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Core E-Books
Atlas of Clinical Neurology by Roger N. Rosenberg (Editor), 2019
Like its preceding editions, this atlas is an indispensable guide to the field of neurology, featuring the most clinically essential images and figures. Chapters offer insight and research written by deeply practiced, knowledgeable neurologists that is supplemented with detailed imagery, tables, algorithms, and delineative drawings. Topics covered include developmental and genetic diseases, neuroendocrine disorders, critical care neurology, cerebrovascular disease, dementias, behavioral neurology, neuro-oncology, movement disorders, epilepsy, neuromuscular diseases, infectious diseases, neuroimmunology, neurotoxic disorders, and headache. The authors also delve into specific issues currently prevalent in neuroscientific research, including Alzheimer's disease, dementia, Machado-Joseph disease, Huntington's disease, and brain scanning with PET and fMRI. The Atlas of Clinical Neurology, 4th Edition serves as a comprehensive and premier visual resource for neurologists.
Atlas of Clinical Neurology, Third ed. by G. David Perkin, 2011
Atlas of Clinical Neurology, by David Perkin, Douglas C. Miller, Russell Lane, Maneesh C. Patel, and Fred H. Hochberg, delivers the most powerful, clinically oriented image collection of any reference in your specialty - to help you accurately diagnose any condition you see in practice Approximately 2,000 large, high-quality images - 1,000 in full color - capture the characteristic physical examination and imaging findings of every type of neurological disorder. All of the diagnostic imaging studies have been updated to reflect the dramatic advances in neuroimaging. Updates throughout include a brand-new chapter on myopathies and myasthenia, expanded coverage of epilepsy, and an entire chapter devoted to extrapyramidal disorders. The result is the ultimate diagnostic resource in neurology Find a perfect match for your clinical findings with the aid of the most powerful, clinically oriented image collection found in any neurology atlas: 2,000 illustrations, 1,000 in full color Interpret the findings from the latest neuroimaging techniques with the aid of thoroughly updated images representing the most recent advances. Effectively overcome difficult diagnostic challenges with a brand-new chapter on myopathies and myasthenia, expanded coverage of epilepsy, and an entire chapter devoted to extrapyramidal disorders.
Clinical Neuroanatomy by Hans J. ten Donkelaar, 2020
Connections define the functions of neurons: information flows along connections, as well as growth factors and viruses, and even neuronal death can progress through connections. Accordingly, knowing how the various parts of the brain are interconnected to form functional systems is a prerequisite for properly understanding data from all fields in the neurosciences. Clinical Neuroanatomy: Brain Circuitry and Its Disorders bridges the gap between neuroanatomy and clinical neurology. It focuses on human and primate data in the context of brain circuitry disorders, which are so common in neurological practice. In addition, numerous clinical cases are presented to demonstrate how normal brain circuitry can be interrupted, and what the effects are. Following an introduction to the organization and vascularization of the human brain and the techniques used to study brain circuitry, the main neurofunctional systems are discussed, including the somatosensory, auditory, visual, motor, autonomic and limbic systems, the cerebral cortex and complex cerebral functions. In this 2nd edition, apart from a general updating, many new illustrations have been added and more emphasis is placed on modern techniques such as diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) and network analysis. Moreover, a developmental ontology based on the prosomeric model is applied, resulting in a more modern subdivision of the brain. The new edition of Clinical Neuroanatomy is primarily intended for neurologists, neuroradiologists and neuropathologists, as well as residents in these fields, but will also appeal to (neuro)anatomists and all those whose work involves human brain mapping.
Color Atlas of Neurology, Second ed. by Reinhard Rohkamm, 2014
The nervous system and musculature are affected in nearly all diseases, making accurate diagnosis of specific neurologic conditions especially challenging. Now in a long awaited second edition, this acclaimed Thieme Flexibook elucidates even the most difficult concepts through its clear, compact text and lavish illustrations. Logically organized, packed with essential information and marked by an unparalleled art program, Color Atlas of Neurology, Second Edition is indispensable in the classroom or clinic. Key features: Covers the entire scope of the field, from anatomy, physiology and structural basics to normal and abnormal nervous system function, neurologic syndromes (e.g., cerebral and spinal disorders, peripheral neuropathies, myopathies) and state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques Creates didactic, two-page teaching units by placing lucid text opposite exquisite, fully labeled illustrations - ideal for learning and retention Includes new sections on the limbic system, vasculature of the cerebellum, spinal fluid, neuroimmunology, neurodegeneration, neurotransmitters, botulismus and more Highlights all signs, symptoms, and neurologic disease patterns for quick recognition and identification of disorders Provides a comprehensive section of tables for easy access to the most important facts needed in the clinic Perfect as a current review, refresher or clinical reference, Color Atlas of Neurology, Second Edition makes a major contribution to the field. Medical students and residents will be pleased with its clear, instructive presentation of sophisticated topics, while neurologists, neurosurgeons, primary care physicians, nurses and other medical personnel will find this stunning visual guide essential in daily practice.
Core E-Books
Netter's Atlas of Neuroscience, Fourth ed. by David L. Felten; Michael K. O'Banion; Mary E. Maida, 2022
Ideal for any student of neuroanatomy, neuroscience, or neuroradiology, Netter's Atlas of Neuroscience, 4th Edition, is a highly visual, clinically oriented exploration of structure and function-from neurons and motor and sensory systems to global neural functions and disorders. This award-winning text approaches this complex topic from three perspectives: Integrated Neuroscience Overview, Regional Approach, and Systems Context. Illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD, and others working in his tradition are framed by concise, expert text and accompanied by neuroimaging and photomicrographs. Combines Netter and Netter-like illustrations, and beautiful molecular and cellular illustrations, with succinct text and clinical points, delivering the essential information students need for both basic science and clinical programs. Presents organizational and summarized neurosciences information, enabling students to review complex concepts, functions, and systems in several contexts. Provides an overview of the basic features of cellular and molecular neuroscience; peripheral nerves, spinal cord, brain stem and cerebellum, and the brain; reviews the neural vasculature, meninges and cerebrospinal fluid, and developmental neuroscience. Highlights cross-sectional spinal cord and brain stem anatomy and side-by-side comparisons of Netter illustrations and MRIs of axial and coronal brain sections, including extensive clinical correlations. Focuses on foundational concepts as well as clinically relevant discussions. Expands basic neural connectivity and functional roles of limbic structures and behavior. Reviews Global Neural Functions and Disorders in a brand new chapter with more than a dozen new art plates. Includes many new art plates covering current topics including neural foundations of addiction, dementias, several neuropsychiatric disorders, consciousness, coma and its assessment, sleep regulation, postnatal and adult neurogenesis, endogenous opioid systems, endogenous cannabinoid systems, and others. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Neuroanatomy : illustrated colour text by Allan R. Crossman, 2025
Now fully revised and updated, this leading ICT series volume offers a concise yet comprehensive account of the structure and function of the human nervous system. Trusted by generations of readers and now in its seventh edition, it remains internationally popular as the most succinct, clinically relevant and uniquely illustrated textbook available on the subject. Carefully targeted to bridge the gap between a brief overview on the one hand and an extensive text on the other, this book provides a clear account of neuroanatomical principles. It describes normal structure and function and clinically relevant dysfunction, all related to conditions which students will encounter in clinical practice. This book will make learning easy for medical students, junior doctors and specialist trainees needing a sound understanding of the basics of neuroanatomy which underpin the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. Straightforward and concise - makes notoriously difficult concepts easy to understand Some of the best published illustrations in the field - all updated and improved for clarity Perfect for those new to neuroanatomy - provides enough detail for students to proceed to clinical studies with confidence Clinical material and topic summaries fully updated and highlighted in summary boxes throughout the text Comes with the complete, enhanced eBook - including additional images and self-assessment material to aid revision and check understanding.
Neuroanatomy Text and Atlas, 5e by John H. Martin, 2021
A regional and functional approach to learning human neuroanatomy - enhanced by additional full-color illustrations and a new online learning center. Neuroanatomy :Text and Atlas covers neuroanatomy from both a functional and regional perspective to provide an understanding of how the components of the central nervous system work together to sense the world around us, regulate body systems, and produce behavior. This trusted text thoroughly covers the sensory, motor, and integrative skills of the brains and presents an overview of the function in relation to structure and the locations of the major pathways and neuronal integrative regions. Neuroanatomy:Text and Atlas also teaches readers how to interpret the new wealth of human brain images by developing an understanding of the anatomical localization of brain function. The authoritative core content of myelin-stained histological sections is enhanced by informative line illustrations, angiography, and brain views produced by MRI, and other imaging technologies. * Revised and updated to reflect advances in clinical neuroanatomy and neural science * Full-color illustrations enrich the text, including many new to this edition * Chapters begin with a clinical case to illustrate the connections and functions of the key material * Chapters end with a series of multiple-choice review questions * NEW Online learning center will display brain views produced by MRI and PET * Increases knowledge of the regional and functional organization of the spinal cord and brain, one system at a time * Provides thorough coverage of the sensory, motor, and integrative systems of the brain, together with cerebral vasculature * Promotes understanding of the complex details of neuroanatomy needed for accurate interpretation of radiological image * Comprehensive atlas provides key views of the surface anatomy of the central nervous systems and photographs of myelin-stained sections in three anatomical planes * Includes learning aids such as clinical topics, boxes, chapter summaries, and a Glossary of key terms and structures.
Nolte's the Human Brain in Photographs and Diagrams by Todd Vanderah, 2020
In the 5th Edition of this highly accessible atlas, Dr. Todd Vanderah continues the mission of his esteemed colleague, Dr. John "Jack" Nolte, to clearly depict and explain the challenging subject of neuroanatomy. Designed to promote a rapid understanding of complex concepts, Nolte's The Human Brain in Photographs and Diagrams combines easy-to-digest coverage of the brain, spinal cord, and brainstem with carefully selected visuals to cover all aspects of the information needed for success in coursework, on exams, and in clerkships and clinical practice. Features more than 600 high-quality figures including brain sections (transverse, coronal, axial, sagittal), 3-D reconstructions, MRIs and angiography, illustrated pathways that help you visualize anatomical structures and neuropathology. Presents a systemic series of unlabelled whole brain sections next to corresponding sections with important structures outlined and labelled. Includes a NEW chapter: An Introduction to Neuropathology, as well as NEW review questions online. Helps you understand the connections between functional systems with detailed diagrams that incorporate actual brain and spinal cord sections. Features clinical content throughout that shows how neuroanatomy applies to clinical practice. Discusses every labelled structure in the highly illustrated glossary at the end of the book. Shows major structures and major transitions in higher magnification for greater detail, and features bold index entries to indicate particularly clear illustrations of a given structure. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references - including 68 bonus dissection videos - from the book on a variety of devices.