Breast, Endocrine and Surgical Oncology by Brendon J. Coventry (Editor), 2014Written by internationally acclaimed specialists, Breast, Endocrine and Surgical Oncology provides pertinent and concise procedure descriptions spanning benign and malignant problems and minimally invasive procedures. Complications are reviewed when appropriate for the organ system and problem, creating a book that is both comprehensive and accessible. Stages of operative approaches with relevant technical considerations are outlined in an easily understandable manner. The text is illustrated throughout by photographs that depict anatomic or technical principles. Forming part of the series, Surgery: Complications, Risks and Consequences, this volume Breast, Endocrine and Surgical Oncology provides a valuable resource for all general surgeons and residents in training. Other healthcare providers will also find this a useful resource.
Controversies in Thyroid Surgery by John B. Hanks (Editor); William B. Inabnet III (Editor), 2016This book encompasses many different diagnoses as well as several specialties of practicing surgeons in the United States. Over the last ten years many advances have been made in preoperative assessment including imaging and diagnostic techniques, operative approaches including "minimally invasive" and robotic surgery, and post operative care. Controversies in Thyroid Surgery explores some of the controversies that arise as the result of these new findings and applications. The book is divided into the two categories of benign diagnosis and cancer topics. Both of these areas lend themselves to separate analysis of specific problems in the areas mentioned above. The text reviews recent data about advances in diagnostic techniques as well as outcomes with specific regards to the newer operative techniques. The textbook will serve as a resource for medical and surgical colleagues involved in the treatment of a wide variety of thyroid diseases. Authors that are experts in their field and have published extensively provide balanced and non-biased views of topics that are admittedly controversial. Controversies in Thyroid Surgery will be of great value and utility to practicing endocrinologists, general surgeons and otolaryngologists.
Difficult Decisions in Endocrine Surgery by Peter Angelos (Editor); Raymon H. Grogan (Editor), 2018This book provides a comprehensive overview of difficult decisions encountered within endocrine surgery. Brief uniformly formatted chapters are devoted to answering specific questions relevant to a range of topics across endocrine surgery based upon detailed analysis of available evidence.Topics covered include clinical decision analysis, decision making from the surgeon's and patient's perspective, using surgery as opposed to observation for papillary thyroid microcarcinoma, and the use of parathyroid cryopreservation. Difficult Decisions in Endocrine Surgery: An Evidence-Based Approach features a wealth of information on ideal approaches for making clinical decisions in selected clinical situations. It is an important and timely resource for all endocrine surgical trainees, fellows, practitioners, educators, and healthcare providers involved in the management of these patients.
Endocrine Surgery: A Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice, Fifth ed. by Tom W. J. Lennard (Editor), 2014Endocrine Surgery meets the needs of surgeons in higher training and practising consultants for a contemporary and evidence-based account of this sub-specialty that is relevant to their general surgical practice. It is a practical reference source incorporating the most current information on recent developments, management issues and operative procedures. The text is thoroughly referenced and supported by evidence-based recommendations wherever possible, distinguishing between strong evidence to support a conclusion, and evidence suggesting that a recommendation can be reached on the balance of probabilities. This is a title in the Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice series whose eight volumes are an established and highly regarded source of information for the specialist general surgeon. "This book is an essential tool for any trainee with a special interest in endocrine surgery, and will also be of interest to experienced endocrine surgeons looking for a concise summary of recent research and current guidelines in this surgical specialty." Reviewed by: St Vincent's University Hospital, Nov 2014 The Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice series provides a current and concise summary of the key topics within each major surgical sub-specialty. Each volume highlights evidence-based practice both in the text and within the extensive list of references at the end of every chapter. Purchase of a print book also includes a downloadable version of the eBook. An expanded authorship team across the series includes additional European and World experts with an increased emphasis on global practice. The contents of the series have been extensively revised in line with recently published evidence. All the chapters reflect the multidisciplinary approach to the subject with up-to-date information on cytopathology, assays of hormones, localisation techniques, anaesthetic requirements, genetic implications and, of course, histopathology and adjuvant treatments. Minimally invasive approaches continue to be promoted and developed throughout the book. The text has a closer emphasis on practical and pragmatic approaches to clinical scenarios.
Head and Neck and Endocrine Surgery by Mahmoud Sakr (Editor), 2016This book addresses a wide range of topics relating to head and neck and endocrine surgery, including: maxillofacial injuries, surgery of the scalp, surgery of the salivary glands, jaw tumors, surgery of the oral cavity (lips, tongue, floor of the mouth, and palate), swellings and ulcers of the face, inflammation in the neck, cervical lymphadenopathy, midline and lateral neck swellings, tumors of the pharynx, and endocrine surgery (thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, suprarenal glands, and neuroendocrine tumors). The aim is to clearly describe and illustrate how to diagnose and treat diverse conditions in accordance with evidence-based practice. The coverage thus extends beyond surgical indications and procedures to encompass aspects such as anatomy, clinical presentation, and imaging diagnosis. The book has been structured in such a way as to facilitate quick reference. While it is primarily intended for practitioners, it will also be suitable for upper graduate students.
Management of Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Pancreas and Digestive Tract by Eric S. Raymond (Editor); Sandrine Faivre (Editor); Philippe Ruszniewski (Editor), 2014This book pursues a multidisciplinary approach, presenting chapters with updated information on various aspects of treatment for patients with neuroendocrine tumors. Authors have been selected from expert centers in Europe and the United States. The goal of this book is to comprehensively summarize recent data and provide inspiring ideas to optimize the care of patients with neuroendocrine tumors. Neuroendocrine tumors are fascinating multifaceted diseases that can primarily localize in many organs with various presentations. These tumors are rare but their increasing incidence renders likely that physicians caring for cancers may have either already faced or may be certainly exposed to diagnose and/or treat a patient with neuroendocrine tumors. Over the last years, novel therapeutic options have emerged for neuroendocrine tumors, profoundly challenging practices that had previously been the standards for decades. These include - but are not limited to - somatostatin analogues, targeted therapies such as tyrosine kinase and mTOR inhibitors, antiangiogenic compounds, but also peptide-receptor targeted therapy or radioembolization. This changing field has generated novel treatment algorithms to guide medical decisions. To better understand and handle the multidisciplinary approaches that are required for optimizing the care of neuroendocrine tumor patients, physicians are now looking for references from experts and comprehensive reviews summarizing current knowledge on treatments for patients with neuroendocrine tumors.
Minimally Invasive Therapies for Endocrine Neck Diseases by Celestino Pio Lombardi (Editor); Rocco Bellantone (Editor), 2016This handy book offers a complete overview of current minimally invasive techniques for the management of endocrine diseases of the neck, reflecting how, in the past few years, the development of various ultrasound-guided procedures and endoscopic/video-assisted surgical techniques has changed the approach to thyroid and parathyroid diseases. The book opens by describing the main diagnostic tools for thyroid, parathyroid and cervical lymph nodes, focusing especially on the new technologies for tissue characterization. The different minimally invasive treatment procedures involving either a percutaneous approach (ethanol injection, laser thermal ablation, radiofrequency thermal ablation, high-intensity focused ultrasound) or minimally invasive surgery are then described in detail. The volume is intended for all clinicians and surgeons with an interest in the field of endocrinology and neck surgery. It provides a synthetic but clear description of the various available techniques from a technical point of view and discusses the main issues concerning each of them, permitting comparative evaluation in order to identify the best option in a particular case. It also reports the evidence available in the current literature.
Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands, Third ed. by Gregory W. Randolph, 2021Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands empowers the reader to diagnose benign and malignant diseases effectively, implement the latest cutting-edge techniques, and achieve optimal patient outcomes. This surgical reference book encompasses the most up to date state of the art knowledge, presented by world-renown authors in thyroid and parathyroid surgery, in one concise yet comprehensive source, offering the detailed guidance you need to produce the best results.
Databases | Research Tools
Access SurgeryThis link opens in a new windowFull-text books, procedures, videos, board review, differential diagnosis in surgery.
ClinicalKeyThis link opens in a new windowIncludes clinical overviews, full-text books and journals, drug information, procedure videos, clinical calculators, patient education handouts, practice guidelines, clinical trials, and MEDLINE® citations and abstracts. Physicians can earn and claim CME.
Cochrane LibraryThis link opens in a new windowThe Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Library includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Cochrane Clinical Answers, and a federated search feature that incorporates results from external databases.
EMBASEThis link opens in a new windowResearch database especially useful for systematic reviews. Search in addition to PubMed or MEDLINE.
PubMed @ Cleveland Clinic (On & Off Campus)This link opens in a new windowCustomized link to give full text access to Cleveland Clinic employees. PubMed provides access to bibliographic information which includes MEDLINE as well as additional life science journals. Single Citation Matcher can locate specific articles quickly. The Journal Database can help with journal abbreviations.
ScopusThis link opens in a new windowScopus indexes 14,000 journal titles in the scientific, technical, medical and social science literature from the mid-1960's on. Includes selected web sources and 12.7 million patents.
UpToDateThis link opens in a new windowA current clinical reference providing answers on disease management and therapy. How to search UpToDate
Web of Science Core CollectionThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Subjects covered: basic, life, and social sciences and arts/humanities. Click EDITIONS ALL on the search screen to select specific indexes
Created by Matt Weaver, Systems Librarian at the Cleveland Clinic Floyd D. Loop Alumni Library, to provide data-driven analysis of journals when seeking publication.