order Medical Treatment coverage that includes drugs, dosages, and administration in an easy-to-read tabular format Convenient icons and a consistent chapter design Numerous clinical color photos and didactic diagrams
Pediatric Endocrinology and Inborn Errors of Metabolism, 2nd ed. by Kyriakie Sarafoglou; Georg F. Hoffmann; Karl S. Roth, 2017The acclaimed clinical guide to managing both pediatric endocrine disorders and inborn errors of metabolism No other text so skillfully blends the disciplines of endocrinology and inborn metabolic disorders into one clinically focused, highly visual resource as Pediatric Endocrinology and Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Second Edition. In this practical, user-friendly tutorial, a team of international contributors delivers the latest information and clinical insights clinicians need to confidently diagnose and manage pediatric patients. This full-color resource guides you through the etiology, pathophysiology, presenting signs and symptoms, diagnostic laboratory examinations, and treatments regimens of each disorder. Pediatric Endocrinology and Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Second Edition successfully balances authority and comprehensiveness with a strong clinical, practical approach that delivers an unmatched integrated discussion of the fields. Features: * Full-color presentation with numerous photos, illustrations, diagnostic algorithms, tables, and text boxes that summarize key concepts and assist in the decision-making process * At-a-Glance feature beginning each disease-based chapter summarizes all the clinical information you need to differentiate between disorder sub-types in one easy-to-find place * All-inclusive coverage encompasses the full spectrum of critical topics * Emergency assessment and treatment chapter gives you fast, clear guidance on acute presentations of endocrine and metabolic disorders * Chapter on newborn screening walks you through an abnormal screening result to follow-up diagnostic testing * Complete and detailed information on all laboratory and radiographic testing used to diagnose disorders in both disciplines If you're in need of a clinically focused learning tool that bridges the gap between endocrinology and inborn metabolic disorders, your search ends here.
Sperling Pediatric Endocrinology by Mark A. Sperling, 2020An ideal resource for both pediatricians and endocrinologists, Sperling's Pediatric Endocrinology, 5th Edition, brings you fully up to date with accelerating research; new discoveries in metabolic, biochemical and molecular mechanisms; and the resulting advances in today's clinical care. The editorial team of world-renowned pediatric endocrinologists led by Dr. Mark Sperling, as well as expert contributing authors, cover comprehensive and current aspects of both basic science and clinical practice. Whether you're preparing for certification or have extensive clinical experience, this detailed, authoritative reference helps you increase your knowledge and determine the best possible course for every patient. Delivers trusted guidance in every area of the field: including Endocrine Disorders of the Newborn, Endocrine Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence, and Laboratory Tests. Features new topics such as transgender issues in children and adolescents and endocrinology of pregnancy, the fetus and the placenta. Offers expert coverage of hot topics such as disorders of sexual development, molecular basis of endocrine disorders, hypoglycemia in newborns and infants; neonatal and other monogenic forms of diabetes; Type I and Type II diabetes and their treatment with new insulins together with the progress in an artificial pancreas and new medications for T2DM in adolescents; the obesity epidemic and role of bariatric surgery; and advances toward personalized medicine. Includes easy-to-follow algorithms and numerous quick-reference tables and boxes in every clinical chapter, plus interactive questions online for self-assessment. Offers state-of-the-art information and fresh perspectives from new and award-winning authors in such areas as disorders of growth, multiple endocrine tumors, and puberty and its disorders in girls and boys. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Thyroid Diseases in Childhood by Gianni Bona (Editor); Filippo De Luca (Editor); Alice Monzani (Editor), 2015This book covers the entire spectrum of thyroid diseases in childhood, focusing on the recent advances that have been achieved, from progress in basic science research through to novel or improved approaches to diagnosis and treatment. Introductory chapters discuss thyroid embryogenesis and the role of thyroid hormones in fetal development. The two contrasting forms of thyroid dysfunction, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, are then considered in depth, with particular attention to the molecular causes of congenital hypothyroidism. Among the other topics addressed are autoimmune thyroiditis, thyroid nodules, and pediatric neoplasms. The book concludes with an overview of promising therapeutic approaches, such as stem cell therapy. Each topic is treated by an eminent expert in the field, ensuring consistently high quality. Thyroid Diseases in Childhood will be an important source of information for endocrinologists, pediatricians, oncologists, and gynecologists, as well as other professionals interested in this topic.
The Cleveland Clinic Intensive Review of Pediatrics: Chapter 17 Thyroid Disease by Douglas G. Rogers, 2017Review for the pediatric boards with confidence! The Cleveland Clinic Intensive Review of Pediatrics, 5th Edition, provides the core pediatric material you need to know in a practical format ideal for board review and preparation. Up-to-date subspecialty chapters provide concise overviews with bulleted lists, tables, photographs, and radiographs, as well as new multiple-choice questions with detailed rationales. Board simulation chapters in every section and at the end of the book, along with three practice exams, build your test-taking skills. Key Features: -Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, review important concepts efficiently, and gain experience answering board-style questions. - An essential resource for physicians preparing for certification or recertification, and for primary care physicians seeking to update their knowledge of pediatrics. -Written primarily by distinguished faculty from Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: -The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time - providing a seamless reading experience online or offline -Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks -Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design -The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click